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AusGAF 10 - Node Country for Old Men

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PS4 has now outsold the X1 in Australia. Still need to pre-order the damn thing while X1 has been on shelves since day one :/

TxK out now on Vita, $8.28
shame on Shaneus for not posting this last night!

Also Persona 3 FES is up on SEN for PS3 now! $14.45

I mean I'm not 100% sure of this but I'm pretty sure one of them already died (pre-mature birth) because of my mothers home-birth beliefs and lack of trust towards doctors *shrugs*
Don't ever ever ever

ever ever ever

ever ever ever say that to your mum though. Even if it's 100% correct don't say it dude.
That would be proper DEAD TO YOU material right there.

Also that sucks. Avoid your mum as much as possible, get in the ears of your siblings and feed them correct information and sources of information. Hopefully they will awaken to her craziness and stay safe.
How young is your youngest sibling?

Went to penny blue the other day. Pretty pretty good. The bartender is a cool young german dude who swears he has overheard customers talk about "Demon Souls". He hooked me up with free tequila shots. Somebody should have mentioned how hard that bar is to find , its in a tiny alley that is currently under construction.
Yeah I'm keen to head there one day, heard good things for ages now!


ever ever ever say that to your mum though. Even if it's 100% correct don't say it dude.
That would be proper DEAD TO YOU material right there.
Never said it to her and never will.. does suck that she says things to me relating to it that are just as bad though and completely unfounded. But I can deal with it #firstworldproblems
How young is your youngest sibling?
5.. honestly the thing that sucks about this, and the reason I've gotten into this shit to begin with is growing up is I've always respected my mum intellectually she's changed her views for the better over-time as I've being bought up - she used to be anti-gay marriage but now she's pro-gay marriage.. her religious beliefs and political beliefs (outside abortion) have always very liberal generally-speaking too, so that's part of the reason why I've always been upfront about my views because I've respected her in that sense as opposed to being very reserved about it like I am with my other relatives (because I don't respect them enough to accept contrary views :p), but it seems that nowadays I have no choice but to treat them like those relatives.. which sucks but what can you do.

In the context of the situation it's not like I want her to become a pro-choicer just to want her respect the other side instead of characterizing them as a bunch of baby killers who want to abort a child on the basis of it's gender.. which is what she literally did in that FB status of hers.:/ and the comment I liked called her out for that.
Went to penny blue the other day. Pretty pretty good. The bartender is a cool young german dude who swears he has overheard customers talk about "Demon Souls". He hooked me up with free tequila shots. Somebody should have mentioned how hard that bar is to find , its in a tiny alley that is currently under construction.
I figured a lone international traveler with Internet access shouldn't have a problem finding an obscure bar. ;)

Glad you liked it. I've found the guys there are pretty cool, and yeah they'll give you drinks or other weird stuff (the time they pulled out some liquid smoke and poured some into my beer was an interesting night) if you chat with them. The food isn't bad either, since it's adjoining an actual restaurant.

Unfortunately, it's one of the last bastions of great beer in the Melbourne CBD. The biggest place, Beer DeLuxe, recently got bought out by the big guys. It's still good, but not as good as it was.


Wrong on all counts? It must be the monkey!

A: Games are like 69 at most whence I purchase them.

B: Every game I have on it is only available on it.

C: Nintendo games arent coming to pc ever.

D: Enjoy 30fps at 920. next gen indeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeed.
Wrong on all counts? It must be the monkey!

A: Games are like 69 at most whence I purchase them.

B: Every game I have on it is only available on it.

C: Nintendo games arent coming to pc ever.

D: Enjoy 30fps at 920. next gen indeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeed.
A: You can get next gen games at that price already and they will continue to go lower.

B: There are console only exclusives for PS4/XB1.

C: And the sales for those game suffer for it.

D: Enjoy sub30fps at 720.


A: You can get next gen games at that price already and they will continue to go lower.

B: There are console only exclusives for PS4/XB1.

C: And the sales for those game suffer for it.

D: Enjoy sub30fps at 720.

A: Wrong. Knack is like 90 bucks and mario 69

B: Yeah, like 2 worth playing. And still not out yet.

C: No they dont.

D: Nintendo games run at silky smooth 60fps.


Currently polling second in Australia's federal election (first in the Gold Coast), this feral may one day be your Bogan King.
D: Enjoy 30fps at 920. next gen indeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeed.

I guess a game from two generations ago running at 1080p 30fps with dips and a BloomTM lightning engine is kinda impressive.

Dead Man

RadGAF meet up @ The Pimp Pad?


Shit, didn't even know there was such a place in Adelaide. Fuck it, I'm down just for the curiosity value if nothing else. Console games and alcohol? What could go wrong?




Ah. On second thought....

Sounds like they were fucked over pretty good by whining maggots on the council and local schools though.
I cant wait for my decendants to be able to say 'Yeah man, my grandpappy fought in the great console war. He died for my rights to exclusive DRM filled videogames'.

Lucian Cat

Kissed a mod for a tag; liked it
Shit, didn't even know there was such a place in Adelaide. Fuck it, I'm down just for the curiosity value if nothing else. Console games and alcohol? What could go wrong?




Ah. On second thought....

Sounds like they were fucked over pretty good by whining maggots on the council and local schools though.
Wrong on all counts? It must be the monkey!

A: Games are like 69 at most whence I purchase them.

Nintendo game prices are awful. You talked about PC games being cheaper then next gen, when was the last time you payed $69 for a PC game? I can't remember the last time I payed over $40 for a PC game. I also can't remember the last time I saw a first party Nintendo console game for under $50... including 5 year old Wii games!

We all know that these first gen PS4/XB1 titles will be cheap as chips in a years time, while Nintendo will still probably be charging full price for Wii U launch titles.

The other points about exclusvies and whatnot are reasonable, and this is exactly why I won't buy a next gen console for a while. But price? It will always be PC > Next Gen > Nintendo when it comes to cheap games.


Shit, didn't even know there was such a place in Adelaide. Fuck it, I'm down just for the curiosity value if nothing else. Console games and alcohol? What could go wrong?




Ah. On second thought....

Sounds like they were fucked over pretty good by whining maggots on the council and local schools though.

Two years ago they changed it to The Pad and I think they toned it down a bit.





Although I'm not sure about some of the clientele...

Lego City Undercover is still $70+ everywhere on WiiU.

Titanfall X1 is $69 pre-order at Dick Smith.

Come on Nintendo. Drop the price, shift some units, make some money. You price your 3DS game cheap in Japan, give us a break here too!
what business did you have all the way out there

I have business all over Victoria. Been to every little big town and shire in VIC over the past 2 years.

I think the tears for fears original of Mad World is a billion times better then the stupid donnie darko one of lameness.


Bonus crazy dancing too.

Yep, always liked this one better.

Plus, they used the original in Gears of War trailer and forever fucked it (the song) up for me.

We all know that these first gen PS4/XB1 titles will be cheap as chips in a years time, while Nintendo will still probably be charging full price for Wii U launch titles.

The other points about exclusvies and whatnot are reasonable, and this is exactly why I won't buy a next gen console for a while. But price? It will always be PC > Next Gen > Nintendo when it comes to cheap games.

They already are. You can get literally half price games on PS4/XB1 if you buy digital.

That's never going to happen with nintendo games.

Dead Man

So, I know this is not the politics thread, but this is some pathetic failure that I don't think should be hidden away.


Environment minister Greg Hunt is set to grant himself retrospective legal immunity against potential claims that he failed to consider environmental advice before approving key mining projects.

A Senate inquiry has cleared the way for a bill to pass the upper house preventing legal challenges to environmental approvals issued by Hunt before 31 December last year, on the grounds the minister ignored expert advice on risks to threatened species.

Decisions granted immunity include controversial approvals in Queensland of dredging at Abbot Point, an LNG export facility at Curtis Island and a coalmine in the Galilee Basin.

In June 2013, the federal court overturned an approval by the then environment minister Tony Burke of an iron ore mine in Tasmania’s Tarkine forest.

The court ruled that Burke had failed to give regard to “approved conservation advice” about the impact of the mine on the forest’s threatened Tasmanian devil population, bringing work on the mine to a brief but expensive halt.

The Environment Department said the substance of threats to the Tasmanian devil was covered in its briefings to Burke, even if the official conservation advice did not pass his desk.

Hunt told the lower house the bill was necessary to provide certainty for the mining industry, facing numerous legal appeals by environmentalists against previously approved projects.

“There could potentially be more [approvals overturned] based on technicalities. These could cause endless delay without there being any substantive basis for the claims of improper decision making,” he said.

But the Law Council of Australia said there were no “clear and compelling reasons” for the bill to grant retrospective legal immunity, and that it “casts doubt on the integrity” of the way environmental protections are implemented.

Greens senator Larissa Waters said the bill “sends the message to the public that the environment minister doesn’t have to make science-based decisions”.

She said the bill took away the community’s right “to challenge past decisions that might have been incorrectly made”.

The bill passed in the lower house with Labor’s support. The Senate is expected to debate it in the next sitting week, beginning 3 March.
Introducing legislation to prevent legal recourse on a ministers decisions, and Labor supported it? Fucking wankers, they all need to be stabbed in the knee. If he didn't consider the environmental implications that should be grounds for legally challenging his decision. Shit is vile.

Two years ago they changed it to The Pad and I think they toned it down a bit.





Although I'm not sure about some of the clientele...

Fuck it, comedy value is back. I'm in.
Also someone spoiled Game of Thrones at the end of page 1 and in page 2 in that thread, so don't read it if you care about the show lol.

Used to be a banable offence, not sure how he got away with that. Especially when the poster he was responding to specifically said they didn't want spoilers.
Used to be a banable offence, not sure how he got away with that. Especially when the poster he was responding to specifically said they didn't want spoilers.

I don't agree that's an actual spoiler. Saying that something will happen to some character you love or hate, without describing the event, isn't a spoiler imo.


Target has twilight princess and super Mario galaxy for $45 each. What's a better deal elsewhere? I was under the impression Nintendo stuff doesn't go down in price so much.

Don't really want it now as such, just buying for collection
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