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AusGAF 11 - Twice the price, a year late but still moving forward

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I still ride around with a baseball card in my spoke. It still holds up even at 29!

When I was a kid I always dreamed of having a bike like those kids in jumanji - on of those with a really big comfy seat, and putting a card in between the spoke.
Such a shame those bikes were nowhere to be found in Europe back then.


Coffee talk

Late last year I bought a second hand commercial grade coffee machine on gumtree. It was only 3 months old, we use it every day, no regrets. The amount of people who splurge and buy the top grade machines, only to realize they aren't willing to learn how to make a cup of coffee is crazy.

But you should capitalize on that.


Late last year I bought a second hand commercial grade coffee machine on gumtree. It was only 3 months old, we use it every day, no regrets. The amount of people who splurge and buy the top grade machines, only to realize they aren't willing to learn how to make a cup of coffee is crazy.

But you should capitalize on that.

That's more or less what my dad did, he bought this Olympia express espresso machine - which was listed as broken,changed some of the tubing and basically has a brand new espresso machine that cost 3k new.


Late last year I bought a second hand commercial grade coffee machine on gumtree. It was only 3 months old, we use it every day, no regrets. The amount of people who splurge and buy the top grade machines, only to realize they aren't willing to learn how to make a cup of coffee is crazy.

But you should capitalize on that.

I've always wanted to do a barista course. Both so I can make some real ass espresso, and so I have a fallback plan once Y2K happens.


For me, coffee is a bit like audio equipment. I try to avoid being too discerning as I know it will only lead to problems down the track. Maybe I'll land a job at an employer who is otherwise great but only has instant coffee, and the nearest/only coffee shop isn't all that great. I still like "coffee" but shit, sometimes that's Blend 43.
Cutting out coffee almost completely has been great. My general mood is more stable, I have less headaches and I can get to sleep at the drop of a hat (when my tinnitus isn't playing up).

I still have the odd one now and then when we have company at home but I try and limit it as much as possible. Tea gets me through most days as a hot drink to prick me up. I've saved a ton of money going to tea too which is nice.


Isn't swapping coffee with tea just swapping flavour and a little less caffeine?
I finally came to terms with my coffee addiction and don't know how I feel about it. I usually have one at 9am on workdays, but a big part of it is getting out of the office and going for a walk.


For me, coffee is a bit like audio equipment. I try to avoid being too discerning as I know it will only lead to problems down the track. Maybe I'll land a job at an employer who is otherwise great but only has instant coffee, and the nearest/only coffee shop isn't all that great. I still like "coffee" but shit, sometimes that's Blend 43.

god I used to work at a school that charged 50 fucking cents for a spoonful of 43 and some hot water



Irish Breakfast is nice tea. Twinings used to have beautiful blend called Simply Tea. That was my absolute favourite ever. Of course, it didn't sell enough so it didn't last long on the market. I do remember stocking up on that once it was clear supermarkets weren't getting new stock. I like Tea that actually smells nice when you open the storage container. None of this tasteless Lipton's shit.


I recently (well in the last year) kind of settled on Twinnings Assam Bold which is a step up from random cheap everyday tea that I grew up on. Still haven't graduated to specialist teas and hanging around tea shops just yet.

I do feel guilty about still using bags though. Part of it is that making a pot of tea is just a waste for me.


will gently cradle you as time slowly ticks away.
While we're on the subject of coffee, I remember once getting a weird stare in university because I ordered an espresso and then complained that the cup was only half full.

Ten years after said event, I tend to buy coffee, grind it myself and do all of that jazz. But I'm not against drinking 7Eleven coffee (Taiwan's, not Australia's) or having the odd cup of instant.

However, the WORST coffee though is some shit I found in Taiwan. I like to think that this shit would be laughed at anywhere in the world. But to put it basically, it's a type of instant coffee that comes in a small packet with its own filter. Basically:

You're essentially getting the worst of every world. Crappy tasting coffee that takes longer to make and needs to be cleaned up afterwards. But it looks so fancy and special!!1!

Coffee really is the most bourgeois thing that most people encounter in their everyday lives.


The worst coffee ever is the shit they serve at docklands stadium in Melbourne.

Nescafe stale from a sixteen year old tin is fresher. Stick that in your woolworths memories.


I wake up using water and music in the mornings.

Don't drink tea or coffee, which everyone seems to find strange with me working in IT.


will gently cradle you as time slowly ticks away.
I had to dial back my coffee intake significantly in 2013.

Or to put it in other terms I had a bladder infection that was possibly caused/getting worse through caffeine intake. The doctor gave me some meds and said if it didn't get better in a week he'd have to put a camera up my dick. So take a guess.
I had to dial back my coffee intake significantly in 2013.

Or to put it in other terms I had a bladder infection that was possibly caused/getting worse through caffeine intake. The doctor gave me some meds and said if it didn't get better in a week he'd have to put a camera up my dick. So take a guess.

BRB, using my imagination since no pics.
EDIT: I will never, ever sleep again.


I had to dial back my coffee intake significantly in 2013.

Or to put it in other terms I had a bladder infection that was possibly caused/getting worse through caffeine intake. The doctor gave me some meds and said if it didn't get better in a week he'd have to put a camera up my dick. So take a guess.

Chicken. Drop your trousers and keep drinking coffee.
oh I've thought about getting a moka pot for a while. Do you know where I can a decent one on the cheap?
Like with most things, it depends upon your price range and needs. Moka pots are usually either made from aluminum (lower end quality) or stainless steel (high end quality) and come in a range of sizes that produce different quantities. If you're just making coffee for yourself and want to test it out, you could look at getting Bialetti aluminium 1 cup moka pot for about $40 or go up to a stainless steel (preferable) pot that produces up to 10 cups for $100. The links are just for illustrative purposes and are not recommendations of who to buy from.

Now, the things is that they aren't the best way to produce coffee. That will always be an espresso machine but if you don't wish to go down that route these are one fo the best alternatives. You still need to buy grounds, have access to a stove top and go through a song and dance to produce a coffee but I like them a lot. I also like the convenience of being able to take them traveling/camping and still be able to produce a satisfying coffee when I'm away from home.

The best advice (like with most things) is probably to buy yourself a cheap entry level model and first see if you like the coffee is produces and can tolerate the process needed to attain it.


Why do you have an affinity for coffee when it's widely known your chosen stimulant is crystal meth?

It's okay, you don't have to keep up this facade anymore.
To other Getflix users:

I have to update my IP on the getflix site almost daily. Is this normal? My router is a bit crappy as all Telstra routers tend to be.
Update the DNS or the IP? If my router loses power I have to reinput the DNS.

You go to the website and click a button that says "update IP address". If your IP changes for whatever reason at the house (router resets I guess) you need to let getflix know so it doesn't block you from using their DNS server for netflix.
Why do you have an affinity for coffee when it's widely known your chosen stimulant is crystal meth?

It's okay, you don't have to keep up this facade anymore.
I need something to drink after I've snorted a huge rack. It helps get rid of the dissolving speed that goes down the back of the throat, man.

Plus, stimulant on top of stimulant! WOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!

Also, I put coke in my coffee instead of artificial sweetner.
PS4 with Driveclub, The Last of Us HD & Bloodborne for $479 posted

You go to the website and click a button that says "update IP address". If your IP changes for whatever reason at the house (router resets I guess) you need to let getflix know so it doesn't block you from using their DNS server for netflix.

Well there you go. Hasn't happened to me yet thankfully. Is that when your ISP changes your IP?


You go to the website and click a button that says "update IP address". If your IP changes for whatever reason at the house (router resets I guess) you need to let getflix know so it doesn't block you from using their DNS server for netflix.

Sounds like your router is rebooting a lot. If you are with Telstra and you have a crappy supplied modem it could be that your NAT table is filling up and then to clear it, it reboots the router. I used to have that exact problem, worth looking into.


Sad to hear the 2k Australia news. You'd think the sliding dollar would help in terms of reducing costs.

And now we have no AA+ presence anymore. So I guess for the people it means move overseas or start a little studio.

Wonder how much this floods the market for experienced game dev employees.
Sad to hear the 2k Australia news. You'd think the sliding dollar would help in terms of reducing costs.

And now we have no AA+ presence anymore. So I guess for the people it means move overseas or start a little studio.

Wonder how much this floods the market for experienced game dev employees.

They peaked with SWAT4. I miss them already.
About 3 and a half months ago on a Friday two ladies brought a rabbit that had just had 6 babies into my work. They were still hairless and hadn't opened their eyes yet. We set them up in a pen and left them overnight. I wasn't there over the weekend but on the Monday, the bunnies had fur and wriggling around a bit! There were three black, like the mum and two white and grey and one white and black, with varying amounts of spots. All whites have a line down their back.

Over the next week one little white and grey rabbit opened his eyes first and started wandering around the cage being the cutest little fella there ever was. It was at this point we realised someone had to foster the little guys and I decided to put my hand up and take them on.

The past three months have been pretty crazy and awesome. Mum doesn't usually like animals and one of my favourite photos is Mum feeding the bunny a carrot.

Fostering has been such a rewarding thing. We've all really benefited from them being here and this little white and grey furball of energy in particular was making a mark on us. We joked around that we were going to adopt him and we laughed it all off.

Well I'd like to introduce to you Benny the Bunny! He's the newest member of our family.

Right after I brought them all home

At about 4 weeks

Myself and Benny, he's probably about 6-7 weeks there

https://drive.google.com/file/d/0BwjVoL2R2lq3elJqSXJvMlo5ODQ/view?usp=sharing him being a weird rabbit because rabbits dont have personalities rite
You go to the website and click a button that says "update IP address". If your IP changes for whatever reason at the house (router resets I guess) you need to let getflix know so it doesn't block you from using their DNS server for netflix.

Getflix offer an API to automate this process.

curl -u YOUR-API-KEY-HERE:x -X PUT https://www.getflix.com.au/api/v1/addresses.json

will update getflix with your current IP address. I have a cron task which runs the above hourly. If you're on windows, you can download the curl binary and create a batch file with the same command that is executed hourly via your task scheduler.

Your personal API-KEY is under Manage->Advanced on the getflix website.
I'd drink more Milo were there some method of increasing its absorption rate in cold milk. As it is, when I make Milo, I'm having a glass of milk with a layer of frothy malty scum floating on top.
What, you're complaining about the best part! Delicious crunchy froth!!!

About 3 and a half months ago on a Friday two ladies brought a rabbit that had just had 6 babies into my work. They were still hairless and hadn't opened their eyes yet. We set them up in a pen and left them overnight. I wasn't there over the weekend but on the Monday, the bunnies had fur and wriggling around a bit! There were three black, like the mum and two white and grey and one white and black, with varying amounts of spots. All whites have a line down their back.

Over the next week one little white and grey rabbit opened his eyes first and started wandering around the cage being the cutest little fella there ever was. It was at this point we realised someone had to foster the little guys and I decided to put my hand up and take them on.

The past three months have been pretty crazy and awesome. Mum doesn't usually like animals and one of my favourite photos is Mum feeding the bunny a carrot.

Fostering has been such a rewarding thing. We've all really benefited from them being here and this little white and grey furball of energy in particular was making a mark on us. We joked around that we were going to adopt him and we laughed it all off.

Well I'd like to introduce to you Benny the Bunny! He's the newest member of our family.

Oh he's adorable! I had baby bunnies (lots of baby bunnies) as a kid and a lot of them looked so similar to your little guy! There's something really rewarding about rearing animals :3
The way I see it, you got a lot of choices when it comes to coffee.

The aeropress is unmatched in its ability to provide a single cup of great tasting coffee, with basically zero cleanup and in as little time as it takes you to boil some water and brew. Everyone should have an aeropress.

Having said that, buying any kind of decent french press will provide you with the ability to make much more coffee, and coffee with a much earthier taste. I don't use the french press nearly as often as the aeropress, but I feel it gives you greater control over the taste of your coffee.

Thirdly, and this is an odd choice, but I really enjoy pot brewed coffee. It's slow, and bulky, and the coffee doesn't taste nearly as good as either of the above options. But if you want to make a lot of coffee with as little effort as humanly possible, all you need to do is pour in a few cups of ground beans, fill it up with water, and wait five minutes for it to brew. You end up with a competent pot of coffee, which you can leave on the heating plate for a few hours, and come back to multiple times and still get a reasonable cup with no additional work.

Finally, you could get an espresso machine, although in my opinion, you're better off just buying a cappuccino from your nearest cafe. The quality difference between consumer grade espresso machines ($200-400) and commercial ($1000+) is incredibly noticeable, and in general I only use my cheapo espresso machine when I want to make a milk dessert (caramel lattes, or some kind of mocha abomination).

In summary, buy an aeropress for $60 or whatever and a burr grinder for $200 or so. You'll never look back.

This is what I use at work. I buy the beans and grind them, put the coffee on, and charge people $1 for a cup. Means I basically get my coffee for free!

The alternatives at work are lining up at Merlos and paying $4 for a coffee, or drinking terrible Blend 43. I find I can't drink many cappuccino's in a day, but I can keep chugging black coffee from the pot. It's nice.

I should get an Aero Press. We have a cheap as shit espresso machine at home which is okay, but it really sounds like Aero Press is a better option.


I recently (well in the last year) kind of settled on Twinnings Assam Bold which is a step up from random cheap everyday tea that I grew up on. Still haven't graduated to specialist teas and hanging around tea shops just yet.

I do feel guilty about still using bags though. Part of it is that making a pot of tea is just a waste for me.

Assam drinker represent! I love it and prefer it over my set of T2 loose teas which just sit in the cupboard probably stale. Not sure if loose tea goes bad like coffee?

Either way I love loading 2 bags up in my thermal mug.


That's more or less what my dad did, he bought this Olympia express espresso machine - which was listed as broken,changed some of the tubing and basically has a brand new espresso machine that cost 3k new.

I think ours had an issue with the temperature gauge, but it wasn't a big issue.

I've always wanted to do a barista course. Both so I can make some real ass espresso, and so I have a fallback plan once Y2K happens.

My wife use to work at a coffee shop back in the day, she gave me a few tips but I've kind of learnt myself. I don't find it that hard to make a decent cup of coffee.

For me, coffee is a bit like audio equipment. I try to avoid being too discerning as I know it will only lead to problems down the track. Maybe I'll land a job at an employer who is otherwise great but only has instant coffee, and the nearest/only coffee shop isn't all that great. I still like "coffee" but shit, sometimes that's Blend 43.

Don't get me wrong, I can still drink a cup of Blend 43 and not go all hipster on it. Coffee is still coffee.

Cutting out coffee almost completely has been great. My general mood is more stable, I have less headaches and I can get to sleep at the drop of a hat (when my tinnitus isn't playing up).

I still have the odd one now and then when we have company at home but I try and limit it as much as possible. Tea gets me through most days as a hot drink to prick me up. I've saved a ton of money going to tea too which is nice.

I thought I wasn't that dependent on coffee. A few weeks ago I made my morning coffee and forgot to take it to work with me. An hour later I could barely stay awake and had a growing headache. My wife brought one in for me a little latter and I instantly felt better. I have a problem (but I love coffee).

To other Getflix users:

I have to update my IP on the getflix site almost daily. Is this normal? My router is a bit crappy as all Telstra routers tend to be.

Nope, I don't have this issue.

frothy malty scum

How dare you.

That new Star Wars trailer is quite fantastic!
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