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AusGAF 5/5 - Everything's Amazing and Nobody's Happy, a rental at best


I didn't mind swimming carnivals, but athletics? Hurgh.

I love athletics, I was pretty good with a discus.

I wasn't bad at long distance running either, I was pretty skinny in primary school and early high school, just wouldn't gain weight. When they asked about running in Year 8 I just didn't say anything, couldn't be bothered doing it.


Thinking about getting a 3DS as a Xmas pressie for myself. Does anyone know the best deals I can snag myself one from Ausland?
Catholic school for life yo. Except compulsory religious education was shit. Other than that it was good. Gave me a private education without breaking my parent's bank account.

Also I just went Christmas shopping and ended up buying a bunch of games I've been meaning to get for a while. So I'll actually be able to be part of conversations about Vanquish changing the world soon!


I want a tag give me a tag
Ugh I caved. Ended up buying zelda and a wiimote plus.

Now I'm $3O short to cover my rent in 5 days time.

Time to start husslin'
I always loved the various carnivals. Athletics to a greater degree than swimming, cross-country was always good fun too. That being said, fuck butterfly and, as a result, the medley; was always rubbish at that stroke.

Javelin and 200m were my fave events. Was somehow naturally skilled at javelin (or everyone else sucked) because me and a friend were both able to cruise through to the state carnivals where we were promptly destroyed by people that actually did javelin.


cross-country was always good fun too.

Primary school cross country was great. Basically, because we were traversing a farm that it was categorically impossible to run over. Even the gun athletes (inasmuch as there are gun athletes at that age) were only managing a feverish stumble for 70% of the race.
I stopped going to swimming carnivals after grade 9, but I enjoyed them up till then. After that only the serious athletes competed (I think a few of them went on to qualify for London @_@ I can't compete with that!).

If you're paying quite a bit to go to a school though, you should be able to opt out of swimming carnivals. No questions asked, no pressure exerted. Just tick a box on enrolment.

They really seem to push kids hard about performing well for the school. It doesn't seem like its being done in the kids interests, though having never been to a private school I'm probably not in a position to say anything.
Primary school cross country was great. Basically, because we were traversing a farm that it was categorically impossible to run over. Even the gun athletes (inasmuch as there are gun athletes at that age) were only managing a feverish stumble for 70% of the race.

We had one at centennial park one year the day after a particularly heavy rainfall and I reckon 1/6 people had their shoes get stuck in the mud and sucked off their feet.


Cross country lol!

That was such a strange sport at our school. There were 2 groups of people that did cross country: you have the school's fittest athletes that take running seriously, and then you have the nerds that got rejected from every sport they tried out in. They were like 95% of the cross country team.

Good thing I had the ball skills to qualify for last ranked sports team each year because I would have died in cross country. Actually, I was pretty good at soccer and made it to the 3rd 11 in year 12 which I was pretty proud of! Better than my stint in the 13th basketball team lol



click for bigger
- absolutely not the final design.

So, me and Taz (my webguy) are planning a kritz.net redesign. Any thoughts on what I could add? An actual comment system, an RSS feed and maaaybe a twitter feed are the current plans. We might separate out video and text reviews. Might also further separate the news/blog stuff to a subdomain (blog.kritz.net).

We've already changed up how we embed youtube videos, so they look a lot nicer on the page.

May get rid of the flash stuff, or just hide it somewhere on blog.kritz.net.

Suggestions on stuff that should be added / go away?
I didn't go to any of the swimming carnivals in high school.

And my high school cost 50 dorra a year. And you didn't even have to pay it aye
But we're in like top 20 NSW HSC schools so suck it
But yes, what other country in the world has private schools being funded by the government? What the fuck is that shit? There are some really ghetto and grimy public schools out there that need some serious work, but nope, gotta give them private schools more millions.

Especially as private schools are run as businesses and arent held accountable for the government handouts they get.



still from a storm vid yesterday arvo. hope no one was home, if they were, i think they might have shit themselves.

video below


I know someone who used to live in those flats, and thunderstorms in Darwin are ridiculous. The whole city can be ringed by storms, awesome to watch.

Also, GBA Ambassador games are up in Aus now too.


Fuck yes, I passed all my subjects this semester. Like... just passed. Well not just passed... a fair amount of credits... but still.


Man my results make no sense. I was sure going to fail one unit because I failed the major assignment and did half the final paper. But I got a credit??? And then another unit where I again did half the final paper and expected to be borderline fail, I got a credit again! And then the unit I thought I'd get a HD for I got a borderline D..:/

I know there's scaling and everything but I am confused.

Oh well, uni's over. Time to take on the world?


My great effort in the paper for Media Futures wasn't quite enough to make up for me fucking up the first assignment.

Oh man, Metroid Fusion... so nostalgic...


I'm so fucking hype over these ambassador games. You don't even know.

This is really going to fuck over my determination to read things for a while, since I mainly read on public transport.

I'm just imagining what Nintendo could do with proper online and an e-shop that worked and a corporate determination to port over good games from yesteryear. Do they have any fucking clue how amazing that could be? The amount of great content that could compete on the same level as an appstore and possibly drive the price of app-style content to a reasonable level? Do they know what a sustained campaign that creates awareness of an energised and reasonably supported platform could bring?

Fuck me. Nintendo will never understand online and it's so very depressing.
I meant Castlevania related, my mistake.
For some reason I remember a tweet about Radical doing the next Castlevania.

I play bass. Let's start an ausgaf band!!
So do I! Never have too many bassists in a band!

What are these crazy schools you speak of? These massive fees would only make sort of sense if it's boarding and the kid is an international student. Otherwise it makes no sense! International uni students probably don't pay even half of that.
I know several Indian students who paid $60k AUD to go to Deakin. Lucky most of their families are doctors/economists and they have several cooks/cleaners/nannies.

(though I did mention the idea of the Senna SE BR).
I was totally going to grab that for Dad, might have to make a trip to JB in Melbourne on Saturday before I catch the train back to Warrnambool.

Fuck me. Nintendo will never understand online and it's so very depressing.
At least their stupidity has rewarded you with awesome GBA games! Seems like a minor victory to me.
Jesus shit is getting worse and worse in PNG. O'Neill flying in more police from across the country? That's not a good sign as all

In happier news there is a new season of 24/7! I'm guessing noone here could give less of a shit about ice hockey but, assuming its as good as last season, its a really interesting look behind the scenes of professional sport.


They're a Japanese company who make Japanese games for the Japanese market. That we're lucky enough to get some of their products and games doesn't really change that.

And since they're better at budget control it looks like that might actually be sustainable for them!

In other news, an interview question I can share.

PG_kamiya 神谷英樹 Hideki Kamiya said:
@PatrickLum: On a scale of 1 to 10, how cute are you?
Uncountable. RT

Additionally, this is a great poem to read aloud.


Review: Trine 2




Likely my last review for the year, unless I pick up something interesting in the steam sale. Unfortunately I had to splice together the audio in this review because I couldn't get a single take that I was happy with. Also, I have one take saved where my cat decided to help me review by meowing through the entire recording.
Outlook Web Access doesn't give me access to my folders of archived stuff. Which contain spreadsheets I need as I don't keep an address book as the Outlook we use at work runs off of the head office address book. ffffffffffffffffffffffff

In other news, an interview question I can share.
Going by the answer to my question he would be happy to see the Japanese developers disintegrate. Strange.

rs: We can go for a hike to JB tomoz if you want. I'm not particularly attached to sinking piss 100% of the time.
After looking at my non-existent until tomorrow bank balance I don't think I will be picking up any Christmas presents until well into the New Year. No scotch for me tomorrow, house beer only :(
Will be up for a wander around town anyway.
Outlook Web Access doesn't give me access to my folders of archived stuff.
If they're PSTs of course you wouldn't be able to access them. Can you VPN into the office, you could load them but you'd need the real Outlook client.

After looking at my non-existent until tomorrow bank balance I don't think I will be picking up any Christmas presents
I get paid fortnightly and get three pays this month! And this fortnight's pay which went in today includes the leave loading for the year (17% of 4 weeks pay or something, I don't know, it's a bunch of money). Double-yeah!

Kritz if you could turn your reviews into some sort of GCCX ripoff with the same tone you will become a millionaire.
If they're PSTs of course you wouldn't be able to access them. Can you VPN into the office, you could load them but you'd need the real Outlook client.
I know but I reeeeeeeeeally wish I could get into them! Also fuck me if Win7 isn't so much better for office use than XP. Can't wait for our office to update in 5 or 6 years time. Even just having the fucking date in the bottom right hand corner instead of just the time is so damn handy. Plus moving stuff along the taskbar for ease of use!
Don't you get the date if you make the XP taskbar twice as high? If not, just install Rainmeter or something similar. It should work in a portable install.
I would if the dickhats in the head office ICT wouldn't blow a blood vessel and call me up to ask why I am fucking around with their perfectly running (i.e. horrible unwieldy behemoth) of a system? Why? Why do I hate them so much they will ask. They will tell me tales of how they only get to spend 5 hours that day on Youtube and Wikipedia because I want some functionality or personality for my work station.

That was me venting. More IT departments I have dealt with have been okay. This company is very much jackychanhasfuckmind.jpg as to how they make a profit. Hell, how they manage to get through the day without accidentally committing a war crime or treason or some other stupid thing that stupid morons do.

Is it just me or does this thread move a lot slower in its 5th edition?
AusGAF blew it's load to quickly. No longer the fresh place to be. All the cool Australians hang out in the UKGAF thread since, you know, we are their criminals and such apparently.
I thought the thread was moving insanely fast. That graph some one made in the last thread is coming trueeee.

So, I'm trying to pick a minor. I was going to do Asian Studies (it goes with Japanese and Korean) but I'm thinking about branching off and doing either Journalism or economics. Can anyone recommend either? Or have any experience?
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