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AusGAF IV - A No Hope, Government - Double the price, region locked and now adults


This weeks comic purchases will be

Batman The Dark Knight
Ultimate Comics Spider-Man
Ultimate Comics Ultimates

My poor wallet, this months comics have not been kind, mainly DC with all of their series reboots. I've also got a feeling I missed an issue of Venom, so there's more!


but ever so delicious
Has the new TMNT comics come out yet? I wouldn't mind picking those up.

Looks like the supplier has 19 or so of the HP microservers in stock, Still nothing about the slightly faster model though. Boo.


but ever so delicious
"In less than 12 months the savings of millions of people are going to vanish"

I hope that's not my savings. Gotta get my house!


If you're having a bad day, just sit back and think to yourself, "Thank fuck The Comedy Company isn't on any more". It works wonders!


but ever so delicious
Oh shit. My Shaving stuff from the states just turned up even though on the website there's fuck all tracking except it has been lodged.

1 week. I like it!
Gazunta said:
If you're having a bad day, just sit back and think to yourself, "Thank fuck The Comedy Company isn't on any more". It works wonders!

The Comedy Company is sociologically very important. Kylie Mole is the reason bogans aren't called bevans in Brisbane anymore.
jambo said:
This weeks comic purchases will be

Batman The Dark Knight
Ultimate Comics Spider-Man
Ultimate Comics Ultimates

My poor wallet, this months comics have not been kind, mainly DC with all of their series reboots. I've also got a feeling I missed an issue of Venom, so there's more!

Dude can you explain to me this reboot? As a rarely-to-never reader of comics, it is crazily confusing.
Is it a full clean slate for DC? Like do past histories no longer exist? Because that seems like a pretty big kick in the nards to fans. What did DC do with storylines that were ongoing before? Just bail?


Gazunta said:
If you're having a bad day, just sit back and think to yourself, "Thank fuck The Comedy Company isn't on any more". It works wonders!
Lol, that does me no kind of good.

My solution to being in a flux of depressant / stimulant intake has been to go to a small coffee shop and order a latte and the first thing I've had to eat today. I think... I will go to a bar soon.

I'm closest to central but I kinda don't like the atmosphere there. Anyone got a better Hobart bar?


It's a sort of reboot. Some characters are rebooted completely (Wonder Woman, again), some aren't because their current storylines have taken years to set up and the creators are on a roll (Batman, Green Lantern), some are in a maybe-sortof-yes-no-depends-on-how-you-read-it flux (Superman).

And we have no Powergirl WTF :(

Make mine Marvel

Edit: The reboot is a bit of a mess, not as bad as it could have been but still done in a really crap way that pleases nobody in particular. People who don't read comics now aren't more likely to walk into a comics store and spend however many dollars on super hero pamphlets if they weren't interested a month ago. DC's push towards digital is again a halfway step that doesn't please many people - for digital comics, they're over priced, and they're still pissing off retailers who are losing customers left right and centre.

In my mind the reboot should have been about the market, not the content - they should have just gone all free to the web. From a corporate point of view DC is just an idea / merchandise potential factory for the Warner Brothers movie / game / licensing departments, so who cares?


FallbackPants said:
Dude can you explain to me this reboot? As a rarely-to-never reader of comics, it is crazily confusing.
Is it a full clean slate for DC? Like do past histories no longer exist? Because that seems like a pretty big kick in the nards to fans. What did DC do with storylines that were ongoing before? Just bail?

As far as I know, they wrapped everything up and then bailed. Total reboot. Everything starts again.

/edit nevermind i dunno then


reptilescorpio said:
lol. Thanks for the smile on a bad day Gaz.
You can buy cherry Kooka's while others can't. Surely that makes your day better as well?

PS. ODST bort. Sadly, not sealed but hopefully not 7-day rented. Still, for $28 hopefully it provides an FPS-like experience that errs on the side of story rather than just blasting shit.


The DC reboot is kinda a mess. A few of them are good for new readers like the Bat family comics and Superman, those were done pretty well I think. Others though are just as uninviting as ever.


FallbackPants said:
Dude can you explain to me this reboot? As a rarely-to-never reader of comics, it is crazily confusing.
Is it a full clean slate for DC? Like do past histories no longer exist? Because that seems like a pretty big kick in the nards to fans. What did DC do with storylines that were ongoing before? Just bail?

Gaz summed it up pretty well. Some of the comics are restarting, some of them are kinda restarting and some others remain untouched. It's a bit of a cluster fuck for continuity, but then comic book continuity has always been a cluster fuck!

There are 52 #1 issues this month, so hardcore collectors will be broke next month.


It's kind of weird, I mean you have the opportunity to nuke all of continuity and start over but you only go by half-measures...

Anyway I seriously need that delicious SSD. Money money money money money


Also, on top of all that Ultimate Marvel did some what of a reboot, titled "Ultimate Comics Universe Reborn".

Ultimate Spider-Man is starting again at #1, but retaining all previous continuity. They are doing this because
Peter Parker was killed

They are also starting another run of The Ultimates, which is the Ultimate Marvel name for the Avengers, as well as a new Ultimate X-Men and some other limited runs like Ultimate Hawkeye and Ultimate Fallout.


In order to boost sales I will be rebooting Brendan Brewer, Video Game Reviewer to make him tougher and grittier.

He's gonna have a full goatee instead of the usual bum fluff.

Thanks to the folks here who have helped me get to 50 people on my work FB page...almost there!


but ever so delicious
G4TV on Skyward Sword: "It hasn't graduated from Ocarina of Time"

This thread is going to be interesting.

And i do agree with them :D


Shaneus said:
You can buy cherry Kooka's while others can't. Surely that makes your day better as well?

PS. ODST bort. Sadly, not sealed but hopefully not 7-day rented. Still, for $28 hopefully it provides an FPS-like experience that errs on the side of story rather than just blasting shit.

It's Halo. Check your brain at the door.


evlcookie said:
G4TV on Skyward Sword: "It hasn't graduated from Ocarina of Time"

This thread is going to be interesting.

And i do agree with them :D

Theyre full of shit. Uncharted hasnt changed since the first one, Skyward Sword seems to have implemented as many changes as they can whilst still being a Zelda game.

At the end of it all, the only thing they seem to say is "lol nintendo is for kiddies/no HD graphics".

ie the same anti-nintendo fanboy bullshit that has been the norm since 1996.


evlcookie said:
G4TV on Skyward Sword: "It hasn't graduated from Ocarina of Time"

This thread is going to be interesting.

And i do agree with them :D

Yeah, I loved the 1:1 motion controls in Ocarina of Time.


evlcookie said:
G4TV on Skyward Sword: "It hasn't graduated from Ocarina of Time"

This thread is going to be interesting.

And i do agree with them :D

Well I can't agree with them because the game isn't out yet!

Twilight Princess not being "graduated" though, that I agree with. If Skyward Sword is the same thing again consider me very disappointed. Doesn't help that I just replayed OOT on 3DS as well.
Hey guys, how long do you think it will take COTD to post the stuff from today's sales? Will it be quicker if I get one of the less popular ones?

I want a boyfriend pillow.

joke present for birthday on friday


My history with Zelda is thus:

I've never played OoT or Majora's Mask, and I didn't like TP (on the Wii) at all (though it is on my list of games t have another go at sometime). I have played LttP (many many moons ago) and a tiny bit of Wind Waker. I enjoyed the Spirit Tracks on DS but never got close to finishing it. That's my history with Zelda games.

Skyward Sword looks interesting however. Will buy when it hits $20


3chopl0x said:
Do people actually want Zelda to 'graduate'/change though?

Why fix something that isn't broken?

Personally, I'm suffering from Zelda fatigue. I guess I'll just buy the game years later if it's the same formula.
Really? I mean surely they have to keep things changing. If you kept the same gameplay (and admittedly Zelda's is top freaking notch) but you're never going to attract new customers. You're just preaching to the already converted Zelda choir.

Their logic with AC and Uncharted is ridiculous, but their overall point is legitimate. Surely a game should have changed since Ocarina, a 13 year old game


but ever so delicious
3chopl0x said:
Do people actually want Zelda to 'graduate'/change though?

Why fix something that isn't broken?

No, And that's kinda why i agree with them.

Nintendo franchises seem to be about doing the same thing but tweaking it ever so slightly to make it less the same as before. People love that shit, That doesn't make it a bad game either.

People love those similar experiences with small additions since it doesn't break their love for the franchise. If zelda turned into a hardcore FPS then i would imagine some would rejoice and go, Holy shit this could be interesting while those who have loved each zelda game would be fucking shattered.



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