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AV-GAF; my av setup is acting up


For the last two-the weeks, I've run into some issues with my AV setup. I've got everything (WiiU, Xbone, cable box, steammachine, RaspberryPi) hooked up to a Onkyo 5.1 receiver, which in turn is hooked up to my TV.

For the past few weeks, the receiver seems to fail at passing through the video signal. The TV is receiving a signal, as it indicates it's getting 1920x1080 @50Hz as opposed to "no signal", but the screen remains black.
Turning the receiver of and on again helps, but yesterday it took three tries to get it to work.
It happens with all my devices, and mostly when turning on my devices, but yesterday it also happened while watching a movie through the Pi.

Is my receiver dying, or is there something else wrong? I haven't touched the setup since December.
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