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Avater Help? (Sorry, I'm a bit of a n00b sometimes)

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Okay, so I bloody know my bleeding avatar is a bit tall, but I swear I photoshopped the damn thing down to 0.75 inches tall. Does anyone have any clue why it's displaying larger than that?


works for Gamestop (lol)
The forum automatically resizes all avatars so that they have 90 pixels in width. Paste the original pic onto a 90x120 transparaent gif and use that.
Duh. It's 63 wide and 88 tall right now. I'm not a retard, TYVM. Ideas, anyone? (I'm asking because I'm trying not to piss anyone off with a big-ass avatar, for the record.)

Edit: Ah, I see. Thanks, Wario. Trying now.
adrockthekid said:
Duh. It's 63 wide and 88 tall right now. I'm not a retard, TYVM. Ideas, anyone? (I'm asking because I'm trying not to piss anyone off with a big-ass avatar, for the record.

You're question has already been answered.

Since the image is 63 pixels wide, it will automatically be stretched to 90 pixles, and stretching the height with it accordingly (making it taller than 120 pixels).

63 divided by 88 = 0.715

That's the aspect ratio, it should be greater than 0.75
adelgary said:
You're question has already been answered.

Since the image is 63 pixels wide, it will automatically be stretched to 90 pixles, and stretching the height with it accordingly (making it taller than 120 pixels).

63 divided by 88 = 0.715

That's the aspect ratio, it should be greater than 0.75
No, you didn't answer it - Wario did. You neglected to tell me that the forum automatically stretches images to 90 pix wide.

Anyways, it's fixed now.
While we're on avatars....why don't I have the option to upload a pic?

Under edit avatar, it just says "don't use avatar"



works for Gamestop (lol)
I'm always right!!

To use an avatar, you have to put in a URL pointing to your avatar in the User CP -> Edit profile screen. You can't upload avatars on this forum.
krypt0nian said:
While we're on avatars....why don't I have the option to upload a pic?

Under edit avatar, it just says "don't use avatar"

Took me a while to figure out too :p

You can't upload a pic; you've got to get it hosted elsewhere and link to it. Put the URL of the pic in the appropriate field at the bottom of the "Edit Profile" screen. Counterintuitive, indeed.
adrockthekid said:
No, you didn't answer it - Wario did. You neglected to tell me that the forum automatically stretches images to 90 pix wide.

Anyways, it's fixed now.

I didn't say I answered it. Get your eyes checked.


i am having trouble too. i uploaded my file but its not saying i have an avatar selected when i go to edit avatar...

nevermind- it showed up when i posted this....i feel dumb
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