Online Ho Champ
So I had a free rental at blockbuster and said to myself why not.
First let me say I havent seen the theatrical cut so i cannot compare the two, though both cuts are on the disc. Im not sure if this will be the only version of the dvd out there I heard ramblings of an un cut version that would've made the movie rated R but I think this is just an extended pg 13 version.
First off the lead chick is hot, id cock pummel her till i passed out. Ok with that out of the way...
I know most of you probably know the story, basically a rich CEO of Weylan industries *which many will recognize as bishop from Aliens* has a satilite that picks up a huge heat signature in antartica. Seein the opportunity for a historic discovery he quickly rounds up a team of experts in the appropriate fields to investigate. At the same time the Predators are heading to earth because the great find is actually them turning on their proving grounds in which a right of passage to become a hunter class is held. The test? survive the hunt against the galaxies dealiest game the ALIENS. The human search team is unknowingly walking into what is supposed to be an honor, dying so that the hunt will can begin. From there all hell breaks lose as they learn more and more about what they've gotten themselves into.
Anyway the movie is enjoyable for what it is. But is ultimately a let down. Compared to how cunning and deadly the previous 2 predator movies portrayed the hunter and warrior class predators, these noob predators were for the most part clumsy and unimpressive overall. The movie explains this in pretty good detail but after the first 2 predator movies its kinda sad seeing them in what can be best described as a mediocre portrayl of the baddest sci fi franchise character EVAR. I guess there had to be some kind of slip up by the Predators it IS a VS movie had to be some kind of conflict, but ultimately I dont understand the directors decisions. Lets face it, this movie was called alien vs predator but should've been directed like Predators hunt Aliens and noob humans. The threat of the ALIEN race is their obscene numbers and the fact that they are pretty much a mystery to all that encounter them...few live to tell the tale if they cross their path. But with the storyline used in the movie *which is taken from the comic and videogames* the Predators have been farmin the aliens for millenia. Then again..these are noob predators and the ending solidifies this. Im not saying the ALIENS are gimp in anyway Im just saying in comparison to the Predators that have far superior technology and obviously can herd the aliens, they struggled a bit much for how the story described the history between the 2 races.
The acting wasnt much to call home about. However i cant fault the actors, doesnt seem like they were given much to work with script/ screenplay wise. The lines are pretty straightfoward, so dont count on remembering too many characters for their personality and one liners they just arent there. Which I guess is pretty acurate considering the team was a collection of the worlds finest egg heads. Ultimately you will remember about 4 human chars , 1 alien and 2 predators. Out of about 22 chars...
The production quality is nice, the aliens look great, though some of the CGI for the alien queen looks clumsy at times. The predators are a mix bag, mainly the one with the different helm. Due to his body armor he looks a bit bulky and out of proportion in some scenes. Unmasked the predators do look a bit different but are pretty faithful. The problem really isnt the CG or animation or costumes.
Alot of people had a problem with how the story develops during the second half of the movie, however I dont see a problem with it, its no big deal that a predator doesnt massacre everything he see's. They are intelligent hunters, and arent mindless killers like the ALIENS, basically if your armed your a trophy. If he's seen you fight your a trophy. Things get further complicated because the predators on hand already had a greater task and objective. The humans complicate this by snooping around. Which is explained during the movie.
Ultimately the movie falls flat though. It had potential but in comparison to ALIENS and the original Predator there was no real sense of a blood rush those movies accomplished. I really wish that Cameron and the Original creators of the Predator *who are friends with Cameron* would've gotten together on this and made something special. Alas we are left with a C level movie that is really only interesting because you get to learn more predator lore.
I give it 2 out of 4 stars middle of the pack...which is pretty disappointing considering the franchises involved.
First let me say I havent seen the theatrical cut so i cannot compare the two, though both cuts are on the disc. Im not sure if this will be the only version of the dvd out there I heard ramblings of an un cut version that would've made the movie rated R but I think this is just an extended pg 13 version.
First off the lead chick is hot, id cock pummel her till i passed out. Ok with that out of the way...
I know most of you probably know the story, basically a rich CEO of Weylan industries *which many will recognize as bishop from Aliens* has a satilite that picks up a huge heat signature in antartica. Seein the opportunity for a historic discovery he quickly rounds up a team of experts in the appropriate fields to investigate. At the same time the Predators are heading to earth because the great find is actually them turning on their proving grounds in which a right of passage to become a hunter class is held. The test? survive the hunt against the galaxies dealiest game the ALIENS. The human search team is unknowingly walking into what is supposed to be an honor, dying so that the hunt will can begin. From there all hell breaks lose as they learn more and more about what they've gotten themselves into.
Anyway the movie is enjoyable for what it is. But is ultimately a let down. Compared to how cunning and deadly the previous 2 predator movies portrayed the hunter and warrior class predators, these noob predators were for the most part clumsy and unimpressive overall. The movie explains this in pretty good detail but after the first 2 predator movies its kinda sad seeing them in what can be best described as a mediocre portrayl of the baddest sci fi franchise character EVAR. I guess there had to be some kind of slip up by the Predators it IS a VS movie had to be some kind of conflict, but ultimately I dont understand the directors decisions. Lets face it, this movie was called alien vs predator but should've been directed like Predators hunt Aliens and noob humans. The threat of the ALIEN race is their obscene numbers and the fact that they are pretty much a mystery to all that encounter them...few live to tell the tale if they cross their path. But with the storyline used in the movie *which is taken from the comic and videogames* the Predators have been farmin the aliens for millenia. Then again..these are noob predators and the ending solidifies this. Im not saying the ALIENS are gimp in anyway Im just saying in comparison to the Predators that have far superior technology and obviously can herd the aliens, they struggled a bit much for how the story described the history between the 2 races.
The acting wasnt much to call home about. However i cant fault the actors, doesnt seem like they were given much to work with script/ screenplay wise. The lines are pretty straightfoward, so dont count on remembering too many characters for their personality and one liners they just arent there. Which I guess is pretty acurate considering the team was a collection of the worlds finest egg heads. Ultimately you will remember about 4 human chars , 1 alien and 2 predators. Out of about 22 chars...
The production quality is nice, the aliens look great, though some of the CGI for the alien queen looks clumsy at times. The predators are a mix bag, mainly the one with the different helm. Due to his body armor he looks a bit bulky and out of proportion in some scenes. Unmasked the predators do look a bit different but are pretty faithful. The problem really isnt the CG or animation or costumes.
Alot of people had a problem with how the story develops during the second half of the movie, however I dont see a problem with it, its no big deal that a predator doesnt massacre everything he see's. They are intelligent hunters, and arent mindless killers like the ALIENS, basically if your armed your a trophy. If he's seen you fight your a trophy. Things get further complicated because the predators on hand already had a greater task and objective. The humans complicate this by snooping around. Which is explained during the movie.
Ultimately the movie falls flat though. It had potential but in comparison to ALIENS and the original Predator there was no real sense of a blood rush those movies accomplished. I really wish that Cameron and the Original creators of the Predator *who are friends with Cameron* would've gotten together on this and made something special. Alas we are left with a C level movie that is really only interesting because you get to learn more predator lore.
I give it 2 out of 4 stars middle of the pack...which is pretty disappointing considering the franchises involved.