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Backyard Wrestling (guilty pleasure for me)

nabbed it for 10 used today and its kinda fun definatley not a wrestling game per say but its like a poor mans powerstone (very poor mans) plus doing a 450 fallaway slam off the porch roof thru a table while blaring Zombies "Brickhouse 2000" is just nasty white trashy fun.



Street Fighter IV World Champion
ZombieSupaStar said:
nabbed it for 10 used today and its kinda fun definatley not a wrestling game per say but its like a poor mans powerstone (very poor mans) plus doing a 450 fallaway slam off the porch roof thru a table while blaring Zombies "Brickhouse 2000" is just nasty white trashy fun.


Agreed. Hillbilly Powerstone. Very funny game. Great presentation. More games need difficulty ranging from 'Normal, Hard and Porn Star'.
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