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Bale as Batman caught on film

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Mana -- did you ever post writeups of all the San Diego Comic Con panels you attended? Either here or at IGN or whatever...


I was just curious if you had learned anything cool at the Whedon/Serenity panel. I don't really keep up with the news about this stuff...


Gold Member
border said:
I was just curious if you had learned anything cool at the Whedon/Serenity panel. I don't really keep up with the news about this stuff...

No, I skipped Sunday as that was the only thing I wanted to see there, and it wasn't worth getting up at 6:00am and driving downtown just to get parking for.
Well, I think the neck looks too fat. I know that Batman has no neck normally, but here it looks rather big. But the picture quality is low so I could be way off. As far as I can tell, there's no nipples, and that's all I care about.

And having the cape's shadow on the building... in the final film, that's gonna look SO FUCKING COOL!!!!


The cape looks cool, but it's pretty ridiculous. People complained that it would be impossible to fight in the stiff Burton-era armor, but it's not like the cape wouldn't be equally as stifling to running and quick movement. You'd be tripping all over it...


Hollywood Square
border said:
The cape looks cool, but it's pretty ridiculous. People complained that it would be impossible to fight in the stiff Burton-era armor, but it's not like the cape wouldn't be equally as stifling to running and quick movement. You'd be tripping all over it...

The cape in Batman Begins is controlled by some sort of electric current in the script. I believe it can stiffen up and such when necessary.


Gold Member
karasu said:
it looks great. An electric powered cape just sounds funny that's all.

It is basically used to stiffen the cape into a glider in one major scene.


Console Market Analyst
I was enjoying the clip before the cast of an unmade Kevin Smith film opened their mouths.

The suit looks great. I have no problem with the thickness of the mask.


Willco said:
The cape in Batman Begins is controlled by some sort of electric current in the script. I believe it can stiffen up and such when necessary.

Yeah, I would have rather not known that. :p
jett said:
Yeah, I would have rather not known that. :p

If you go to the batman begins website, there's a shot of batman with his cape extended gliding through a building tracking down a goon. i don't think it's that much of a spoiler what federman posted...
These videos have to be fake. Just a few weeks ago we had a few geeks who somehow got right up by the Batmobile driving around, and now this. Clever marketing move indeed.

aoi tsuki

karasu said:
it looks great. An electric powered cape just sounds funny that's all.
This technology exists today. i don't remember what it's called, but one of it's uses early on was with VR.


Matlock said:
"Holy fucking shit, it's Batman!"

That cracked me up...

Cape looked pretty cool, but also looked far too long. Of course I doubt it'll be at that length during the fights.


Hollywood Square
Idle Will Kill said:
These videos have to be fake. Just a few weeks ago we had a few geeks who somehow got right up by the Batmobile driving around, and now this. Clever marketing move indeed.

Nah. It's kind of hard to be real secretive when you're filming all over Chicago. Apparently if you live there, everyone and their mother has seen that Batmobile. Maybe Batman too!


Chili Con Carnage!
I wonder if it is some new kind of subtle PR, i understand it would be pretty difficult to hide, but that shot of the holiday kinda gives it away to me as a staged thing.


Why would this be a staged thing? They have been posting media at the official website for months now. They don't really need some secretive campaign.

Plus if the connection ever got out they would be in trouble for having that guy do the retarded kid voice.
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