isamu said:
can you elaborate on what these programs are and where to get them please?
WinHTTrack rips entire websites, or files on sites matching whatever criteria (filename, type, etc.) you choose. Not the most user-friendly program at first, but extremely powerful. i've got a UPC database site completely ripped and localized on my computer. Instead of going to the site, which may be down, i just go to my local verison of it. Having some sites like this as local sites is useful for me since i can't use my internet connection while download torrents, but it could be just as useful for downloading an online-only tutorial for instance. Just be aware that such a program can drive a site's bandwidth through the wall (literally), so be frugal with your usage and/or donate for using it.
Slogger is a Firefox extension that basically downloads everything you view to a permanent cache. After it's installed you can place a Slogger button on your Firefox toolbar that toggles the extension on and off. With it on, it saves everything you see on a page, i'm assuming everything that's saved in the cache, but unlike the cache, item's don't expire. For instance, you could conceivably save every thread on GAF you view, with every change made to it (AFAIK), and have a record of original posts if something changes later. i'm not sure how it works with media as i no longer have it installed.
Scrapbook is a Firefox extension that saves an individual page as you see it. With it installed, you right-click on the page, select "Capture Page", and it stores the page in a collection (which is saved exactly as the page is written) with the current page title. You can go back and edit the page if you want, or create collections of pages like ". It's most useful for pages with images from my use, epecially if you want to keep your collection in Firefox, though you can always go to the folder it saves them in and get them from there.
Download Them All! is a Firefox extension that downoads any file(s) you want on the page. You can choose images, video, music, or create your own filter to download whatever you want. Very useful if a page contains say, MP3s, and you don't feel like saving each one.
Google WinHTTrack. Slogger, Scrapbook, and Download Them All! are on the official Firefox update site.