Realize that it makes you stink, and it will eventually make you uglier (nasty teeth). And to some people, it makes you look pretty stupid, too. I'd say cancer and earlier death as reasons, but no one cares about those now. So basically, quit because of peer pressure. That's probably why you started. This faceless internet poster will think better of you for it. Oh, and it makes your mom wish she aborted you (and your grandma wish she aborted her). And Hitler is trying to use cigarette ashes to come back to life.
Think of how one day you'll do one of those charity walks for somethingorother, and all these fat and old people and children will be passing you because you can't breathe and do normal things. And then they'll get annoyed at you because you're coughing all over the place with a nasty smoker's cough. But I guess you could just use a wheelchair, and the fat, old people and children could push you. That would be fun.
You'll contribute greatly to the iron lung manufacturing community and all the communities associated with slowing down your smoke-related death. People could prosper from your habit. And I guess smoking won't matter if you're hit by a bus and killed tomorrow. Of course, if the driver was a smoker, that whole event might be just enough to send him or her into a fatal asthma attack, sending the entire bus of school children to their imminent demise. But what you don't know won't hurt you. Plus, if street crossing is difficult for you, maybe the world is better off. In conclusion, quit smoking. Or don't.
Actually, I heard the latest way to quit smoking is to take up alcoholism. Maybe you should try that. At best, you get a little chubby, at worst your life becomes unlivable... a neverending spiral of chemical dependency. But you meet lots of people in AA (what does smoking do for your social life?) and don't forget the support of the booze industry and small time liquor stores. There are so many dependencies out there. How do you know smoking is the one for you? Snorting crack has rather harsh downsides, but the highs look pretty good (instant celebrity) and seem relatively cheap. I mean it's nothing exotic like opium, but I don't know my drugs. Consult your local dealer for more information.
Hey, some people harshly abuse caffeine. It's a drug, just a small time one. It causes your body to think it's being fed adrenaline, so it's always on full blast. It's rather similar to speed, but cheap as can be. Maybe those children passing you in that walkathon are just hopped up on caffeine. It's readily available to the most innocent of minors. Just don't stop taking it, or your body will pretty much make you wish it weren't your's. You sleep way less on caffeine, and not nearly as deep, so you'll always be able to answer the phone in the middle of the night or listen to your cats groom themselves.
Anyway, don't let smoking limit your dependent existence. Control is for scum that hate drug support industries and love terrorists and school buses.