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Best way to store CDs and DVDs?

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I'm about to move to a new place and I'm looking at a way to store as many DVDs and CDs in as compact of a fashion as I can. So can anyone recommend some good storage or shelving that's designed to fit CDs and DVDs? I've got this walk in closet that I'm looking at turning into like a library of dvds and cds. Any suggestions would be great.

DJ Sl4m

Marty you may think I'm nuts, mainly because I tend to keep my disks saved almost completely opposite of most of the members who have posted pics of thier collections.

I keep all my Dreamcast disks in a black leather disk wallet (200 disk holder), same thing with my Xbox games, DVD movies, PC games, and PC Programs.
I keep all serials along with manuals in the front pocket of the wallets.

I don't have all the cd wallets filled, but with them being so large it leaves me room to expand later on discounted cd's.

Covers and artist drawings included are nothing more than trival junk to me, I like my collection neat, hidden and most of all ORGANISED.

This method saves a ton of space, plus you can collect games and not have your living room/game room look like a 12 year olds.

DJ Sl4m

MoxManiac said:
I've wanted to do that DJ, but I don't want my discs scratched up :(

Just don't pack the disks on both sides of the pages, if it becomes to 'tight' the will get scratched trying to get them out, or put them away.
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