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So, though it's happening less frequently with more synergised release schedules and the shift in proportion between voice work and text, but it creeps up here and there: the localization change.
This can and has varied from censorship of nudity and religious references in old school Nintendo games, to utilitarian changes due to space or character limitations. See: Woolsey's FFVI script, and character names like Mash, Tina, Stragus vs. Their localized counterparts.
Sometimes it's just bad translation, primarily due to time limitations and rushing, I'd wager in most cases, but you've all seen this, too. All your base, Basilisk being translated as Bagrisk in FFVII, etc.
And further still, sometimes you have localization changes to account for differences in culture, slang or phrases, etc. FFVIII decided people lining up for bread sounded too soup kitchen for Western audiences, so English FFVIII features Zell pounding down hot dogs that are missing a key ingredient.
So how about it, GAF? What's your personal best and worst localization change? How do you feel about the shit in general? Has it ever ruined a game for you? Bilingual-GAF, have you ever played the same game in two different languages? How was the experience?
This can and has varied from censorship of nudity and religious references in old school Nintendo games, to utilitarian changes due to space or character limitations. See: Woolsey's FFVI script, and character names like Mash, Tina, Stragus vs. Their localized counterparts.
Sometimes it's just bad translation, primarily due to time limitations and rushing, I'd wager in most cases, but you've all seen this, too. All your base, Basilisk being translated as Bagrisk in FFVII, etc.
And further still, sometimes you have localization changes to account for differences in culture, slang or phrases, etc. FFVIII decided people lining up for bread sounded too soup kitchen for Western audiences, so English FFVIII features Zell pounding down hot dogs that are missing a key ingredient.
So how about it, GAF? What's your personal best and worst localization change? How do you feel about the shit in general? Has it ever ruined a game for you? Bilingual-GAF, have you ever played the same game in two different languages? How was the experience?