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Better 4k Blu-ray player PS5 or Xbox One X


Have a PS5 and Xbox One X. Was just wondering which one has the better 4k blu-ray player ? We still enjoy buying 4kuhd movies on disc and was just curious which of my consoles had the better player in it.



Gold Member
Neither can do Dolby Vision from discs. The Xbox supports Dolby Vision, just not on UHD discs yet. PS5 has no Dolby Vision (or Atmos) support.

The Xbox player UI is much better than the PS5s. Other than that they're about the same.

If they unlock Dolby Vision support for discs on the Series X (right now it's just streaming apps), it'd be the better of the two.


They both suck balls compared to my Samsung dedicated player. The PS5 looks considerably more blurry and the Xbox has washed out hdr highlights.
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