Anton Sugar
Made this quick thread for a GAF BF3 Alpha meetup before the Alpha ends on August 1st. Please give your Battlelog profile.
You can't access Battlelog without BF3 Alpha access, I believe, so this shouldn't violate the NDA.
PC GAF uses Mumble for voice comm in online games. Please visit this link to set up Mumble--it's very quick and easy to use.
nitric0 - nitric0
North America
barnone - barnone27
Belvedere - Belvedere350
BrLvgThrChmstry - Chmstry
darkressurection - monkyofdoom
demolitio - Demolitio
DoctorWho - Proteus4
Htown - nmarchan
Menelaus - RagnarLodbrokPC
Mr. Snrub - Anton_Sugar
FilosopherStoner - Ratmead
Fixed1979 - Fixed1979
Flambe - Flambethou
Juancho9 - Jpabloz
Kunu - Kunu
LordCanti - BulletSmurf
Mr. Lemming - SicherLem
Pankaks - Monkeeking36
Proxy - JonDilinger
RbBrdMan - RbBrdMan
RS4- rs88
Smokey - dboythagr9
snack - chickenfox
SonicMaster326 - SonicMaster326
spicy cho - spicycho
Strider2K99 - Strider2K99
TomcatTheLion - TomcatTheLion
woober - metalarmored
unpurposed - unpurposed
vitaminwateryum - crayola77
Wolfwood0 -
zlatko - zlatko
Billen - Billen
blanky - apoks
Heavy's Sandvich - Efebayor
Facism - Live_Feed1982
FunBoy - FunBoy
Giriath - Giriath
gtvdave - gtvdave
Herla - Herla
Ikuu - Ikuu
Meus Renaissance - Starfleets
NIN90 - NIN90
Orgun - Orguno
R_Navarro - Lt Calibur
Ubersnug - Ubersnug
undu - unduthegun
Vasilisk - RedblackVasilisk
Veqtue - Veqtue
Vetrox - Washaa
YoungFa - IvanCorp
You can't access Battlelog without BF3 Alpha access, I believe, so this shouldn't violate the NDA.
PC GAF uses Mumble for voice comm in online games. Please visit this link to set up Mumble--it's very quick and easy to use.
nitric0 - nitric0
North America
barnone - barnone27
Belvedere - Belvedere350
BrLvgThrChmstry - Chmstry
darkressurection - monkyofdoom
demolitio - Demolitio
DoctorWho - Proteus4
Htown - nmarchan
Menelaus - RagnarLodbrokPC
Mr. Snrub - Anton_Sugar
FilosopherStoner - Ratmead
Fixed1979 - Fixed1979
Flambe - Flambethou
Juancho9 - Jpabloz
Kunu - Kunu
LordCanti - BulletSmurf
Mr. Lemming - SicherLem
Pankaks - Monkeeking36
Proxy - JonDilinger
RbBrdMan - RbBrdMan
RS4- rs88
Smokey - dboythagr9
snack - chickenfox
SonicMaster326 - SonicMaster326
spicy cho - spicycho
Strider2K99 - Strider2K99
TomcatTheLion - TomcatTheLion
woober - metalarmored
unpurposed - unpurposed
vitaminwateryum - crayola77
Wolfwood0 -
zlatko - zlatko
Billen - Billen
blanky - apoks
Heavy's Sandvich - Efebayor
Facism - Live_Feed1982
FunBoy - FunBoy
Giriath - Giriath
gtvdave - gtvdave
Herla - Herla
Ikuu - Ikuu
Meus Renaissance - Starfleets
NIN90 - NIN90
Orgun - Orguno
R_Navarro - Lt Calibur
Ubersnug - Ubersnug
undu - unduthegun
Vasilisk - RedblackVasilisk
Veqtue - Veqtue
Vetrox - Washaa
YoungFa - IvanCorp