AssMan said:
So many topics attacking the Bush Admin., but when some bad news comes out about democrats, it's quiet here. Reminds me of the NYTimes. =P
I'd post bad news about Democrats if I actually came across some in the news during my daily scouts, but fact of the matter is, with Republicans being the majority party across the board and pandering to the far right, there's just not a whole of visible, substantiative negative Democrat news on the whole. About the only thing I can recall recently was Jack Abramoff (the lobbyist responsible for a lot of DeLay's woes) had some ties to key Democrats, including Senate Minority Leader Harry Reid; but there wasn't any real follow-up on it and it's comparatively meager to the blatant abuses (in my opinion) of key Republican politicians.
That's not to say there aren't Republicans that I respect at times. I supported Voinovich's blunt criticisms of Bolton, despite the fact that he should've gone further and given the thumbs down to his nomination rather than giving the Senate a floor vote, and I support Walter Jones (Mr. Freedom Fries) for actually taking the time to do what I think almost no other war supporter in Congress has done: handwrite over 1300 letters to the soldiers killed and attending their funerals on occasion. I certainly don't agree with many of their positions (I can already foresee me adamantly disagreeing with Jones on just about everything), but I think it's unfair to skew all of GAF as being pro-Democrat. It's more like anti-administration if anything.
Like -jinx- said, if you want to make criticisms, say it and don't sneak in with some obscure one-liner and bolt.