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Blatant Holiday Flex


Simps for Amouranth
Blatant flex I know, but currently fucking around Cario and man is this some place, from the sheer madness of the city to the incredible sites, y'all gotta put this place on your goto list...

Them Pyramids are just so goddamn fucking enormous and really need to be seen to be believed

If anyone else is somewhere cool, post em
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A colleague from work was in Cairo recently and she didn’t seem too happy with the city. The pictures she showed took all my enthusiasm to go there one day. The place looks like a legit dump with the pyramids somewhere inbetween.


Simps for Amouranth
A colleague from work was in Cairo recently and she didn’t seem too happy with the city. The pictures she showed took all my enthusiasm to go there one day. The place looks like a legit dump with the pyramids somewhere inbetween.
Cairo is one big massive crazy cesspool, what do you expect from a mega city on the African continent, this isn't Geneva ffs but don't let it ever deter you from visiting this crazy city, it's a hellscape of wonders, from the people to the bazaars, it's a sight to behold for us cozy westerners, today I seen what looked like a 8y.o. selling herbs by the roadside no adult to be seen and on the way to the Citadel 2 kids ran across the fecking 6lane motorway lol, not to mention the entire family and their belongings on the back of a horse and cart stuck behind a brand new 7series but you gotta detach yourself from our norms and just go with it


Simps for Amouranth
Nice man, good for you. Love traveling, miss it. I just committed to another 22000 dollars of improvements to the home, so yeah, travel just seems to be dead for me these days.
I feel your pain, we had to skip traveling last year to do some homework improvements, it was one of the other but this year the wife threw the head up and wanted to see the sun, so bagged a cheap one


I feel your pain, we had to skip traveling last year to do some homework improvements, it was one of the other but this year the wife threw the head up and wanted to see the sun, so bagged a cheap one
Nice man, I'm glad you guys got to do that, it's just healthy to get out and see new things. Next year I'll be committing roughly another 30 grand to building a loft, but I'm hoping the year after we can travel. I really wanna go to any of these: Norway, Sweden, Iceland, Denmark, northern Germany, or Japan.

One day man....one day.


it's a hellscape of wonders, from the people to the bazaars, it's a sight to behold for us cozy westerners, today I seen what looked like a 8y.o. selling herbs by the roadside no adult to be seen and on the way to the Citadel 2 kids ran across the fecking 6lane motorway lol, not to mention the entire family and their belongings on the back of a horse and cart stuck behind a brand new 7series but you gotta detach yourself from our norms and just go with it

That was me going to mainland China in the mid 2000's. Awesome stuff.


Simps for Amouranth
Ancient aliens built the pyramids desu.

Wake up.
Given the sheer size of the things it's completely plausible, when you stand at the foot of them and they just take up your entire view you gotta ask how the fuck did man build these 4500yrs ago before the invention of the wheel..

And they built 3 of em ffs!!! Crazy alien bastards

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Battlebus imprisoning me \m/ >.< \m/
According to ancient alien civilization experts, the pyramids were built through the combined efforts of ancient alien technology and sophisticated Nazi UFOs.
After the break, we’ll analyze the shocking top secret NSA documents surrounding the operation. Stay tuned.


How’s the language barrier? Are you with a tour group or alone? Ease of getting around?
I want to go but not sure about taking young kids into that madness.

I didn’t know you were allowed to walk all the way up to the pyramids. That’s awesome! Have fun, stay safe.


Simps for Amouranth
How’s the language barrier? Are you with a tour group or alone? Ease of getting around?
I want to go but not sure about taking young kids into that madness.

I didn’t know you were allowed to walk all the way up to the pyramids. That’s awesome! Have fun, stay safe.
Mate I wasn't taking the family into a city as big as Cairo and just winging it with Taxis, nor was I gonna be stuck on a tourist bus with a load of random cunts lol, no I hired a professional company who supplied a great tour guide and driver who did everything for us, it is perfectly safe, Egyptians are a decent group, really hospitable and friendly to tourists, the kids absolutely loved it and our guide was great with them so organised everything around keeping the kids entertained, for example no kid wants to goto a massive museum and look at a load of ancient shit so she took us directly Tuts golden masks and explained all the good stuff, then took us to see mummy's and animal mummys and then out, same with up at the pyramids she goes and speaks to the locals and organised a camel trek from the Pyramids once we had finished exploring it, down to the Sphinx, as you can imagine it's a pretty fucking amazing experience, as for walking upto the pyramids.. lol mate you go inside them! Hit me up a PM and I'll give you the details of who we used and our itenary to help you plan it so you've no worries


Simps for Amouranth
Inside the big Pyramid, it's a slog to get too, your bent over within a 4ft tall carved out tunnel then a near vertical slope up to the main room with a single sarcophagus in the middle, the heat and humidity inside is wile, 15yrs ago when we previously did it, the inside was cool..


Blatant flex I know, but currently fucking around Cario and man is this some place, from the sheer madness of the city to the incredible sites, y'all gotta put this place on your goto list...

Them Pyramids are just so goddamn fucking enormous and really need to be seen to be believed

If anyone else is somewhere cool, post em
I really want to go there, it's one of my most wanted, but, I really don't know if I can handle all of the bullshit that goes with it.

I know for a fact my guts couldn't handle it. I almost died in Mauritius and that's tame compared to there.

If it didn't seem so chaotic I'd of gone years ago.

Is it bad? Most travel videos I've watched of getting to the pyramids seemed like you'd get swamped by locals being a pain in the arse.


Simps for Amouranth
I really want to go there, it's one of my most wanted, but, I really don't know if I can handle all of the bullshit that goes with it.

I know for a fact my guts couldn't handle it. I almost died in Mauritius and that's tame compared to there.

If it didn't seem so chaotic I'd of gone years ago.

Is it bad? Most travel videos I've watched of getting to the pyramids seemed like you'd get swamped by locals being a pain in the arse.
Use a guide mate and they take care of all the bullshit, it's to be expected at all the major tourist sites but a respectful polite no thank you suffices and they leave you alone, used to be a lot worse lol, as for guts I've an iron stomach and my wife is Gluten free so she is sensitive AF and she's been grand, just dont go mad eating the monkey brains and stick to what you're used to.

As for being swamped, nah they move on quickly when they see you're not interested or with a guide who possibly tells them to fuck off in Egyptian lol, seriously mate it's worth it, the Pyramids are something else, you cannot fathom the size of them until you see them with your own eyes


Gold Member
currently fucking around Cario


Are those the Super Cario Bros. in the background?

That’s one impressive perspective, holy shit. They must have looked unbelievable to people in ancient times.

A colleague from work was in Cairo recently and she didn’t seem too happy with the city. The pictures she showed took all my enthusiasm to go there one day. The place looks like a legit dump with the pyramids somewhere inbetween.

Admittedly, this view of Cairo looks too close to an average Italian mid-size city suburb for comfort.


Use a guide mate and they take care of all the bullshit, it's to be expected at all the major tourist sites but a respectful polite no thank you suffices and they leave you alone, used to be a lot worse lol,
I didnt even think of that! Yeah, I think that'd be for the best.

as for guts I've an iron stomach and my wife is Gluten free so she is sensitive AF and she's been grand, just dont go mad eating the monkey brains and stick to what you're used to.

Holy crap, they do the brain thing an all! My wife would love that, she's a veggy. If I do end up going it might end up just being my lad and me as she just wants beach holidays anyway.

As for being swamped, nah they move on quickly when they see you're not interested or with a guide who possibly tells them to fuck off in Egyptian lol, seriously mate it's worth it, the Pyramids are something else, you cannot fathom the size of them until you see them with your own eyes
Yeah I'll certainly be going at some point. I've only got two more things I want to do in life, see the Pyramids and watch a shuttle launch in America. I've seen or done most other things I want to


Given the sheer size of the things it's completely plausible, when you stand at the foot of them and they just take up your entire view you gotta ask how the fuck did man build these 4500yrs ago before the invention of the wheel..

And they built 3 of em ffs!!! Crazy alien bastards



Given the sheer size of the things it's completely plausible, when you stand at the foot of them and they just take up your entire view you gotta ask how the fuck did man build these 4500yrs ago before the invention of the wheel..

And they built 3 of em ffs!!! Crazy alien bastards

Sadly, I spent an entire week with a tour guide during my trip to Egypt, who was a wealth of knowledge about how they actually built those fucking things (not to mention places like Abu Simbel, Aswan, Luxor, and Edfu).

More man power than you can comprehend, huge amounts of time, and an awful lot of gigantic fucking mud brick ramps.
We'll check out Alexandria the next time we come to Egypt, as for Cairo, I can honestly see how people wouldn't be anamored with it but I just find it endlessly fascinating in it's unrelenting madness lol
Dahab, by the sea is pretty chill. It's a long ways drive from the capital but it genuinely feels like the end of the earth there. I would recommend it but for different reasons.
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Sadly, I spent an entire week with a tour guide during my trip to Egypt, who was a wealth of knowledge about how they actually built those fucking things (not to mention places like Abu Simbel, Aswan, Luxor, and Edfu).

More man power than you can comprehend, huge amounts of time, and an awful lot of gigantic fucking mud brick ramps.

That's actually bullshit, they don't know how they are built with the technology they had at the time. The simple math doesn't work out with ramps, rollers and copper tools.


You gotta love places in the world that in 2024 still rely on the things people built thousands of years ago to get people to visit.
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I went there back in 2004, the Pyramids were great but the city was to much, be stanking of shit round every other corner.


is on perm warning for being a low level troll
They'd have to pay me to go even near any Maghreb country again. Also except for the pyramids that city looks like a fire just went through.


That's actually bullshit, they don't know how they are built with the technology they had at the time. The simple math doesn't work out with ramps, rollers and copper tools.

I dunno... Nat Geo seems to think it's the most likely explanation:

Scientists and engineers are still debating exactly how the pyramids were constructed. It’s generally believed that the Egyptians moved massive stone blocks to the heights along large ramps, greased by water or wet clay, using a system of sledges, ropes, rollers, and levers. Some suggest exterior ramps either zig-zagged or spiraled around each pyramid, while a more controversial theory suggests internal ramps were used.

As does Britannica:

The question of how the pyramids were built has not received a wholly satisfactory answer. The most plausible one is that the Egyptians employed a sloping and encircling embankment of brick, earth, and sand, which was increased in height and length as the pyramid rose; stone blocks were hauled up the ramp by means of sledges, rollers, and levers. According to the ancient Greek historian Herodotus, the Great Pyramid took 20 years to construct and demanded the labour of 100,000 men. This figure is believable given the assumption that these men, who were agricultural labourers, worked on the pyramids only (or primarily) while there was little work to be done in the fields—i.e., when the Nile River was in flood. By the late 20th century, however, archaeologists had found evidence that a more limited workforce may have occupied the site on a permanent rather than a seasonal basis. It was suggested that as few as 20,000 workers, with accompanying support personnel (bakers, physicians, priests, etc.), would have been adequate for the task.

And the Smithsonian:

A tomb painting of a colossal statue being moved shows how huge stone blocks were moved on sledges over ground first made slippery by liquid. The blocks were then brought up ramps to their positions in the pyramid.

So... there you go, I guess?


I used to work in Cairo in the early 2010s. Just quoting my Egyptian colleague: I love my country, but I hate the people in it.

It was loud, hot, dirty and everyone was set to rip you off. The Pyramids are impressive (and not build by slaves, mind you), but the whole "I can show you around, Mister!" "Do you want to ride a camel, Mister!" "I can show you everything, Mister!" killed the mood. What many tourists don´t see are the stables where they keep the camels: These are simple brick buildings with aluminum roofs. The heat under these must be incredible.

If you imagine that Egypt used to be the pinnacle of civilization for quite some time and what they´ve done with it in the last 100-150 years, it´s really depressing to watch.

On the plus-side, there are some wonderful people living there (already mentioned my colleague): Friendly, open, helpful and charming. Friends for life.


Gold Member
Those Cairo pictures can't be true because I saw the pyramids destroyed by giant monsters just 3 days ago.


Given the sheer size of the things it's completely plausible, when you stand at the foot of them and they just take up your entire view you gotta ask how the fuck did man build these 4500yrs ago before the invention of the wheel..

And they built 3 of em ffs!!! Crazy alien bastards


Slave labor can get anything done when they set their mind to it!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Simps for Amouranth
I'm not going to veer this off topic anymore.

Even your Britanica link opens with "The question of how the pyramids were built has not received a wholly satisfactory answer."

Thus, inconclusive.
No need worry about veering chap, Pyramid construction is right up my street as an engineer who loves massive structural engineer projects, the whole ramp theory I thought was debunked due to the slope required would mean the actual ramp length would be as impressive as the pyramids themselves due to the size, it's the most plausible one as is the construction of a ramp that circles the pyramids to bring the blocks to the top.

It was the same at Karnac in Luxor, another incredible sight to behold, the massive columns and sheer size of the temple makes it almost as impressive as the pyramids, just thinking about it blows my mind and I'll definitely be firing up my old save from Ass Creed Origins when I get home lol


Simps for Amouranth
Those Cairo pictures can't be true because I saw the pyramids destroyed by giant monsters just 3 days ago.
Me and the wee lad watched Godzilla x Kong before we left and we couldn't see any sign of the fight so they must've been hard at work fixing everything
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