Just finished it. Awesome 9/10.
- Awesome visuals
- Great pacing across 8 episodes
- Tons of characters (including popular Greek myth gods)
- Solid voice acting and classical epic music
- A serious series. Hardly any jokes and cheesy stuff
- Lots of action and killing
- Has the look of anime (faces and blocky square art), but 10x better than the usual cheese heavy Japanese anime. You won't see dumb faces or teenage girls screeching
- Season 1 ends on a solid foundation for season 2, but doesn't end it in a stupid way
- If you like the old Batman Animated Series, you'll like this. Has the style of a Japanese cartoon, but better pacing, acting and tone from western directors
- If you hated Batman TAS because it was too serious, you'll probably hate Blood of Zeus. If you're looking for corny anime which is one part action and one part characters acting goofy cracking jokes every 10 seconds, you'll probably hate Blood of Zeus
- Way better than Castlevania. Castlevania was good, but had crap animation and half the episodes were a snoozefest (season 1 was good though) as hardly anything happened. Zeus has good flow. And unlike Castlevania, you don't have anything like Sypha and Trevor being a forced tandem of arguing love birds for sake of jokes
- Characters in Zeus (Heron or main villain) have a maturity to them, where they know their weakness. Trevor Belmont always acts in that cocky joking attitude. Again, it's one of those things either you like or hate. If you like the main cast to be like crazy and arrogant like Mel Gibson in Lethal Weapon, you'll probably like Trevor in Castevania more. If you don't like that kind of character, you'll like the cast in Zeus more. Even the gods in Zeus know their limits. They aren't perfect. You even see gods get the shit beat out of them
Only drawback is the main antagonist is a bigger plot than Heron the main hero?!?!? Kind of weird.