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Blu Ray update....



August 10, 2004

Blu-ray Disc Founders Conduct Seminars For Companies Seeking To Play A Role In The Creation Of Blu-ray Disc; Popular Demand Drives Industry Group To Open Its Doors To 250 Companies

In response to growing industry support for the Blu-ray Disc standard, the 13 members of the Blu-ray Disc Founders held information seminars in San Jose, California on July 28 and in Tokyo, Japan on August 3 to introduce the formation of the Blu-ray Disc Association (BDA). The new entity will establish format standards and promote and further develop business opportunities for Blu-ray Disc (BD) - the next generation optical disc for storing high-definition movies, photos and other digital content. More than 70 people representing 42 companies attended the first information seminar held in San Jose, and in Tokyo, 400 people from more than 200 companies attended the conference. Attendees came to the events to hear about how they can play a role in the format creation, technology contribution, and working level of BDA's operations. The Blu-ray Disc Founders -- made up of leading computer, consumer electronics and storage media companies -- will be re-incorporated into the BDA and is currently developing the membership application processes and operating procedures. The BDA is about to open to companies wishing to participate in the future development of Blu-ray development of Blu-ray Disc and to help develop, promote and establish the BD format as an industry standard for high-definition optical storage. Key topics discussed at the seminars were the growing market for High-Definition TV that will offer new opportunities for content providers to create compelling interactive services for consumers and the acceleration and convergence of the consumer electronics and information technology markets.

"With the rapid growth in high-definition TV, high capacity optical disc technology promises to be an important step in heightening the consumer's viewing experience," said analyst Van Baker of Gartner G2. "The evolution of packaged media to now include Internet connectivity is exciting in that it will engage consumers in a completely different way." Blu-ray Disc is suitable for a variety of applications including PC data storage and is the perfect storage medium to enable digital convergence bridging between PC applications and consumer electronics entertainment devices. "We're going to be seeing more consumer electronics activities, such as watching movies and delivering content through the PC in the living room, as the lines between traditional consumer electronics hardware and personal computers are blurred," said Tom Pratt, Technology Strategist at Dell. "Blu-ray Disc takes a leading role as a bridge between the CE and PC worlds where the activities become more and more convergent."The addition of new members is expected to foster greater competition in the development of new products, applications and business opportunities within BD. Applications will be available in early September 2004 and the first official meeting of the new BDA is planned this October 4th in Tokyo.

About The Blu-ray Disc Founders

The Blu-ray Disc Founders was formed in May 2002 to pursue broad acceptance of the Blu-ray Disc formats. Members are Dell Inc.; Hewlett Packard Company; Hitachi, Ltd.; LG Electronics Inc.; Mitsubishi Electric Corporation; Panasonic (Matsushita Electric); Pioneer Corporation; Royal Philips Electronics; Samsung Electronics Co., Ltd.; Sharp Corporation; Sony Corporation; TDK Corporation; and Thomson. For updated information on the application process, please visit www.blu-raydisc-official.org.

Internet Contacts:


More than 70 people representing 42 companies attended the first information seminar held in San Jose, and in Tokyo, 400 people from more than 200 companies attended the conference.

Hehe, the question is; how many will join the BDA?



JVC's Blu-ray disc production method cuts investment costs by 90 pct - report

TOKYO (AFX-ASIA) - Victor Company of Japan (JVC) has developed technology
that enables Blu-ray Discs, one of the next-generation DVD formats, to be
produced at a fraction of the conventional investment costs, the Nihon Keizai
Shimbun reported, without citing sources.
The new technology allows current DVD production equipment to be used almost
as is, thereby reducing the capital investment costs needed to shift to the new
format to about 20 mln yen, or less than 10 pct of the normal costs, the report
JVC's technology is for the creation of master discs, which are used to
produce read-only discs such as movies. A single-layer Blu-ray Disc can store
25GB of data, while a dual-layer disc can record 50GB.
According to the report, production of a Blu-ray master disc until now
required firms to introduce specialized beam devices and vacuum equipment
ranging in cost from just over 200 mln yen to more than 400 mln.
To create the master discs, JVC uses a far-ultraviolet laser, which has an
extremely short wavelength. In addition to low initial costs, Blu-ray master
discs can be produced at similar cost and efficiency as conventional DVD master
discs when Blu-ray discs are eventually mass-produced, the report said.
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