Bob Uecker passed away today at the age of 90


Gold Member

Truly a legend in our sport, will be greatly missed

Bob was one of the nicest humans out there and went out of his way to be kind to people

When I played I cherished walking the stadiums because I loved their history and not all stadiums even allowed players to walk around

One day before a night game some of us were attempting to walk around old Milwaukee County Stadium and some rent a cop stopped us and said we wasn't allowed near the press area and Bob was nearby and heard this and came out and gave us a guided tour telling some of his stories

My wife and I went back in 2002 maybe 2003 somewhere in that time period to see the new Brewers Stadium and I had some people reach out to see if I could meet Bob again and I know no way did he remember me but he acted like he was so happy to see me and though he didn't do it this time he had some of the people there give my wife and I a tour of the new digs



I was just thinking about him not long ago. I was surprised to learn he was still alive (at the time) and still doing Brewers games. RIP.
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Classy af!



He made Major League 1 and 2 into classic comedy movies, his timing and commentary was pure perfection with the action on the field.
Not sure if he improvised or not, but some great chemistry there and delivery.

So many great lines 'At least their not from Canada'' always cracks me up, since they went on to win back to back titles.

First knew him from Mr. Belvedere, solid 80's sitcom for the time.

Boss Mog

I didn't even realize the guy played baseball. I just remember him from Mr. Belvedere. Not that I remember that show too well either.


I was never a big sports guy so all of my memories of him were from Mr. Belvedere.
and Norm Stories
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