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'Brain On Drugs' campaign guy now supports legalizing marijuana

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He is still uncomfortable with being known as the "Drug Guy" and questions whether the ad was effective. He says he has first hand knowledge of the scourge of drug addiction but thinks it's important to differentiate between medical marijuana and harder opioid based drugs.

He credits his in-laws, who voted to legalize medicinal marijuana in the state of Washington, with influencing his decision to support legalization.

"They were in their late '80s and my mother in-law, god rest her soul, had pretty bad arthritis and a lot of pain. My father in-law had a lot of pain in his legs. They didn't want to use opioids and they went with the marijuana," Roselius explains.

"I think that kind of directed me and when they legalized it for medicinal purposes that changed me."

Progress! Here's the original, infamous ad: https://youtu.be/ub_a2t0ZfTs


Very cool. It's been exciting to watch public opinion on weed change so drastically over the past decade or so.


Anybody who is against cannabis legalization in any way is either:

A) Woefully ignorant
B) A piece of shit


I really hope my state passes 64. It would set quite the precedence to have the most populated state legalize marijuana
I've had this poster hanging in my den for years:



i've been begging for over 5 years.
Am I missing something. Guy was just an actor right? It's not like he actively shaped policy or anything?

This is about as significant as the 'can you hear me now' verizon guy now supporting sprint.


A scientist and gentleman in the manner of Batman.
"Any questions" Ya... how does that analogy work in any way or form? The DARE era was so weird.

It's the 90s. It tried so hard to not be as lame as the 80s by being edgy, but in retrospect, the 90s are probably even lamer.


He credits his in-laws, who voted to legalize medicinal marijuana in the state of Washington, with influencing his decision to support legalization.

IIRC this is why the current NSW Liberal leader supports Marijuana legalization as well.

Someone older in his family affected by pain but getting relief from Marijuana.

Looks like if you want change, you need to hit their families. Sad.
Bah. 1987-1990 was all nothing but TV memories for me.
I actually thought it was older than 1987 but ya that whole era runs together. Too much Wite Out and felt pen sniffing.

I remember a cop came to our 6th or 7th grade class and passed around samples of fake drugs so we could identify them and snitch on our classmates. That inspired us to make fake crack rocks and bags of coke out of chalk and hide them around teachers' desks.
Anybody who is against cannabis legalization in any way is either:

A) Woefully ignorant
B) A piece of shit
There are legit long term health concerns about the effects of smoking for the age range for young adults to younger...

However one would still have to consider whether pot being illegal curbs usage , and whether the source being known, so nothing has been debased, makes up for that in part or in whole.......


There are legit long term health concerns about the effects of smoking for the age range for young adults to younger...

However one would still have to consider whether pot being illegal curbs usage , and whether the source being known, so nothing has been debased, makes up for that in part or in whole.......

That the best thing about being legal. Illegal you have to smoke it. Really no other products are "sold"

Legal you can just eat some candy. It comes it so many forms that fewer people still smoke it.


The problem with marijuana being legal here is that it is still a federal crime to traffic it. So the stores can only accept cash and can't store proceeds at a bank. They have become targets for robberies as a result.


Well, he just said generally "drugs" so it's probably fair to say that for harder ones this might still be applicable (inversely, you're raw and unstable while on severe pain but with marijuana you're nice and stable!)


There are legit long term health concerns about the effects of smoking for the age range for young adults to younger...

However one would still have to consider whether pot being illegal curbs usage , and whether the source being known, so nothing has been debased, makes up for that in part or in whole.......

A legal, regulated market will do more for curbing underage use than prohibition could ever hope to do.

And even if that wasn't the case, underage use is in no way a justification for full prohibition whatsoever.


Don't worry, I'll vouch for them.
That the best thing about being legal. Illegal you have to smoke it. Really no other products are "sold"

Legal you can just eat some candy. It comes it so many forms that fewer people still smoke it.
Where are you getting that statistic that less people are smoking because of edibles?


There are legit long term health concerns about the effects of smoking for the age range for young adults to younger...

However one would still have to consider whether pot being illegal curbs usage , and whether the source being known, so nothing has been debased, makes up for that in part or in whole.......

Marijuana use doesn't have to equal smoking.

It may be the preferred way now but why would anyone smoke it when you could buy oils and vape it, edibles and eat it, pills and swallow it?

I WISH I could vape oil.
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