Particle Physicist
between a quark and a baryon
pretty amazing stuff.. hope this really ends up working.
Nov. 29, 2004 -- It worked in mice. It worked in monkeys. And now in humans, a therapeutic vaccine has stopped HIV in its tracks.
The findings appear in the December issue of Nature Medicine.
"The results suggest that [these] vaccines could be a promising strategy for treating people with chronic HIV infection," Andrieu and colleagues write. "The significant decrease of viral load as well as maintenance of ... [T-]cell counts observed at one year after immunization are particularly promising."
The researchers warn that their study is only proof of principle. It's still not clear which patients do best with the vaccine, although there's evidence that vaccination should be given as soon after HIV infection as possible. Only clinical trials comparing people who get the vaccine to those who don't can show whether this vaccine really is an effective AIDS therapy.
Similar approaches are being explored for the treatment of cancer and long-term viral infections such as hepatitis C.
pretty amazing stuff.. hope this really ends up working.