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British mom gives natural birth to Spain's biggest baby, 13.7 pounds

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Homeland Security Fail
They are having a contest over in Europe.



Her baby, and the German baby born last week:

A British mother has given birth to Spain's biggest naturally born baby, a robust newborn weighing a mighty 13 pounds, 7 ounces.

Maxime Marin's cherub-cheeked girl made her grand debut in "perfect health" Wednesday morning without the assistance of an epidural or C-section, a hospital in the Mediterranean city of Denia said in a release.

As a real-life Wonder Woman who just had her fourth child, Maxime brushed off the five-hour delivery as pretty simple.

Still, she admits her daughter's girth was a surprise, telling Marina Salud Hospital she knew she'd be big "but not that big."

The girl, named Maria Lorena Marin, was after all record-breaking, but she was Maxime’s biggest by only a couple of pounds.

Her first three weighed nearly 10 pounds.

Of course, a baby of this stature could only be expected to have a big passport to go with it, and she will, as the hospital revealed.

In addition to being born in Spain to a British mother, Maria has a Colombian father, Jaime Marin.

Last week, a German woman in Lipzig also broke records by giving birth to a 13.47-pound baby - the country’s largest ever.

The largest baby on record was a 23-pound, 12-ounce boy born in 1879, according to the Guiness Book of World Records.

Unfortunately for the mother, Anna Bates of Canada, a giant, he died 11 hours later.


I thought they prevent babies from getting this big during pregnancy, because it could be dangerous for all involved.
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