These are some of the simple facts about the Bush Admins fixing of intel. Liberals who want the truth to be known should be reciting these points almost constantly; instead, theyve spent their time in the past six weeks staring at the Downing Street memo, trying to mind-read its pithy constructions. But then, liberals and Democrats have constantly failed to make a good case about this themeabout the way the Bush Admin went out there and faked the intelligence. At this time, your liberal and Democratic elites are almost impossibly inept when it comes to framing messages. And this unfortunate trait has been on display when it comes to the faking of intel.
Did the Bush Admin fake the intel in the wake of the Downing Street memo? Of course they did; they began to scare us silly about Saddams nukes, grossly misstating the intel to do it. But this is not what liberals say when they discuss this theme on TV, where voters might actually learn from their work.
Yes, Cheney/Rice pretty much lied through their teeth. To us, they fixed the intel but good. But alas! Your current liberal/Dem elites are too inept, too lazy to prove it. Basic texts, like Woodwards, spell out the facts. But that would require a whole lot of readinga treatment that Woodwards book never got. When it comes to spreading some real info, your lazy, languorous liberal elites have performed like the Downing Street no-shows.