DISCLAIMER: The NeoGAF administration has no authority over any transactions facilitated by this thread and cannot be held responsible for whatever results from buying, selling, or trading goods or services within the thread. We advise caution and common sense.
This thread is for private transactions, not for advertising your company.
A Note About Payments
NOTE: All feedback must now be left in this Feedback thread. Moving forward, the B/S/T Trade Thread is only for posting items.
Basic Ground Rules
1. Re-listing sales (aka: do not spam)
2. No off-site sales or auctions

This thread is for private transactions, not for advertising your company.
A Note About Payments
- In this thread, sellers accept a wide variety of payment options (cash, PayPal, Amazon Payments, etc). Please note, when paying via PayPal there are two options - regular payment and Gift payment. Gift payment, while freeing the seller from incurring fees, leaves the buyer with little to no protection in the event the transaction goes south. We recommend PayPal Gift payments be made with the utmost discretion and that you reserve them for transactions where you're absolutely certain of the integrity of the person with whom you're dealing. There are some options for buyers who use PayPal Gift in the event of a non-delivery of goods, but they can be unpredictable and dangerous. Remember: PayPal Gift is risky, and only use it if you are completely confident in the transaction.
- If you're any type of "Plus" Seller (a further explanation can be found in the feedback sheet), feel free to add one of these icons to your B/S/T listings. Thanks to C-Drive for creating these images. And don't attempt to use one if you're not at the appropriate level. We're always watching.
NOTE: All feedback must now be left in this Feedback thread. Moving forward, the B/S/T Trade Thread is only for posting items.
Basic Ground Rules
1. Re-listing sales (aka: do not spam)
- The community here believes 150 posts is a good benchmark for waiting before posting a listing. Users have commented that some sellers repost their sales too often, making the thread feel cluttered with spam. This is unacceptable, since it's fair to say we're all annoyed when the same listings appear again and again on every page. We think 150 posts is a reasonable number to wait.
- The 150 posts limit applies to ALL listings you may make. For instance, if you make a WTB post, then you may not make a separate WTS post on the next page to circumvent the 150 post benchmark. If you think of something that you would like to add, then you should edit your original post or wait until the 150 post benchmark has been met.
- Do not make "spacer" posts at the end of a page in an attempt to place your items at the top of the next page. Users monitor several pages back for items, so your post will be seen.
- Never create a post to announce some sale, special, or discount to bypass the 150 post benchmark. A user's post should constitute just that - his or her post until you can post again. Update your original post with all relevant sales information. This thread operates under the assumption that members will follow the very few rules that we have. Respect those rules, and other users, by following them.
2. No off-site sales or auctions
- The Buy/Sell/Trade thread is meant for members on this forum to buy/sell/trade within the community. It isn't a thread for people to promote off-site sales or auctions. If you choose to sell or auction on a public site elsewhere, that's your decision. Do not spam those things back into this thread. There's a specific function for the thread, and linking to your auctions is not that function.
- Everyone involved is just either looking to buy, sell, or trade. If someone wants a certain amount of money for something, the amount of money it's worth will be determined by the people willing to pay for it. There's no need to guilt people for selling items they received for free or fussing about perceived overcharging. It's a free market. Labeling a Seller as a scalper or any other derogatory term is absolutely NOT allowed.
- The ONLY exception to this rule is when an item is currently still widely available for a lower price from a readily accessible seller. For instance, if a Seller lists a game for $55, but that same game is available (in-stock) at Best Buy for $45, then you may inform others of the cheaper item. You must do this in a matter of fact manner though and, as mentioned above, you may not call out the Seller in any way.
- This goes without saying, but JUST IN CASE: Do not sell stolen goods; do not sell pirated goods; do not sell illegal products; and do not sell anything here that could cause trouble for the forum. If the mods are made aware of a listing that violates any of the above rules, you will be banned and the listing(s) will be deleted.
- Keys obtained from: MSDN, Dreamspark, MAK corp, or any other similar site are explicitly banned from sale/trade. We have had too many issues with these types of keys in the past. If you are unsure if the key you have is okay to sell: Just ask.
- This is a thread for members to BUY/SELL/TRADE goods. This is not a thread where members sign up for a "chance" to win something. No raffles, lotteries, sweepstakes, or Hunger Games of any kind.
- There is now a 5 Embedded Picture limit for all B/S/T listings. Additional pictures may be included as links within the listing.
- There is a now a size limit of 640x640 for all pictures. If you feel a larger picture is warranted for your item, then simply provide a link to the larger picture.
- If you're using IMGUR for your image hosting, there's actually a very simple way to meet the new rule: Simply add a lower case L to the end of your image link. So, becomes This will will automatically resize your image to below 640 pixels. Thanks GetDigitized for the tip!
- You must surround embedded pictures with either the "Code" or Quote options in the Advanced Editing Options. For the Code option, here's step #1 and here's step #2.
- If you've completed a previous transaction, it should go without saying that all future listings should remove that particular item. If a deal is still in process, you may still leave the item in your posts. However, as soon as the deal has been completed, you need to remove the item and take new pictures that reflect your current stock for all future posts. It's easier to post the same pictures and cross items out from existing lists, we know. But it doesn't keep the thread clean and spiffy. Think of your fellow traders.
- Non-WTB/WTS/WTT posts should be kept to a minimum in this thread. That being said, we are still a community, so it is okay to still have off-topic posts every now and then, assuming they are related to the thread. Keep these to a minimum though and, especially if you have beef with someone, always consider PMing the person if you would like to have a conversation.
- Since there is apparently a lot of confusion around this topic: The feedback staff are not mods. While we do our best to make everyone aware of the rules and try to enforce the rules where possible, at the end of the day we have no real power. This is a community run thread and neither Cloggerdude, Sabanoo, nor any other member of the feedback staff has any actual power to enforce the rules laid out above.
- That being said, it is still very much expected that all members will follow the rules listed in this OP. If you violate any of these rules, you can almost guarantee that you will be called out on it by multiple community members. Dont be a jerk and think youre above the rules, because:
- This thread isn't any different from any other thread in terms of general moderation. This means the stuff that's banned elsewhere is also banned here. While the moderation team is generally VERY hands off when it comes to this thread, they still have all their normal power here. If you wouldnt chance saying something in another part of the forum, then dont say it here. Remember the rules, and treat each other with decency.
- You should always check the Feedback list linked above before entering into a transaction with a fellow community member. Always remember to take the proper precautions in any transaction, whether a member has 0 Feedback or 1,000+ Feedback.
- While not required, it is recommended that you leave feedback any time you have a transaction with a user here on NeoGAF.