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Buying and/or building a new PC. Need help.

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Ok. So I've finally given into my five year temptation and I'm going to buy a PC from alienware or just have my friend help me build one. But here's basically here's what I'll be doing on it. I'll be doing extensive video editing, but also I'll be playing games (not many really), MS office apps, and possibly audio and animated video editing. I'll definitely be running Premiere and After Effects so I'll need a pretty intensive processor. So I've decided to go with AMD's 64-bit line. But on alienware's website they list the AMD Opetron for Video Editing systems and the Athlon 64 for basically all the gaming (high end) systems. In your opinions if I went with the Athlon 64 would it be able to handle just as well the video editing programs and procedures as the Opetron? Now remember I don't know shit about PCs! But I do know it would be an added bonus to have Doom 3 running on my system for some sparetime R&R. Thanks a lot for any help.


The Opteron is pretty much a Athlon FX except 1) the FX has 2 hyperTransport remove (needed for multi cpu setup) and 2) Opteron only uses DDR333 compare to FX DDR400.

Now, the difference between the FX / Opteron vs Athlon64 is the FX has 128 bit wide memory bus (6.4 GB/s) vs Althon64's 64 bit wide bus (3.2 GB/s). The larger bus really helps in video editing.
Hey. Thanks for the information. I already feel more clued in to this side of things. So would you say that even if I were using an FX/Opetron I could still run some higher end games if need be ala Doom 3?
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