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Call of Duty:United Offensive sucks thread

Chopin Trusty Balls

First casualty in the war on idioticy.
This has to be most scripted game ever,and its not a compliment,the aircraft mission is also horrible.

Step in the wrong direction in you are dead,i especialy liked the artiller in the first level,get out of the hole,go a few meters and you are dead,you objective says head to north flank? Make ONE(REALLY) step to the south and you are dead.
WTF was that,it feels like you are on the leash.


Multiplayer is the strength of this game. Every single player campaign is like that. What u think of Pacific Assault?


I hated hated hated the US missions. I was never a huge fan of the scripting and the expansion didn't solve any of my problems with it, and a lot of little things about it really annoyed me. while I got mad whenever shitty scripting insta-killed me it was the retarded-dog level teammate AI that really generated most of the vulgar screaming fits that had my wife yelling at me to shut the hell up.

But the British commando missions were fun, and the Soviet meatgrinders were pretty cool again (but nothing as cool as pavlov in CoD) so in the end I was happy. But damn, I was ready to uninstall if the US section lasted 2 more missions.

EDIT: Damn, we can just lazily quote ourselves? ;)
It's definitely a bit harder than the original game, which you expect from an expansion. But some of the deaths are total cheese just like in CoD... like clearing a small section of farmyard and running behind cover at the side of a house with no open windows or doors only to have a german either warp in or jump through the walls behind you and shoot you in the back. And the respawning still annoys me because it's just too blatant and fast in some sections.

Mainly I'm a bit annoyed because the americans' first few missions are pretty dull IMO. Challenging enough, and pretty fun really but just way, way too similar to not only a bunch of missions in the first game but reminescent of every WWII shooter released in the last 5 years. Clearing ruined farm houses and in Belgium is fun, but didn't we do that shit for a solid 5 hours in France last game? Add a few new weapons and the snow from the CoD Russian missions to the opening US CoD campaign levels and it's pretty much exactly the same as UO so far. I wish they'd started with a more gimmicky mission like the British commando ones from CoD, just something clearly different. Even the very first mission with the jeep wasn't that much different from the jeep CoD missions despite the fact the .50 cal was more fun than the thompson.

And the scripted events that started to irk me in CoD are doing it again, they're just too canned and they always seem to look dumb unless you're standing in the 'right' area to see it from the correct angle. Not to mention how often my idiot fellow GI's let one attacking german run RIGHT UP TO MY FOXHOLE to club me to death despite the fact they're standing 5 feet behind me shooting at nothing while I gun down my 400th victim.

Heh, despite what it might sound like I'm still liking the game, but it just brings up all the little things that I didn't really like about CoD (meh scripted events, dumbass allied AI, cheap deaths, same old missions you've played a hundred times in MoH) and sort of whacked me over the head with them all at once.
Hah, obviously I wasn't finished the US missions at that point. I found after the US part the game got easier and easier and by the later Soviet missions I'd rarely die unless I wandered into a MG trap or something. Multiplayer is fun, but I haven't tried it enough to know if I can just whore the scoped Kar and get those cheap 10-1 ratios like in CoD. ;) The SP sort of soured me on the whole thing and I was glad to be done with the game instead of being pumped to play the whole thing online and off more like a good expansion pack should do.

OH, and before I forget the tank missions are still total ass.


It's been a while since I've played the original call of duty campaign, but the expansion feels about the same. Which is not a good thing...
Call of duty is a nice game the first time you play through it. Playing it a second time seemed pointless to me, although that's almost what I'm doing by playing the expansion.


Chili Con Carnage!
let me re-iterate my rant

The single player portion of this pack SUCKS, i feel totally let down by it. (following rant does not concern multiplayer United Offensive, which is great)

The settings are good enough, the British one especially is good but the actual levels themselves are so poorly scripted in parts that it just becomes frustrating to the point where i cant bring myself to finish the last russian mission.

Scripting in the original was great, people knew exactly what they were doing and where they were going, even if you fucked around and broke things you knew it was your fault. As long as you went the right way everything played out like there was some really cleaver programming in place.

In United Offensive these tightly scripted NPCs seem to be replaced by virtual retards, who constantly run through rooms straight past enemies who also ignore them, then proceed to shoot you in the face as you walk through the door thinking its all clear. In Call of Duty the NPCs normally wouldnt get killshots on enemies but they would at least shoot at them all, in United Offensive it seems like each NPC has 2 or 3 enemies they can shoot at in any set piece, and once they are dead they dont care about the others, even if they are being shot by them.

Scripting enemies and allies is fine as long as you are going to do it right, like infinity ward did, Gray Matter on the other hand have shown me exactly why im looking forward to games like Half-Life 2 and Halo 2 where i know such virtual idiocy will not dare show its face.


I agree that the scripting in this is pretty frustrating. Way too easy to more or less instantly die if you take one wrong step.. which I guess is "real" but certainly isnt fun. I LOVE the original too... always praise the hell out of it. I hope this grows on me but I havent even felt like playing it the past few days which is not a good sign considering the first time I played CoD, I went through a good solid 7 hours plus straight.
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