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Can a bar owner user their car to block mine if I park outside the bar?


I am talking in the US. It was at night and all the regular parking spots were taken. This is like 10pm at night. There were a bunch of cars in a parking space with many spaces within the area free right next to the movies. This was actually behind a bar I later found out. There was no sign that this was a tow zone. No sign that this was for employees only no sign that says no parking so I was like hey nice and parked there and saw my movie. I come back and a car is parked right in front of me stopping me from moving. Still plenty of space around otherwise. The bartender saw me trying to squeeze out and failing and said she purposefully did this because this was employee parking and she would not move the car. It took a lot of polite coaxing over an hour to convince her and I think her employees actually were the ones who convinced her to move.

Is that legal to just hold my car there as she was intending to? I already said my bad I didn't know and there was no sign or anything. Isn't that illegal detainment or something? I may have had to pay a fine but I was about to call the police to get her to move I wonder what their input would have been.
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Mouse Ball Fetishist
Don’t know about the legality of holding your car, but you can tell from the bartender’s attitude that other people may have made the same mistake before and she was done with it.

This is one of those problems that come with being situated next to a busy venue such as a cinema.

Edit: There were free spots next to you? She should’ve parked there and put a note on your windshield, but I guess blocking the car is more fun.
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Don’t know about the legality of holding your car, but you can tell from the bartender’s attitude that other people may have made the same mistake before and she was done with it.

This is one of those problems that come with being situated next to a busy venue such as a cinema.

Edit: There were free spots next to you? She should’ve parked there and put a note on your windshield, but I guess blocking the car is more fun.

You would think she would get a sign if that is the case. Yeah this was purposeful.

I wasn't blocking anything and this was a large an area where other cars were parked and there was no other indication/sign this was a tow zone/employee parking.

I am not even sure you can tow in a non-residential area without properly placed signs. And she kept yelling that she was blocking my path so in the am a tow truck would come.
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Many “Whelps”! Handle It!
Call the non-emergency police number next time. Of course it's illegal. It falls under the same laws that govern against blocking traffic. In my home state there is even a specific law against it, which applies to private businesses (even if they had properly posted signs stating it was private property and lawfully only for certain people, they still obviously cannot prevent you from using your own vehicle to access roadways).

Personally, I would have taken the crowbar out of my trunk and smashed all of her windows and slashed her tires. I can easily afford a battery of flesh-eating lawyers to get me out of minor trouble - can you, bartender?

Sorry to be classist, but if someone fucks with shit like that I am going to flex in every last way possible to me.


Call the non-emergency police number next time. Of course it's illegal. It falls under the same laws that govern against blocking traffic. In my home state there is even a specific law against it, which applies to private businesses (even if they had properly posted signs stating it was private property and lawfully only for certain people, they still obviously cannot prevent you from using your own vehicle to access roadways).

Personally, I would have taken the crowbar out of my trunk and smashed all of her windows and slashed her tires. I can easily afford a battery of flesh-eating lawyers to get me out of minor trouble - can you, bartender?

Sorry to be classist, but if someone fucks with shit like that I am going to flex in every last way possible to me.
So in response to a questionable misdemeanor at best, your response is to commit a felony in front of witnesses? Strange flex, but enjoy that prison time.


Many “Whelps”! Handle It!
So in response to a questionable misdemeanor at best, your response is to commit a felony in front of witnesses? Strange flex, but enjoy that prison time.

First, fuck them for preventing a guy from participating in society by ways which is his right. Second, it wouldn't be a felony in my state nor would most judges side with them when the cards are down. Third, my lawyers would beat it down to a nothing of a charge if anything.

Don't try to socially tone police people for wanting to respond to the unkindness of others with the same kind of pettiness. They ask for strife with me, they're going to get it, and they're not going to like the wasted hours and lawyer fees. Reminds me of when I lived in an apartment complex and the local tow truck company they hired to police the private parking started sticking these huge, gawdy stickers on cars that were a pain to remove and unsightly just because someone's car inspection or car tax stickers needed renewal within the next month. Not even expired, just almost expired.

I took them to court. I forget all the grievances or whatever, I'd have to mine through those boring documents I have saved on Google Drive, but they had to pay me $1k and all of my legal fees, which was around $3k. I got to take off work while being paid for the court dates. They did nothing but waste their own time and money for being assholes. They stopped putting those stickers on cars after that, and the property manager was fired. *shrug*
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First, fuck them for preventing a guy from participating in society by ways which is his right. Second, it wouldn't be a felony in my state nor would most judges side with them when the cards are down. Third, my lawyers would beat it down to a nothing of a charge if anything.

Don't try to socially tone police people for wanting to respond to the unkindness of others with the same kind of pettiness. They ask for strife with me, they're going to get it, and they're not going to like the wasted hours and lawyer fees. Reminds me of when I lived in an apartment complex and the local tow truck company they hired to police the private parking started sticking these huge, gawdy stickers on cars that were a pain to remove and unsightly just because someone's car inspection or car tax stickers needed renewal within the next month. Not even expired, just almost expired.

I took them to court. I forget all the grievances or whatever, I'd have to mine through those boring documents I have saved on Google Drive, but they had to pay me $1k and all of my legal fees, which was around $3k. I got to take off work while being paid for the court dates. They did nothing but waste their own time and money for being assholes. They stopped putting those stickers on cars after that, and the property manager was fired. *shrug*
Geez, dude, get over yourself. That kind of vandalism is a felony in every state. And you would be the only one with lawyer fees in that case, in addition to serving time. No judge is going to outright dismiss some guy smashing up a car and slashing tires because of what amounts to a parking dispute, no matter how fancy his lawyers are.


Many “Whelps”! Handle It!
No judge is going to outright dismiss some guy smashing up a car and slashing tires because of what amounts to a parking dispute,

You obviously haven't had much experience with the courts.

And why should anyone just lay down in front of such petty naked aggression? Get over myself? I value my time and troubles, and if someone is going to go out of their way to obstruct me over trivial stuff then they can get the same in kind.


You obviously haven't had much experience with the courts.

And why should anyone just lay down in front of such petty naked aggression? Get over myself? I value my time and troubles, and if someone is going to go out of their way to obstruct me over trivial stuff then they can get the same in kind.
You seem to be the one without court experience. You tell a tale of you dealing with a property manager and a tow company. All civil court. Along this you state intention to commit a serious felony if you were in the OP’s situation, which, as we look over it, he explains he basically parked in what was likely private property. Which would be held in criminal court, with charges filed not by the victim, but by the District Attorney’s office.

The OP let cooler heads prevail by asking to be allowed to leave, causing the issue to solve itself. If he wanted possible retribution in the moment, he could have called the local police, who could have advised which side was in the wrong and, if it was the bartender, he could have sought application of the law.


Many “Whelps”! Handle It!
You seem to be the one without court experience.

Meanwhile: *has actual credits towards a law degree and spent dozens of hours in courts in Virginia and North Carolina earning experience when I dabbled with becoming a lawyer*


Many “Whelps”! Handle It!
That’s cute. You dabbled with court proceedings and took some college classes, yet still can’t tell the difference between civil law and criminal law.

Get back to me when you actually have experience with the courts and justice system.

Until then stop telling people with actual education and lived experience what to think.
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That was definitely not legal of her. You can't obstruct someone like that.

If she had a problem with it and the parking spot is private, then she should mark it as so, and would be in the right to obstruct the parking spot (not the vehicle in it).

There are legal routes for this.

Call the police on a non-emergency line next time. Dealing with stuff like this is literally their job.


I don’t need to try and trade resumes with somebody trying to act like an internet tough guy. I have more than enough legal knowledge to point out committing a felony in retaliation to a civil dispute is never the right call.


Most places have statues in place where it's illegal to park in parking spaces reserved for businesses if not a customer of said business. If such statues are in place, then you would of been boned. To further compound issues, illegally parked cars parked in private or business parking spaces are usually the responsibility of the owner to have towed and not the police so as far as law enforcement goes, they wouldn't touch this in all probability and force you two to work it out.

Also don't be a idiot and vandalize a car like the goofball above recommended. While you might get off once you get your day in court, you would still be arrested for it and spend the weekend in jail which would be no fun at all.


Many “Whelps”! Handle It!
somebody trying to act like an internet tough guy.

You should do some self reflection there. I didn't come at you, you came at me.

Edit: I missed this:

All civil court

I just double checked my files, one of the charges the tow truck driver company was found guilty of from my proceedings was vandalism. Another was criminal mischief. Nothing in my proceedings were civil.
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You should do some self reflection there. I didn't come at you, you came at me.
I put out how asinine your reply of committing a felony over a minor misunderstanding was. Then you had to type paragraphs trying to show how you’ve won something completely unrelated like it would play out the same. Then followed up by assuming that I had less legal expertise than you, yet couldn’t validate why your course of action would have been correct.

Self reflection would do a lot for you. Just read your own replies and refresh yourself on what you posted.


Many “Whelps”! Handle It!
I put out how asinine your reply of committing a felony over a minor misunderstanding was. Then you had to type paragraphs trying to show how you’ve won something completely unrelated like it would play out the same. Then followed up by assuming that I had less legal expertise than you, yet couldn’t validate why your course of action would have been correct.

Self reflection would do a lot for you. Just read your own replies and refresh yourself on what you posted.

OK so you admit you're wrong and I am right but want to pursue some kind of personal crusade. I am not interested.


OK so you admit you're wrong and I am right but want to pursue some kind of personal crusade. I am not interested.
Not at all on either count. I pointed out you were wrong, providing not only why you were wrong, but also provided the correct course of action, one of which the OP already chose to do in his own.

You, on the other hand, tried to go personal with your “experience” that you say you have…


It doesn’t take a lawyers to see at face value your suggestion was terrible.


Edit: I missed this:

I just double checked my files, one of the charges the tow truck driver company was found guilty of from my proceedings was vandalism. Another was criminal mischief. Nothing in my proceedings were civil.
Dig that hole deeper, my friend. More proof you have no idea what you’re talking about. While the charges you mention MAY have had a criminal element to them, you brought up the court had them pay you. Criminal court doesn’t deal with financial disbursements between two parties. That is handled in civil court.
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Dig that hole deeper, my friend. More proof you have no idea what you’re talking about. While the charges you mention MAY have had a criminal element to them, you brought up the court had them pay you. Criminal court doesn’t deal with financial disbursements between two parties. That is handled in civil court.
Criminal courts can add restitutions to the sentence, the real thing that raises eyebrows is the fact that the tow company was ordered to pay out these restitutions. The reality is that in cases such as this, it's actually the business or individuals that hired such people that are charged. So the apt complex owners would be the actual guilty party here and not the tow company.
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Criminal courts can add restitutions to the sentence, the real thing that raises eyebrows is the fact that the tow company was ordered to pay out these restitutions. The reality is that in cases such as this, it's actually the business or individuals that hired such people that are charged. So the apt complex owners would be the actual guilty party here and not the tow company.
True, my bad on that one. Usually the restitution is in addition to a criminal penalty. Good catch.


Many “Whelps”! Handle It!
Criminal courts can add restitutions to the sentence, the real thing that raises eyebrows is the fact that the tow company was ordered to pay out these restitutions. The reality is that in cases such as this, it's actually the business or individuals that hired such people that are charged. So the apt complex owners would be the actual guilty party here and not the tow company.

No the tow company carried out the criminal acts. This is basic law.


No, it's not. Private businesses can sticker cars of it is in their bylaws and written out, they are also responsible for acts carried out in their name by companies hired by them to perform such actions. It's also fact that in many municipalities, that such actions wouldn't even be considered as illegal if carried out on privately owned premises unless they actually damaged the car. But what do I know, I was just a cop for 15 years that actually responded to calls such as this and decided whom the guilty party was and not a failed wannabe lawyer. For my dept. we wouldn't even have responded to a case such as yours since it was carried out on a privately owned parking area and the placement of such stickers unless actually damaging or causing a vehicle violation such as covering a registration sticker wasn't legally a violation and we have little jurisdiction and therefore would of advised to take civil action.
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No, it's not. Private businesses can sticker cars of it is in their bylaws and written out, they are also responsible for acts carried out in their name by companies hired by them to perform such actions. It's also fact that in many municipalities, that such actions wouldn't even be considered as illegal if carried out on privately owned premises unless they actually damaged the car. But what do I know, I was just a cop for 15 years that actually responded to calls such as this and decided whom the guilty party was and not a failed wannabe lawyer. For my dept. we wouldn't even have responded to a case such as yours since it was carried out on a privately owned parking area and the placement of such stickers unless actually damaging or causing a vehicle violation such as covering a registration sticker wasn't legally a violation and we have little jurisdiction and therefore would of advised to take civil action.

So in my situation police would have sided with the lady blocking my car and stopping me from leaving the premises if she so chose?

Also don't they need to have signs about tow zones and such?
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So in my situation police would have sided with the lady blocking my car and stopping me from leaving the premises if she so chose?

Also don't they need to have signs about tow zones and such?
I'm curious about this too. Would any legal action have taken place? Would you tell her to move her car, Methos#1975 Methos#1975 , or would you have it towed immediately, or would she face some sort of fine? I have to think there's be some sort of negative result, otherwise it could create a situation where people could block each other out of spite with no real consequences.


That is complete horseshit. It's probably happened a bunch and the owner made a bad move.

This happens everyday; either have a bouncer say something when you are walking to the movies or put up a sign. No need to block you in for an hour. Honestly the bartender probably had a few drinks in her so it made the situation worse.

So not only did she delay you but also probably made sure you or your friends never went to that bar. All around it was bad business on her part.


King of Gaslighting
Yeah the petty side in me would've played the social chicken game. There's nothing the bartender did that solved their "parking" issue. Sounds like "Karen" behavior but I would've filmed or taken photos and then just left a scathing review, especially with the lack of clear signage.

. . .or just caused as much legal inconvenience for them and their patrons as possible. Flooded toilet for example. . .🤔.

I put out how asinine your reply of committing a felony over a minor misunderstanding was. Then you had to type paragraphs trying to show how you’ve won something completely unrelated like it would play out the same. Then followed up by assuming that I had less legal expertise than you, yet couldn’t validate why your course of action would have been correct.

Self reflection would do a lot for you. Just read your own replies and refresh yourself on what you posted.

No, you took an obviously fanciful comment and forced the poster to defend it as if it were a legit response despite every evidence that it wasn't.

. . . and now you're throwing up your hands in exhaustion as if you can't believe the direction the conversation has gone.

Peak internet.
I am talking in the US. It was at night and all the regular parking spots were taken. This is like 10pm at night. There were a bunch of cars in a parking space with many spaces within the area free right next to the movies. This was actually behind a bar I later found out. There was no sign that this was a tow zone. No sign that this was for employees only no sign that says no parking so I was like hey nice and parked there and saw my movie. I come back and a car is parked right in front of me stopping me from moving. Still plenty of space around otherwise. The bartender saw me trying to squeeze out and failing and said she purposefully did this because this was employee parking and she would not move the car. It took a lot of polite coaxing over an hour to convince her and I think her employees actually were the ones who convinced her to move.

Is that legal to just hold my car there as she was intending to? I already said my bad I didn't know and there was no sign or anything. Isn't that illegal detainment or something? I may have had to pay a fine but I was about to call the police to get her to move I wonder what their input would have been.
If there are legitimately no signs indicating specific parking rules or general laws that meant you couldn't park there, I wouldn't go so far as to slash her tires and put a brick through her windows, but maybe like...smear dog shit on her driver's side door handle or something.

You'd probably be justified in calling the police, but I wouldn't want to bother them in what amounts to an Adventure in Karenland.


Yeah the petty side in me would've played the social chicken game. There's nothing the bartender did that solved their "parking" issue. Sounds like "Karen" behavior but I would've filmed or taken photos and then just left a scathing review, especially with the lack of clear signage.

. . .or just caused as much legal inconvenience for them and their patrons as possible. Flooded toilet for example. . .🤔.

No, you took an obviously fanciful comment and forced the poster to defend it as if it were a legit response despite every evidence that it wasn't.

. . . and now you're throwing up your hands in exhaustion as if you can't believe the direction the conversation has gone.

Peak internet.
I'm not advocating violence and I agree with ANDS statements. That said you could buy a tire valve stem remover and steal all her stem valves. This will cause all the tires to deflate. No permanent damage either!

That's what an alternate universe version of lunarorbit would do



I am talking in the US. It was at night and all the regular parking spots were taken. This is like 10pm at night. There were a bunch of cars in a parking space with many spaces within the area free right next to the movies. This was actually behind a bar I later found out. There was no sign that this was a tow zone. No sign that this was for employees only no sign that says no parking so I was like hey nice and parked there and saw my movie. I come back and a car is parked right in front of me stopping me from moving. Still plenty of space around otherwise. The bartender saw me trying to squeeze out and failing and said she purposefully did this because this was employee parking and she would not move the car. It took a lot of polite coaxing over an hour to convince her and I think her employees actually were the ones who convinced her to move.

Is that legal to just hold my car there as she was intending to? I already said my bad I didn't know and there was no sign or anything. Isn't that illegal detainment or something? I may have had to pay a fine but I was about to call the police to get her to move I wonder what their input would have been.
Yeah, I think so. If you had used that area and her venue for services, you probably would not have experienced this issue. But you used their parking area for another venue.
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You tell her your a member of NeoGaf and a God Of War super fan, she might’ve given you her number? It’s worked for me.

On a serious note, if the spot is marked with a sign that states employee parking only, then yeah they could technically block it without any legal repercussions.
If there was a sign, your lucky they just didn’t tow it.
If there was no sign then she would’ve been in the wrong. If that was the case I’m sure they would just ban you from the establishment for life and don’t have to worry about you parking there ever again.
Yeah, I think so. If you had used that area and her venue for services, you probably would not have experienced this issue. But you used their parking area for another venue.
Didn’t even realize they didn’t even go into the bar, yeah OP that’s a big no no. Even if there weren’t any signs.
It’s like parking in the driveway of a friends neighbor and walking over to your buddies house. I’m surprised they didn’t just shoot you on the spot jk.
OP can we get an address to take a look at the parking area?


That bar owner just shot themselves in the foot.
I don't know how much the rest of you know about the legal system of my state (I'm an expert), but honor and shame are huge parts of it. It's not like it is in your state where you can become successful by being an asshole. If you screw someone over in my state, you bring shame to yourself, and the only way to get rid of that shame is by getting your tires slashed and windows smashed in.
What this means is the public, after hearing about this, is not going to want to get drinks there , nor will they purchase any of their other menu items. This is HUGE. You can laugh all you want, but this bar owner has alienated an entire market with this move.
They should publicly apologize and allow people to park in front of the bar, or they can kiss their business goodbye.
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I'm curious about this too. Would any legal action have taken place? Would you tell her to move her car, Methos#1975 Methos#1975 , or would you have it towed immediately, or would she face some sort of fine? I have to think there's be some sort of negative result, otherwise it could create a situation where people could block each other out of spite with no real consequences.
Like I said, it really depends on what the statues are in a city, we would of asked if she could move it since that's the easiest why to find a resolution but in some places, since it's her business and by extension she controls the parking area adjacent to it unless she was actually blocking traffic flow there would be little police could do outside asking her to allow you to leave. Also bare in mind, if there were municipal codes in place barring parking in such areas unless a customer, you would also be ticketed.
That bar owner just shot themselves in the foot.
I don't know how much the rest of you know about the legal system of my state (I'm an expert), but honor and shame are huge parts of it. It's not like it is in your state where you can become successful by being an asshole. If you screw someone over in my state, you bring shame to yourself, and the only way to get rid of that shame is by getting your tires slashed and windows smashed in.
What this means is the public, after hearing about this, is not going to want to get drinks there , nor will they purchase any of their other menu items. This is HUGE. You can laugh all you want, but this bar owner has alienated an entire market with this move.
They should publicly apologize and allow people to park in front of the bar, or they can kiss their business goodbye.
Understand Captain America GIF


I'm not advocating violence and I agree with ANDS statements. That said you could buy a tire valve stem remover and steal all her stem valves. This will cause all the tires to deflate. No permanent damage either!

That's what an alternate universe version of lunarorbit would do

I may or may not have done this to a farm boy fucker who would always park his 2500 truck diagonally taking up two stalls in my college apartment lot when parking spots were always had to find…


That bar owner just shot themselves in the foot.
I don't know how much the rest of you know about the legal system of my state (I'm an expert), but honor and shame are huge parts of it. It's not like it is in your state where you can become successful by being an asshole. If you screw someone over in my state, you bring shame to yourself, and the only way to get rid of that shame is by getting your tires slashed and windows smashed in.
What this means is the public, after hearing about this, is not going to want to get drinks there , nor will they purchase any of their other menu items. This is HUGE. You can laugh all you want, but this bar owner has alienated an entire market with this move.
They should publicly apologize and allow people to park in front of the bar, or they can kiss their business goodbye.
I don't think Feudal Japan is a state in the US. Or that they have cars.

What model of time machine did you use to post this?
You did the right thing. If it escalated any more, call non emergency and have the law sort it out.

It isn’t worth violence and prison time.


I don't think Feudal Japan is a state in the US. Or that they have cars.

What model of time machine did you use to post this?
Weird post…I was just sharing my thoughts on this bar situation. No idea what you’re talking about.


Weird post…I was just sharing my thoughts on this bar situation. No idea what you’re talking about.
Does the honor and shame mechanic of your local legal system include an option for ritual suicide in-lieu of the death penalty?
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