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Can school reopen in august... or "should" it?

With the uptick in current covid 19 case, we need to ask ourself talk of school reopen. I understand both side of the equation:. Some parents can't work with kids at home and at the same time kids need education and reopening school will bring disaster. At Hong Kong they try to restart school a week or 2 ago and they shut it down right away when they got spike from school. I am nto sure why Trump is pushing for the reopening of school when it is not ready.

Online learning is not enough for elementary school kids not to mention they need parent at home for that. I took online class for college and it work but it require delication from part from student to made it work. Should we just mark this as a lost year and try to keep the population safe or try to open school and watch it backfire
Reopening schools will be a massive mistake. You think kids are gonna adhere to social distancing and wearing masks? No. They will spread that shit amongst themselves and then bring it home.

301 people died from Covid last week in the US.

For reference, almost 1,000 suicides happened during the same week.

When Covid was at it's peak in the US, it killed 16,889 people for the week of April 18th.

The media is going for broke right now (reporting cases rather than deaths) because they know this will be a non issue in a few weeks.

Schools should open.
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It’s tough. Kids need school. The right child and home environment can work with online school, but won’t work with every child and home. School is also de facto child care for parents so they can work, Without it, things get tricky.

Flip side, deaths I think is a lagging statistic. In places with outbreaks, hospital capacity starting to swell and resource strain happening. Whether it is COVID, “pneumonia”, or some other death that could have been prevented had resources not been so strained, a rash of deaths isn’t good for society. Additionally, if teachers and staff start getting infected/sick, an outbreak within the school will make it ineffective. In the US, there’s no leadership at the federal level on this so schools are fending for themselves. For kids‘ sake, I hope things go well, but would anybody honestly be surprised if it’s a disaster in numerous spots within the US...

Deleted member 1159

Unconfirmed Member
I’m mixed. On the one hand, we’ve had our kid back in daycare for months and it’s fucking hard to work from home with a kid at home. On the other hand, the rates in the US are out of fucking control right now and creating a shitton of new little disease vectors seems like it’ll only send us down a path toward catastrophe. I get why people here don’t want to stay in lockdown like the rest of the world, but just look at what’s happened elsewhere vs here...

Deleted member 17706

Unconfirmed Member
Kids need school. How your younger years go and really sets your trajectory for life.

It's tough, since I realize a lot of families (including teachers and their families) have different situations, but I would hope they schools would open as much as possible. I would certainly send my kids. Being locked at home and doing bullshit virtual lessons is untenable, especially in their young age. They need the social interaction.

Honestly, if schools are going to be closed or heavily compromised for the foreseeable future in this country, then I will heavily consider moving the family back to Japan.

301 people died from Covid last week in the US.

Wait, what is this? From where are you getting that number, because the daily average I'm seeing is closer to 700.
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Kids need school. How your younger gears go and really set your trajectory for life.

It's tough, since I realize a lot of families (including teachers and their families) have different situations, but I would hope they schools would open as much as possible. I would certainly send my kids. Being locked at home and doing bullshit virtual lessons is untenable, especially in their young age. They need the social interaction.

Honestly, if schools are going to be closed or heavily compromised for the foreseeable future in this country, then I will heavily consider moving the family back to Japan.

Wait, what is this? From where are you getting that number, because the daily average I'm seeing is closer to 700.

Kids need school. How your younger gears go and really set your trajectory for life.

It's tough, since I realize a lot of families (including teachers and their families) have different situations, but I would hope they schools would open as much as possible. I would certainly send my kids. Being locked at home and doing bullshit virtual lessons is untenable, especially in their young age. They need the social interaction.

Honestly, if schools are going to be closed or heavily compromised for the foreseeable future in this country, then I will heavily consider moving the family back to Japan.

Wait, what is this? From where are you getting that number, because the daily average I'm seeing is closer to 700.
Even school are close like in Hong Kong and Japan so it really doesn;t matter where you are.
I honestly don;t see how high school can function with social distancing. Kids go to different classroom every 50 minutes with extremly crowd hallway and jam pack lunchroom.

Deleted member 17706

Unconfirmed Member
Even school are close like in Hong Kong and Japan so it really doesn;t matter where you are.

Schools are open in Japan and they almost certainly will not close again.

The CDC website is a bad source for Covid numbers?

It's a great source for COVID numbers as long as you go back at least 4 weeks. The recent data is not accurate and they admit as much.
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I don't have kids but this is something that has to be figured out. You can't have kids not going to school your going to destroy their development. Its going to produce a really messed up generation.

So something has to be figured out, but not having school shouldn't be an option. Maybe they have to do do more hybrid style or come up with better configuration at school. Robbing kids of another year of education shouldn't even be an option on the table. Figure it out.

Deleted member 17706

Unconfirmed Member
I don't have kids but this is something that has to be figured out. You can't have kids not going to school your going to destroy their development. Its going to produce a really messed up generation.

So something has to be figured out, but not having school shouldn't be an option. Maybe they have to do do more hybrid style or come up with better configuration at school. Robbing kids of another year of education shouldn't even be an option on the table. Figure it out.

Given the extreme circumstances and doomsaying about how this could become a plague the likes of which we see only once in a 100 years or more, I think most people were willing to put up with the weird cancelling of school from March or April through June of 2020, but if you start telling people their kids will not be able to go to school at all for the 2020 - 2021 school year, I think you're going to see some serious civil unrest and possibly pivotal changes to how we operate our society.


Neighbours from Hell
Super tough question, wish I felt strongly one way or another. If the kids can get an adequate education from home, then I say do that. It’s hard to say because we still don’t know if there are any long term effects of this virus yet. What if down the road any kids who got it but didn’t have any symptoms have long term issues and we could have prevented it?

That's like less than one per state per day.

Over half of them are killed by buses and sharks anyway.

And some American states are larger than some countries.

Take these facts together and it would be like if one victim of Islamic Terrorism in the UK died every three days. We'd never give a damn about that, so why this?

It's a fucking joke. You can't argue with my maths. Open the schools.

Edit: Actually, I guess it's the media who would say it's not a problem that people were dying of terrorism, as they do already. The working class man would rise up. Just flip this for Covid. I mean, the average family won't give a toss that Covid exists. I certainly don't.
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childrens schools should be the last thing to reopen

when you can rest assure mass adult public gatherings is safe, then you can send your mcnuggets to school with the least worry
Yes, how long do you want to wait? 12-18-24 months? There comes a point where the cure is worse than the disease, both figuratively and literally.


When this pandemic was starting (outside of China) I was under the impression that school education will take over this year's summer holidays months to catch up at least with some of the time that was lost. I guess governments don't want to anger their voters who expect to have summer holidays no matter if it's a pandemic or not. In my country remote teaching was a farce, because many teachers aren't good with computers and even setting up the basic connection to communicate with students is a huge problem. Many kids from public schools lost a lot because of that, especially if their parents also couldn't take free time to home school them.

Stopping children from going to schools for about 2 years is not the solution imo.
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I don't have kids but this is something that has to be figured out. You can't have kids not going to school your going to destroy their development. Its going to produce a really messed up generation.

So something has to be figured out, but not having school shouldn't be an option. Maybe they have to do do more hybrid style or come up with better configuration at school. Robbing kids of another year of education shouldn't even be an option on the table. Figure it out.

We‘ve had education for the past generation and look at the shit they are worried about in today’s climate. Fucking pronouns and made up sexes...it isnt like kids are going to get any dumber, the bar is set...and set real low.

A better online teaching program needs to be developed ASAP, cause like others have said, kids are germ factories and are way more likely to spread it if they get it.

The average class with social distancing will house like 8 students tops, plus needing to provide space for the teacher, who then needs protection from the kids as well, so they can’t get the one on one help they may need.

Its a giant mess that they are trying to solve, but I don’t think many school boards are looking at it in a way that will work. All eggs need to be put into some sort of better group teaching thing online.


Not worth it. Kids might be less vulnerable and spread covid less but parents will get it and die or infect older vulnerable people that will die from it.

Just wait until the epidemic slows down.

The Lunch Legend

GAF's Nicest Lunch Thief and Nosiest Dildo Archeologist
Students can easily get their curriculum in at home with current technology. No reason to risk it until we get a that fabled vaccine.
Perhaps a mixed approach.

With some years and classes back into the school on a couple of days. Say Monday and Tuesday.

The other half back Thursday and Friday.

Teachers do online classes on a day that pupils are scheduled to work from
Home, or set online assignments.

Maybe deep clean the school on a wed and sat/sun

It’s tough, as kids can get sick but almost all just become little germ factories and school a breeding ground normally. Which is going to make cold and flu season a nightmare for schools and pupil/staff attendance (coughs, taken2 weeks off to set isolate). Plus balancing up protecting weak, elderly, vulnerable people is going to be really difficult once most of society reopens

But kids need some form of order, structure and routine. Especially when it comes to education and their developmental needs

Tough call either way and bound to be divisive (but should never be a political issue)


The first reported case of COVID19 in the US was on 1/20/20. In 175 days, 137,782 Americans have died from a highly virulent and contagious disease. That's 787 people dropping dead every single day for the last 6 months. This is not comparable to deaths from non-contagious events like drunk driving, suicide, etc. To compare the two is just showing that you're an idiot.

What's worse, there are now thousands of documented cases of people who contract the disease suffering from severe complications that go on well past the initial "recovery", including children with numerous health issues. This is now killing about 7 times more people per day than influenza does in the US. (source: https://www.cdc.gov/nchs/fastats/leading-causes-of-death.htm)

The fact that people still want to hand-wave this disease as some sort of political stunt, conspiracy, hoax, etc. and the number of people willing to dismiss it absolutely asures me that society has failed regardless of this disease. Our highest comorbidity is human stupidity and it is out of control.
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