Hey, I've always browsed these boards but I have some items that I thought about selling and was wondering if I could post about them here. They would go in the off-topic discussion, I'm assuming. I don't have an ebay acccount yet so I was actually wondering if someone could tell me about ebay, how it's set up and stuff like that. Also What is the deal with Paypal? I see it on like every auction and I know it has a bit to do with your bank account but outside of that I don't know much. Could someone help me with this? If I can't sell items on here, mods please edit my post and take that out and just leave the ebay and paypal questions. Thanks
Main thing that I'm looking to sell is Castlevania Aria of Sorrow for GBA, brand new still sealed, USA version. You can pm me or message me on aim - Hellacious1789 if you want pictures. I'd be asking for money orders only until someone could explain paypal and ebay to me. $35 shipped.
Main thing that I'm looking to sell is Castlevania Aria of Sorrow for GBA, brand new still sealed, USA version. You can pm me or message me on aim - Hellacious1789 if you want pictures. I'd be asking for money orders only until someone could explain paypal and ebay to me. $35 shipped.