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Can you date someone who has the same name as someone in your immediate family? (Bro, sis, mom, dad, etc.)


Im Not No Way GIF

Won't even jerk it to porn if names are the same.

As long as her last name isn't the same as mine.
This as well. My wife and I don't have the same last name.
When I was younger there was this girl. Her middle name was the same as my sisters first name, even though the spelling was a little different, it did put me off back then a little. We had just met over the phone, it didnt materialize to real life, because she really started weirding me out for other reasons.


Cheeks Spread for Digital Only Future
I think I would be a little weirded out if a girl had my brother's name.


Once had a ONS with a girl in Moscow. She has the same name as my niece, who was born a month later. When my brother told me the name, I really felt bad all of a sudden 😫
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