- Has worn blackface so many times he can’t recall how many. To distract from the news he promised government grants to go camping (no, he didn’t go through with it when elected).
- Travels to other countries (India) in cultural costume and gets made fun of by the locals because he’s not dressing appropriately (he’s in what’s considered wedding attire)
- Created a day to recognize missing and murdered indigenous people. Spends the historic inaugural day on vacation trying to surf until media catches wind of it.
- Woman asks Trudeau what he will do to assist with the lack of English Mental Health services in French speaking Quebec. He intentionally answers her in French.
- Instead of telling the truth when asked about how his family is cutting down their plastic use at an event where he is telling Canadians to cut theirs, he struggles his way through a lie about how his family has moved to, in his words, drink box water bottle thingies.
- Claimed “Canada is back”, meaning that he is returning us to moral leadership on the world stage. Proceeds to piss off the UN by reneging on commitments as he finds the least intensive and highest profile mission to commit to.
- Rubs shoulders with corrupt African leaders to win a security council seat, loses by a larger margin than the “evil” Conservatives he replaced.
- Blocks a bill to recognize the Yazidi genocide by ISIS because it was not proposed by his own party. Embarrasses Canada when the UN does it the very next day forcing Canada to 180.
- When asked which country he most admires in the world, he selects China because their “basic dictatorship” can get things done quickly.
- Is alleged to have groped a reporter in the past, ducks the allegation under the claim that “people experience things differently”. The Governor General he appoints and who promptly quits in unprecedented events due to her bullying of staff members uses the exact same quote to defend herself.
- As Prime Minister, takes a knee at an anti-racism protest in front of parliament to demand the government that he leads (with a majority mind you) to take action on racial injustice. You can guess how much action he has accomplished.
- Involved in almost annual corruption scandals, losing cabinet members regularly. Because ethics violations amount to a $500 fine, he is more than “happy to meet with” the ethics commissioner.
- Is a relatively poor speaker in either official language, struggling to annunciate his own propaganda bullshit like “she-cession” or accidentally calling an opposition member “my love” in French or forgetting to name all of our provinces on Canada day (we only have 10 provinces and 3 territories; he missed a major one).