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Canadian Headphones ($30USD = $150CAD. WTF?)

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Ok. My sennheiser MX400 headphones have died, but I loved them so much. If only I'd remembered to keep the receipt they'd be in-warranty at ~13 months old. Then again, they were $15 headphones anyways.

After reading a few reviews, I thought I'd try the CX 400.

I had some trouble finding them, though. Eventually I saw that NCIX had them listed for $149.99. While I was looking, though, I saw that both Dell.com and Amazon.com had them, for $29.59 and $34.95, respectively. However, they're not listed on Amazon.ca or Dell.ca and the American sites won't ship them to Canada. The cheapest Canadian site I've found is Futureshop.ca at $119.99.

What the fuck? I mean, I know the Canadian dollar's doing poorly, but really?


I always thought of NCIX as a pretty chill place but man that's brutal. They are almost as expensive as HD555's...


Post Count: 9999
Do you have any friends that live in the US? Deliver it to their house, and have them mail it to you.


Fjolle said:
Cant you buy it from amazon marketplace?
Good suggestion. The first one I tried did not allow me, but the second one did. Although, it included a $35 shipping fee, doubling the price.

I'll try a few others...

Firestorm said:
Just use the www.gamesforcanada.com direct request form... That's where I got my brother's headphones using. Canadian electronics prices suck :(
That is so fucking awesome.


I think it may be an error on NCIX's prices? Their other prices don't seem out of line and some arein fact cheaper than amazon.com. I say shoot them an e-mail.


There's probably some painfully stupid distribution agreement in place where some moronic company has exclusive rights to distribute the product in Canada and are gouging it.
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