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Canadian Liberal Party leadership convention smeared by anti-semetic campaign...

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Well, that's the allegation anyway...

Rae leadership bid target of anti-Semitism smears
Fri, December 8, 2006

OTTAWA -- Bob Rae was the target of anti-Semitic attacks at the Liberal leadership contest, motivated in part by the fact his wife is Jewish.

Sources close to Rae say that at the convention Arlene Perly Rae was approached by a delegate who didn't realize she was the candidate's wife. The delegate told her not to vote for Rae "because his wife is Jewish."

Perly Rae stonily informed the delegate that she was the wife in question. The delegate beat a hasty retreat.

The incident might have been shrugged off if it had been an isolated event. But Rae team insiders contend it was part of a larger pattern of anti-Semitic smears on Rae.

A flyer was circulated electronically among convention delegates denouncing Rae for having once delivered a speech to the Jewish National Fund, a group the flyer said was complicit in "war crimes and ethnic cleansing."

"Rae's wife is a vice-president of the CJC (Canadian Jewish Congress), a lobby group which supports Israeli apartheid," said the flyer in bold letters over Rae's face.

The Canadian Jewish Congress has condemned the flyer and blamed Khaled Mouammar, president of the Canadian Arab Federation for circulating it, an accusation the federation denies.

Nevertheless, in a release yesterday, the federation supported the content of the flyer, saying the Jewish National Fund manages all state lands in Israel and allows only Jews to live on such land, a "practice that amounts to ethnic cleansing." It added that "Canadians have the right to know who supports the JNF in Canada."

Several days before the leadership vote, the flyer was posted on a website operated by an immigrant advocacy group.

Mouammar wrote on that website, "It is well-known that Bob Rae himself is hostile to Palestinians and Arabs."

Ed Morgan, CJC president, called on the Liberals Thursday to denounce the flyer.



If nothing else this might turn the volume down a bit (at least for a while) on those who like to yap about the Conservative party's lack of tolerance...clearly the federal Liberal's have their own issues.
Attacking him on his record as Ontario PM should be far more effective. From all the candidates, we knew Bob Rae was really the incompetent manager (if a fairly nice guy otherwise).


Uh, it doesn't matter anymore - Dion's the winner. Well it might get dug up if he becomes a cabinet minister or something, but still, minor now.

I'm just happy Ignatieff didn't win. I'd hate for our country to have a chance to be run by someone who didn't even bother to live here until the chance to become leader of the country came up. Actually, I was kind of hoping Rae would win so Ontario could shoot him down during the elections. We do have good enough memories to remember the disaster...right? RIGHT?


All I remember was "Rae Days" meant a day off from school.
In my eyes that meant he was a goddamn hero.
Sources close to Rae say that at the convention Arlene Perly Rae was approached by a delegate who didn't realize she was the candidate's wife. The delegate told her not to vote for Rae "because his wife is Jewish." Perly Rae stonily informed the delegate that she was the wife in question. The delegate beat a hasty retreat.
It must be so hard to be an anti-Semite these days...


There's a difference between saying "Don't vote for Rae, his views on Israel/Arab matters is ****ed up" and "don't vote for Rae, his wife is Jewish". Substitute "Jewish" for "black" and you see the can of worms that opens up.

And yes, I do remember the Rae days...one of the most useless leaders I've ever seen. Which basically makes him perfect Liberal material.


BigJonsson is frantically flipping through the pages of his Official Liberal Party Damage Control Guide in order to frame a response.
Boogie said:
BigJonsson is frantically flipping through the pages of his Official Liberal Party Damage Control Guide in order to frame a response.


Every party has nuts like that
And every religious or ethnic group has nuts like that

Sadly its part of politics


DeathCabCute said:
Somebody has a complex.

"No no we're not racist. See there's racists in canada too. We're the good guys now."

Wow, you do have a complex if you think I was serious:p
If I had been there and someone tried to pull that on me I'd knock them the **** out and make sure whoever sent them felt the political consequences


Liberals are a big tent party. One corner of the tent has jews and on the opposite side are arabs and muslims both glaring at each other.

Anyhoo both Ignatieff and Rae had so much baggage that they wouldn't have been able to get over the 50 percent barrier. Ignatieff was hurt far more by foreign policy questions than Rae ever was.


But the flyer wasn't the only example of anti-Semitic attacks on Rae.

On another website, operated by a Montreal-based pro-Palestinian group, Liberals were urged about a week before the leadership vote: ``Do not vote for Bob Rae, we're not looking or another Zionist PM."

The group recommended that delegates vote for Gerard Kennedy, the fourth-place contender whose dramatic decision to throw his support to Stephane Dion after the second ballot clinched the victory for Dion. It said that "voting for Bob Rae is a vote for the daily massacre in Palestine (and) . . . for a new Zionist PM in Canada."

Phear da zionists!

Liberals are a big tent party. One corner of the tent has jews and on the opposite side are arabs and muslims both glaring at each other.

This isn't "glaring" Outright anti semitism at its ugliest.


Ripclawe said:
This isn't "glaring" Outright anti semitism at its ugliest.
It's more like what happened to Iggy when he went from being blase about civillians getting killing in Qana to accusing of Israel of warcrimes. The reaction was really extreme on both counts (from the respective corners).
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