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Recently, with the The Last Dance airing it's final episode. We decided to give Space Jam a rewatch. Like The Last Dance, it's also available on Netflix. Since neither of us had seen it since the year it was released we decided to load it up. It's a kids movie from the 90's featuring Looney Tunes, how bad could it be we guessed. Oh, how wrong we were. If this movie were to release today it would have been called out for its problematic behavior. Since there is no statue of limitations for outrage. Why don't we look at this movie without hateful preconceptions of race and gender.

Early on it's apparent this movie has an underlying agenda. Every single actor that is on screen is a white male. With the exception of Patricia Heaton and Michael Jordan's wife, Theresa Randle. Who both see a total of one minute combined screen time. So clearly, this movie has a big diversity problem. In a film about basketball the only People of Color in the entire motion picture are athletes. Not a good look. What's even worse, the real diversity hire in this movie is also a white male; Shawn Bradley. Who clearly didn't get selected for this movie by the merits of his talent. The other teammates on The Monstars are a bunch of blubbering Neanderthals. With Shawn Bradley, the only white player, being the only one shown with brains and compassion. The agenda becomes painfully obvious at this point.

Entering the second act I didn't know what to expect. Blatant misogynism, apparently, was the next trangression on the table. In the first act top NBA players (including Shawn Bradley) have their basketball talents stolen from them. To demonstrate how diminished Charles Barkely's skills have become in the second act, they emasculate him by having him lose to a bunch of girls in a pick up game. There are also references of a bunch of grandmothers being able to beat these guys now. I don't need to explain how sexist that is. A grandfather would fare just as badly against prime Sir Charles.

Everytime I calmed down and lowered my blood pressure, there would be a new offense. And, the last act is a doozy. So we have finally gotten to the basketball climax. Lola, the female rabbit who started out a very strong character gets reduced to nothing more then a sexual object for Bugs to have his way with. When the game is over, Bugs basically grabs her by the pussy and forcefully shoves his tounge down her throat. And her reaction is to hoot and holler like some love struck whore. Before that disgusting act takes place, we are greated to our white savior; Bill Murry. Who immediately takes control of the situation and starts dishing out orders for Michael Jordan. So the best basketball player in the world couldn't get it done on his own and was only able to win with the help of a white male. My eyes were looking like the Undertaker's at this point.

Everybody in my family was really enjoying this movie. So I paused it everytime there was offensive content. I had to educate them. So they could see what I see. Needless to say, by the time Robert Kelly started to sing my family was ready to boycott all movies made by Warner Brothers. We are currently in the process of having this movie wiped from existence. Please notify the authorities if you see anybody trying to signal boost this disgusting, hateful film.
If you believe any of this shit. It really is a clown world. Stay safe everyone and have a great day.
Someone hit me with a TL-DR plz

It would be a much funnier post if you spelled its properly. First sentence. Didn't take long.

V2T a straight up savage


(The Last Dance is a great docu-series but this GIF is the best thing to come out of it)
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I'm still getting through the last dance and each time I boot up an episode I wonder why I just don't watch space jam instead. Goddamn I love space jam. I understand why it has won best picture at the Oscars a record 24 years in a row. It's probably going to win for at least another 15 years too I can't see anything coming close to beating it. Space Jam is the pinnacle of cinema and the work of art's work of art.


Not even joking but if you wrote this on that other shithole website, you would be getting massive cheers and they'd try to start an online petition to cancel anyone involved in the film.


Not even joking but if you wrote this on that other shithole website, you would be getting massive cheers and they'd try to start an online petition to cancel anyone involved in the film.

At this moment someone from there might be lurking here and having ideas. This is awful.


Dude, seriously xD

That story, you could make an entire movie about this lmao

"The tragedy of a family, watching an obcene and offensive movie, followed by a father determined to do whats is right to teach his family against this problematic world views imposed by the problematic people, reaching the fields of eternity(???). Based on real life stories."
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Dude, seriously xD

That story, you could make an entire movie about this lmao

"The tragedy of a family, watching an obcene and offensive movie, followed by a father determined to do whats is right to teach his family against this problematic world views imposed by the problematic people, reaching the fields of eternity(???). Based on real life stories."

Cuckhold: The Movie


Gold Member
Your analysis is very superficial and fails to capture some of the more subtle problematic elements.
For example, notice how Bill Murray comes across as bored and uninterested in every scene. That's clearly a sign of his privilege as a white male. Since he knows that every white actor (including extras) is already making 10X more than Jordan from this movie for the simple virtue of being white, he knows he doesn't even have to bother putting any effort into his performance.

Also notice how Jordan is shown as living in a nice but ultimately standard family house despite being an international superstar. Some might say that's him or writers trying to present him as humble or down to earth, but in truth it's sending a negative message to black people that they shouldn't even bother because even if they make it as big as Jordan they'll still be far away from white celebrities.
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Your analysis is very superficial and fails to capture some of the more subtle problematic elements.
For example, notice how Bill Murray comes across as bored and uninterested in every scene. That's clearly a sign of his privilege as a white male. Since he knows that every white actor (including extras) is already making 10X more than Jordan from this movie for the simple virtue of being white, he knows he doesn't even have to bother putting any effort into his performance.

Also notice how Jordan is shown as living in a nice but ultimately standard family house despite being an international superstar. Some might say that's him or writers trying to present him as humble or down to earth, but in truth it's sending a negative message to black people that they shouldn't even bother because even if they make it as big as Jordan they'll still be far away from white celebrities.

I'm adding all this to my Google doc. Thanks for your input. #Let'sTakeThisPersonFuckerDown

This is the most effort you’ve ever put into a post Fudge

I liked it

There's even a special message no one has figured out yet!
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Recently, with the The Last Dance airing it's final episode. We decided to give Space Jam a rewatch. Like The Last Dance, it's also available on Netflix. Since neither of us had seen it since the year it was released we decided to load it up. It's a kids movie from the 90's featuring Looney Tunes, how bad could it be we guessed. Oh, how wrong we were. If this movie were to release today it would have been called out for its problematic behavior. Since there is no statue of limitations for outrage. Why don't we look at this movie without hateful preconceptions of race and gender.

Early on it's apparent this movie has an underlying agenda. Every single actor that is on screen is a white male. With the exception of Patricia Heaton and Michael Jordan's wife, Theresa Randle. Who both see a total of one minute combined screen time. So clearly, this movie has a big diversity problem. In a film about basketball the only People of Color in the entire motion picture are athletes. Not a good look. What's even worse, the real diversity hire in this movie is also a white male; Shawn Bradley. Who clearly didn't get selected for this movie by the merits of his talent. The other teammates on The Monstars are a bunch of blubbering Neanderthals. With Shawn Bradley, the only white player, being the only one shown with brains and compassion. The agenda becomes painfully obvious at this point.

Entering the second act I didn't know what to expect. Blatant misogynism, apparently, was the next trangression on the table. In the first act top NBA players (including Shawn Bradley) have their basketball talents stolen from them. To demonstrate how diminished Charles Barkely's skills have become in the second act, they emasculate him by having him lose to a bunch of girls in a pick up game. There are also references of a bunch of grandmothers being able to beat these guys now. I don't need to explain how sexist that is. A grandfather would fare just as badly against prime Sir Charles.

Everytime I calmed down and lowered my blood pressure, there would be a new offense. And, the last act is a doozy. So we have finally gotten to the basketball climax. Lola, the female rabbit who started out a very strong character gets reduced to nothing more then a sexual object for Bugs to have his way with. When the game is over, Bugs basically grabs her by the pussy and forcefully shoves his tounge down her throat. And her reaction is to hoot and holler like some love struck whore. Before that disgusting act takes place, we are greated to our white savior; Bill Murry. Who immediately takes control of the situation and starts dishing out orders for Michael Jordan. So the best basketball player in the world couldn't get it done on his own and was only able to win with the help of a white male. My eyes were looking like the Undertaker's at this point.

Everybody in my family was really enjoying this movie. So I paused it everytime there was offensive content. I had to educate them. So they could see what I see. Needless to say, by the time Robert Kelly started to sing my family was ready to boycott all movies made by Warner Brothers. We are currently in the process of having this movie wiped from existence. Please notify the authorities if you see anybody trying to signal boost this disgusting, hateful film.
If you believe any of this shit. It really is a clown world. Stay safe everyone and have a great day.

Scotty W

In all honesty we really need to cancel all of human history. It is wonder classic rock has not been canceled yet. Painting and sculpture feature mostly white people, and literature is famously eurocentric, moreover These works are dangerous. Comedy is liable to make us look ridiculous, and tragedy is liable to make people think that suffering us an inevitable component of human existence. Lastly, the superior quality of what has survived is likely to make us detest the cultural wasteland of 2020.
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