I'm looking for opinions on Japanese-English electronic dictionaries. I'm currently a UCLA student learning Japanese, and I plan on attenting either Tokyo Institute of Technology or Tohoku University in Sendai for all of next year. After some research, the one I *think* I want is the new Canon G50 Wordtank. I'm almost positive I have enough Japanese knowledge to operate it, but I certainly don't want a simplified one for the sake of ease now. The point of the dictionary is to be a long term aid in becoming fully fluent, so if it's a bit tough to use at first, that's ok. I also plan on using it for help with kanji and such in videogames, but that's not its main function. I think I'll mainly use it for my classes here at UCLA as well as traveling around in Japan next year.
Now that you know my intent for the machine though, I was wondering if anyone who's in Japan, has knowledge of the Wordtank line, or is otherwise familiar with electronic dictionaries can give me advice. Is the G50 wordtank you would recommend as a great overall dictionary? How hard is it to use looking at it from the English speaking standpoint? If you happen to know, how much do they cost in Japan now? One of my dilemmas is deciding whether to order it online now (and thus get to use it during the rest of the year), or to wait until I'm in Japan where it might be cheaper.
Assuming the G50 is my best option, I found this store run by Clay and Yumi, whose names sound very familiar in relation to my Wordtank researching. LINK Does anyone know if this site is reliable? They're got the cheapest G50 by $15, as well as free shipping, so overall it's about $40 cheaper here than elsewhere.
Thanks for any replies.
Now that you know my intent for the machine though, I was wondering if anyone who's in Japan, has knowledge of the Wordtank line, or is otherwise familiar with electronic dictionaries can give me advice. Is the G50 wordtank you would recommend as a great overall dictionary? How hard is it to use looking at it from the English speaking standpoint? If you happen to know, how much do they cost in Japan now? One of my dilemmas is deciding whether to order it online now (and thus get to use it during the rest of the year), or to wait until I'm in Japan where it might be cheaper.
Assuming the G50 is my best option, I found this store run by Clay and Yumi, whose names sound very familiar in relation to my Wordtank researching. LINK Does anyone know if this site is reliable? They're got the cheapest G50 by $15, as well as free shipping, so overall it's about $40 cheaper here than elsewhere.
Thanks for any replies.