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Cassiopeia A Supernova (pic)

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GAF's Bob Woodward

see: http://www.theregister.co.uk/2004/08/26/stunning_supernova/

Can't wait till our sun blows up!


HOLY SHIT now i've seen some pictures in my day but do you guys really understand how much FUCKING POWER you are looking at right now? HOLY SHIT too bad we dont have the ability to watch like a 30 second clip of this thing going SUPERNOVA wow.

Thanks freak.
The funny thing is that happened likely well before Earth was even formed..perhaps our solar system, even. The universe is truly beyond the scale of our understanding. The only reason I really hope for an afterlife (well that and the whole "heram of virgins" thing) is for the opportunity to better understand things that supercede the scope of our experience. Or maybe the opportunity to trigger my own supernova.. :D..
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