All Hail C-Webb
Hailing from the Chill-Web
Ok, I want ot type alot of shit, but it will look weird if this is a forum, so I am going to pretend this is a chat room, that way we can type alot, and it doesn't look weird.
YOu have to respond quickly, and not make it serious, or it will return to a forum. If we do it on this thread only, then the mods might not get upset.
I don't want ot see that a/s/l shit, but for your information I am 20/m/NYC.
Anyway, I was wondering why black ppl call eachother nigga, but are offended when I white pesrson says it.
THe word came from a vey negative thing, how on earth did black ppl decide that it would be a good name to start calling eachother. It would be like Lesbians calling eachother kickas, or Jews calling eachother cheapos. It doesn't make sense to me. Also, the word nigga is used alot in rap, and genreal conversations. For example; "my nigga," that would be like me saying "my casper" or somethign to the effect. It makes no sense. I really like the word but it doesn't make sense.
Also, why do girls feel like they can always tell you what is right and wrong. They never fucking use common sense, but when it comes to me wanting to piss on a dude who passed out, they're always like ":it justr doesn't make sense, it's wrong." Why can't they use that same brain when I'm not trying to piss on a guy?
YOu have to respond quickly, and not make it serious, or it will return to a forum. If we do it on this thread only, then the mods might not get upset.
I don't want ot see that a/s/l shit, but for your information I am 20/m/NYC.
Anyway, I was wondering why black ppl call eachother nigga, but are offended when I white pesrson says it.
THe word came from a vey negative thing, how on earth did black ppl decide that it would be a good name to start calling eachother. It would be like Lesbians calling eachother kickas, or Jews calling eachother cheapos. It doesn't make sense to me. Also, the word nigga is used alot in rap, and genreal conversations. For example; "my nigga," that would be like me saying "my casper" or somethign to the effect. It makes no sense. I really like the word but it doesn't make sense.
Also, why do girls feel like they can always tell you what is right and wrong. They never fucking use common sense, but when it comes to me wanting to piss on a dude who passed out, they're always like ":it justr doesn't make sense, it's wrong." Why can't they use that same brain when I'm not trying to piss on a guy?