I'm in the market for a cheap, but decent quality, A/V receiver, mostly for movies and games. I was looking at a Denon AVR-1705 (http://www.usa.denon.com/catalog/pdfs/AVR1705.pdf), which looks very good, but would cost me about 316. To be honest, that's still a little rich for my blood, so I'm wondering if there's anything comparable out there at a lower price. I would love to come in at around 200 or less. Support for a 6.1 setup is desireable, although not entirely necessary if someone comes up with a really kickass 5.1 system. 6.1 would be really nice though. At least one optical-in is necessary - I'll really 3, but I can get a switch to save money. Component-in is necessary too, as is svideo-in. Dolby Prologic II or IIx is required (for my GC). To boot, I'm in Ireland, so I'm possibly limited by what's available in Europe.
Any suggestions...?
Any suggestions...?