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Classic episodes of "Electric Playground" now airing on Youtube.


Well I have to watch this, never had this cable package. I was only able to watch G4 if I was visiting certain family. Never seen Electric Playground ether.
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A Fucking Idiot
Back before Victor Lucas had one of the worst cases of Trump Derangement Syndrome. The guy is the 2nd most insufferable game "personality" on X.


Gold Member
A few months ago, I watched some old G4 E3 coverage. It was fun to relive a little of that sillier, more innocent time. I only watched a little of EP, but I enjoyed Victor and Tommy's banter. It was certainly a lot better than Adam and Morgan's on X-Play...
There was also an episode where Victor caught up with Kelly. Some good footage in there too. She was a babe back in those days.

Victor never had a good judge of character. He co-hosted the show with Tommy Tallarico, lol. Interesting time capsule here though, I might check out a couple episodes for the nostalgia rush.
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why do Americans base so much of their personality on politics?

and i don't just mean influencers, every American I've ever met can't wait to tell you who they vote for...

it's so strange.
I was raised that it’s rude and impolite to ask someone who they voted for, and also that you don’t tell people who you voted for. It’s nobody’s business. So I would say you are making a blanket generalization, and also your personal experience with this may be uncommon.
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SBI’s Resident Gaslighter
Haha, cheers. After posting that question I did a quick google and came across a Reddit thread explaining all of this.

You probably will never watch it at 2 hours but this video is really well made. It's insane how much of a liar Tommy Tallarico is.


Used to watch these with my Sister back in the day when they aired, though we're in NV. It was fun occasionally, but like with most things everyone has their opinions and, particularly notable back in the day, people were very ignorant in regards to genres and types of games which led to constant hot takes. I recall Victor being much more open for the most part and souring on other games quickly dismissing them, my guess would be limited time and deadlines etc.

Tommy on the other hand was more consistent with his opinions and openly wore them on his sleeve such as a dislike of things that weren't action based. If it was turn-based or strategic in any way the man would trash it for the most part but I remember him being fair at certain points recognizing that some games had their effort, merits and audience showing some growth and maturity which was cool.

Not keen on the YT channel now though. There are far better channels that cater to specific tastes with more details. As a piece of history its pretty cool though.


Gold Member

You probably will never watch it at 2 hours but this video is really well made. It's insane how much of a liar Tommy Tallarico is.

I did come across this in my google search. Watched a little on the Tommy section but might be something I dig into over the weekend when I have some spare time.


hide your water-based mammals
Man, this is nostalgia overload. I remember watching day 1. It was on the most awkward time Saturday mornings. Much like the Gamepro show from years ago, somehow I found these shows. This is glorious. I love the them song of the show and the presentation holds up so well.
A few months ago, I watched some old G4 E3 coverage. It was fun to relive a little of that sillier, more innocent time. I only watched a little of EP, but I enjoyed Victor and Tommy's banter. It was certainly a lot better than Adam and Morgan's on X-Play...
Super late reply, but I binged Judgement Day (a.k.a. Reviews On The Run) episodes a few weeks back and I loved the banter. I agreed with their reviews maybe 30% of the time, but they presented gameplay well, highlighted shortcomings, and had some fun back and forth arguments and reactions to what they were reviewing. I had a blast watching it even if GameTrailers had much more nuanced reviews.


Super late reply, but I binged Judgement Day (a.k.a. Reviews On The Run) episodes a few weeks back and I loved the banter. I agreed with their reviews maybe 30% of the time, but they presented gameplay well, highlighted shortcomings, and had some fun back and forth arguments and reactions to what they were reviewing. I had a blast watching it even if GameTrailers had much more nuanced reviews.

Yeah, I just watched a bit of that clip, and it has a different feel than reviews now do. It's more free-wheeling and fun-oriented, not the hyper-analytical, serious stuff you get in a lot of reviews today.


Gold Member
Back before Victor Lucas had one of the worst cases of Trump Derangement Syndrome. The guy is the 2nd most insufferable game "personality" on X.

If wonder if he's gone back and erased all of Evageline Lilly's segments.

Which is hilarious as when she got cast on Lost he was proud of giving her her start, but now that he has brain rot he probably doesn't want to be associated with someone who doesn't fit his dementia.

Dr. Claus

If wonder if he's gone back and erased all of Evageline Lilly's segments.

Which is hilarious as when she got cast on Lost he was proud of giving her her start, but now that he has brain rot he probably doesn't want to be associated with someone who doesn't fit his dementia.
It’s a shame to see these people come out with severe mental problems. Dude lives in fucking Canada and lives a privileged life. But he cries about everything.
It’s a shame to see these people come out with severe mental problems. Dude lives in fucking Canada and lives a privileged life. But he cries about everything.
There were plenty of people like that before. However, social media has convinced individuals that have some modicum of success that they should air those thoughts publicly and doing so in echo chambers tends to polarize perspectives. Regardless, one can enjoy the art apart from the artist.
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Dr. Claus

There were plenty of people like that before. However, social media has convinced individuals that have some modicum of success that they should air those thoughts publicly and doing so in echo chambers tends to polarize perspectives. Regardless, one can enjoy the art apart from the artist.
Of course. I do enjoy his older stuff. Reviews on the Run prior to 2012 is amazing and Judgement Day is always a fun watch.

However, I can't take any of his modern critiques, reviews, or criticisms at face value anymore given everything is through the lens of victimhood and DEI nonsense.
Remember when they gave Melee a 2.5 and 3.5?

It’s even funnier because Tommy was later confronted about it and he denied it.

One of my favorites was when Tommy gave Tomb Raider 1 a 9.4, Crash Bandicoot a 9.2 and Mario 64 an 8.8, all in the same episode. Claiming that he was 'just bored' of jumping on turtle shells.

Found the whole clip here:

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SBI’s Resident Gaslighter
One of my favorites was when Tommy gave Tomb Raider 1 a 9.4, Crash Bandicoot a 9.2 and Mario 64 an 8.8, all in the same episode. Claiming that he was 'just bored' of jumping on turtle shells.

Found the whole clip here:


He always had an hate boner for Nintendo.
He always had an hate boner for Nintendo.

he was the vain of the Nintendo fanboy back in the day. Not like he would slam every Nintendo game, but he was well known for giving Nintendo games lower-than expected reviews. That did lead to flamebait online. I kinda loved that dynamic.
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Dr. Claus

He always had an hate boner for Nintendo.

I won't say a hate boner. He just prefers a different style of game, which was very noticeable in his reviews. Linear, challenging courses in Crash or challenging/puzzle like elements in tomb raider versus the more simple and open ended challenge of Mario 64. Vastly different ways to do platforming despite all being platforming games.
Remember when they gave Melee a 2.5 and 3.5?

It’s even funnier because Tommy was later confronted about it and he denied it.

I would have given it a negative score on principle. He was generous. It is sickening that the fanbase it spawned is littered with hygiene-averse, pedophile man-children. Some people even think it is a fighting game. :pie_eyeroll:
One of my favorites was when Tommy gave Tomb Raider 1 a 9.4, Crash Bandicoot a 9.2 and Mario 64 an 8.8, all in the same episode. Claiming that he was 'just bored' of jumping on turtle shells.

Found the whole clip here:


The original Crash Bandicoot is better than Mario 64. It has a better presentation as well as non-floaty and challenging platforming. Tomb Raider was the new hotness so a high score is understandable.
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SBI’s Resident Gaslighter
Some people even think it is a fighting game. :pie_eyeroll:

The original Crash Bandicoot is better than Mario 64. It has a better presentation as well as non-floaty and challenging platforming. Tomb Raider was the new hotness so a high score is understandable.
Michael Jordan Reaction GIF
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