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Close calls

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So, about an hour ago, I'm puttering up the hill to the copy place at about 10 mph (cold start, yadda yadda). I stop at the red. Light turns green, I go. I'm puttering into the intersection when I realize that THERE IS AN SUV RUNNING THE PROTECTED LEFT (now red) IN FRONT OF ME ABOUT TO HIT ME. I panic brake, and stall. I was so shocked that I didn't even manage to honk (I was thinking "oh shit, that suv is going to hit me, I should honk at her"). By the time I come to my senses and get the car started up again, the light is red and I'm stuck in the intersection. The lady to my right (in a base rsx) just sits there. Maybe she's shocked too. I wave her by, and continue on.


ps, it's the most insane thing staring at a green light (green means go, right?) with a car in front of you about to hit you. it's like the david cross bit where he's hungover in the hotel room and the maid is knocking on his door shouting "ANSWER YOUR PHONE" and it's not ringing. DRIVE FORWARD wha? huh? I ca-DRIVE FORWARD but? but? I huh? DRIVE FORWARD etc.

so let's hear it for avoiding property damage/injury but fucking up our powertrains and generally hating and being afraid of everything rah rah


What a fucker. Because of bad drivers I've developed the horrible habit of giving them the finger screaming "FUCK YOU!" while honking my horn. Then again, they need to know what's up.

One time I was turning right onto the main road, and everything is clear. Then out of nowhere, a car that I thought was turning left onto the road I was coming off of actually goes through with a u-turn as I'm turning onto the road. I almost hit the guy, but wtf, I hope that fucker dies. If you're going to make an illegal u-turn, where the fuck do you go off thinking you even have right of way? :lol Go fuck yourself you fucking cumrag!!!


EDIT: If you get their plates, can you report shitty driving to the authorities? I'd love to fuck some people over :lol


Actually 3 things like that happened to me today...

First, my wife was driving and taking a protected left turn. Some guy also at the intersection on the left side of us, also in the protected left turn lane, decides that his light needs to be green too. So he speeds off right when we do and just about hits the drivers side door. He's about 10 feet from it. Then he throws his hands in the air and is like "WTF are you doing?!" Luckily a cop behind him saw it and lit his ass up. My wife gave him the finger and took off.

The next one, about 10 minutes later, was at a red light, we were going straight. It's a 6 lane street. (3 lanes each way, protected left included). We're on the far right, the guy in the middle is on his cell phone. Well, when the protected left turns green, the guy in the middle thinks his turned green also and takes off. He ends up smashing into some other guy and then gets out of his car cussing like the other person did something wrong.

Then on my way to work tonight, I'm driving and this old lady is waiting for traffic to pass so her wrinkly ass can jay walk. Well, she decides she's waited enough and at the last moment runs through the street, i have to pull up my emergency brake and all to avoid hitting her stupid ass. She doesn't even bother to look afterwards, she just keeps going like the stupid old hag she is.

Needless to say, today was a bad day. I guess I had an extraordinary amount of run ins with arrogant idiots today. This was only the tip of the iceberg that was one of the shittiest days of my life. Bleh.


Mupepe said:
Actually 3 things like that happened to me today...

First, my wife was driving and taking a protected left turn. Some guy also at the intersection on the left side of us, also in the protected left turn lane, decides that his light needs to be green too. So he speeds off right when we do and just about hits the drivers side door. He's about 10 feet from it. Then he throws his hands in the air and is like "WTF are you doing?!" Luckily a cop behind him saw it and lit his ass up. My wife gave him the finger and took off.

Your wife rocks.

Mupepe said:
The next one, about 10 minutes later, was at a red light, we were going straight. It's a 6 lane street. (3 lanes each way, protected left included). We're on the far right, the guy in the middle is on his cell phone. Well, when the protected left turns green, the guy in the middle thinks his turned green also and takes off. He ends up smashing into some other guy and then gets out of his car cussing like the other person did something wrong.

WTF is up with people getting angry when *they've* caused the accident? RETARDS, I swear, Jesus Christ.

Mupepe said:
Then on my way to work tonight, I'm driving and this old lady is waiting for traffic to pass so her wrinkly ass can jay walk. Well, she decides she's waited enough and at the last moment runs through the street, i have to pull up my emergency brake and all to avoid hitting her stupid ass. She doesn't even bother to look afterwards, she just keeps going like the stupid old hag she is.

You should've hit her if you were under the limit, fuck that hag :lol


miyuru said:
Your wife rocks.

Haha, Yes she does. She was definitely not in the mood to be fucked with today.

WTF is up with people getting angry when *they've* caused the accident? RETARDS, I swear, Jesus Christ.

I have no idea! I've only been in two accidents(aside from the like 12 that happened between my mom and dad when i was young), and the first one was my fault. I apologized and everything and gave her my insurance. This lady was a bitch about it. She calls my insurance, files a claim, and then calls the police saying I gave her wrong information, so I had to go to court for a hit and run. Luckily I had a copy of the claim and called her shit out. Weaksauce. The second one, I was rear ended by a drunk driver. I wanted to be nice, so I told his wife who came later, to just drive him home and I wouldn't call the cops. I got his insurance stuff, and then she starts asking for mine, saying "what if we want to file a claim on yours?" Texas law states that if you're rear ended, it's the other persons fautl, no questions! And also, this fucker is drunk! I was at a red light! I was stopped for 30 seconds before he hit me! Turns out this asshole gave me false information and I had to go file a hit and run report. Sheesh, BTW, both of these accidents happened exactly 1 week within each other.

You should've hit her if you were under the limit, fuck that hag :lol

Haha, but I was already late for work. Besides, old hags smells and I doubt I'd be able to wash that pee and shit smell off my car.


Damn you've been through a lot Mupepe. I've only been in one accident and that was in Sri Lanka when the breaks on our van gave out. We were on a two lane/two way road and there was a huge bus coming our direction. In our lane, there was a parked truck. Anyway we were going to stop and wait for the bus to pass but yeah the brakes died and we hit it. Nothing too major, but the windshield was busted, etc..

I'm only 19 though, hopefully I never have to get mixed up with idiot drivers. What's the general procedure when you get into an accident anyway? Just swap contact and insurance info?


miyuru said:
Damn you've been through a lot Mupepe. I've only been in one accident and that was in Sri Lanka when the breaks on our van gave out. We were on a two lane/two way road and there was a huge bus coming our direction. In our lane, there was a parked truck. Anyway we were going to stop and wait for the bus to pass but yeah the brakes died and we hit it. Nothing too major, but the windshield was busted, etc..

I'm only 19 though, hopefully I never have to get mixed up with idiot drivers. What's the general procedure when you get into an accident anyway? Just swap contact and insurance info?

Hey, you're older than me, I'm only 18. Haha. But the general procedure depends a lot on how much you're willing to trust the person and your local and state laws. In most big cities, cops will not do accident reports for fender benders and bumper to bumper accidents. And usually, your state law dictates who is at fault anyways. If you're not at fault, DO NOT GIVE THEM YOUR INSURANCE INFO. A lot of people make this mistake and it's a huge hassle if they want to be dicks and claim you were responsible. Definitely call the cops if there is no clear line as to who was at fault, like someone smashing into the side of your car. And if you can, always try and get someone to stay to give the cops a statement on your behalf. But in general fender benders, it's not hard to find out who's at fault and most of the time, that person will admit to it. Get their information, don't give them yours, and then if you have a cell phone, discreetely call the number they give you to make sure it's an insurance company and always get their license plate just in case. Most of the time, it will be as simple as that. Both my parents are horrible drivers, so over time we figured this out. Haha


Right on, thanks for the tips!

EDIT: Who's in your avatar? She's cute and I think she's looking at me...




It's probably your wife :p
I was with some friends on our way to snowboard. Once we got into the snowed area we were thinking about putting the chains on but my friend who was driving wasn't sure how to put it on right so she didn't want to put it on and mess the car up, plus she was like "nah it's cool we got 4 wheel drive."

Later the car spun out of control. We crossed over into the wrong lane. Luckily there was no car there and thats as far as it went. The rear of the car swung into the mountain wall and not over the cliff. I was sitting in the back with the gear so a snowboard hit me in the head. That sorta hurt, having a metal edge and all, but no harm done... that I've noticed.
Me: I think we should put the chains on. :lol

If you're ever driving in snowy weather and you've got chains with you, put them on!


:lol Noted. Also, if you manage to hydroplane and not hit anything, best 3 seconds of your life right after losing your virginity. :lol

EDIT: Who's in your avatar? She's cute and I think she's looking at me...

Haha, nah, it's a friend of mine. I would put my wife as my avatar in some funny pose, but she doesn't like me taking pictures of her. And probably much less the prospect of me posting it on the internet.


In the event of an accident:

1. Call the police! DO THIS.
2. Exchange information.
3. If you haven't called the police, call the mo-effin police!!!
4. DO NOT ADMIT FAULT (unless you completely blew it)
6. If there are injuries, skip step 2 (do it now).

When you get home, report the accident to your insurance company (unless the other person admitted or was found at fault by the polizei, then file a claim with their insurance company).


I once got pulled over by a cop in front of a graveyard, following an all-night work shift. He goes, "You know you almost hit that car back there." My reply: "What car?"

It got me a ticket... but apparently I was so tired and not paying attention that when I swung a left turn, a car coming straight from the opposite direction only missed me by like 4 inches or something.

Ever since then, I've not driven tired. Not that tired, anyway.


fart said:
1. Call the police! DO THIS.
2. Exchange information.
3. If you haven't called the police, call the mo-effin police!!!
4. DO NOT ADMIT FAULT (unless you completely blew it)
6. If there are injuries, skip step 2 (do it now).

The problem is that most police precincts now will not take accident reports that don't result in injury or have a person who is clearly at fault. Bumper to bumper accidents are covered by laws in most states, so police will not take a report unless you go to the police station yourself and file a report, which by that time is useless since there is no police officer as a witness.


And even i am moderately surprised
there is a three lane ring road around my home town.

To get off the ring road towards where i lived, you have to take the middle lane. However, being a "secret smoker" me and my ex decided at the last moment to slip into the lane that would take us back round the ring road to the dock area, as the lights were turning red up ahead.

the cars in front were stopping but the right hand lane was empty - so i slipped in to that lane.

Just as i did a car had come screaming up in the center lane, and totally wiped out into the back of the car that was last waiting in the center lane. Exactly where i'd have been if i was a non-smoker at the time.

It was quite funny as the traffic lights are right by the police station. It was funny seeing the two 12 year old kids trying to get out of the trashed car only to be dropped by the waiting police and the guy from the car in front.

Who says smoking isn't good for you?


I was going to say Mupepe has some fantastically bad luck, until I saw this:

Mupepe said:
Texas law states that if you're rear ended...

Texas? Say no more.

I've been in at least 5 car accidents I can think offhand where I was driving, though none of them were my fault, save for perhaps hitting that snow patch, but then living in Texas, I'm not accustomed to driving in snow in the first place. I was going slow as possible as it was, not that it helped. Thankfully, I've done more than enough driving for a lifetime so that I'm pretty adept at avoiding accidents and I adopt miyuru's general philosophy which is look out for the other people on the road. Sure, you could fuck up, but more often than not, it's that idiot going in reverse in the U-turn lane, even though you're behind him and stopped, that's going to do some damage instead.

I can't really contribute to this thread. The amount of close calls I've had and the sheer stupidity of people that drive in this state is overwhelming.


Macam said:
Texas? Say no more.

Yup yup, Texas is full of shitty drivers. I don't know what's wrong with them, but they're insane, especially Houston. I've seen people trying to do U Turns on the freeway in Houston. And since I also used to deliver pizzas for Pizza Hut(still work there part time, just a manager now), I've seen a lot of crappy drivers, including some of my fellow employees.


Houston's the worst city I've seen in Texas, more so now that they're doing construction absolutely everywhere in that city. Everywhere. This past weekend, I saw a guy get on the freeway only to quickly pull over on the shoulder....and then go in reverse alongside the freeway entrance ramp so he could get back onto the feeder. Sheer genius.

That city scares the crap out of me when I have to drive through it.


Macam said:
Houston's the worst city I've seen in Texas, more so now that they're doing construction absolutely everywhere in that city. Everywhere. This past weekend, I saw a guy get on the freeway only to quickly pull over on the shoulder....and then go in reverse alongside the freeway entrance ramp so he could get back onto the feeder. Sheer genius.

That city scares the crap out of me when I have to drive through it.

Haha, I live here. And it is fucking scary. The city grew so rapidly that they couldn't keep up with it. Not to mention, the conservatives of the city were against expanding our freeways and Metro, so it's no suprise that we have some of the worst traffic in the nation. And now because all these dumb shits downtown can't drive and don't understand how our light rail works, they hit it and then it comes under criticism about how effective it is. Maybe if people just learned how to pay attention to the lights that tell you when to go? Sheesh I hate Texas drivers.


Mupepe said:
The problem is that most police precincts now will not take accident reports that don't result in injury or have a person who is clearly at fault. Bumper to bumper accidents are covered by laws in most states, so police will not take a report unless you go to the police station yourself and file a report, which by that time is useless since there is no police officer as a witness.
o rly? i don't know of any police depts like this in CA (and we have at least our fair share of accidents), but this is good to know. i would still call them even if it's a futile attempt at an authoritative witness.


fart said:
o rly? i don't know of any police depts like this in CA (and we have at least our fair share of accidents), but this is good to know. i would still call them even if it's a futile attempt at an authoritative witness.

Yeah, it's better to at least try. But I know it's Houstons policy for their police departments not to make reports for fender benders. Shitty considering I see them in a parking lot drinking coffee and talking to each other. They could at least do SOMETHING.

*funny story*
There used to be this cop that would spend like 6 hours a day at this McDonalds and no one would say anything. One day, the manager finally got in an argument with him and then got his badge number and reported him. Now I see him driving around my neighborhood alot. Haha. At least he got off his ass.
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