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CNN: Senate Russia investigators ask Treasury for Trump team financial information



Senate Russia investigators have sent a request to the Treasury Department's criminal investigation division for any information related to President Donald Trump, his top officials and his campaign aides, the top Democrat on the Senate intelligence committee told CNN Tuesday.
"We've made a request, to FinCEN in the Treasury Department, to make sure, not just for example vis-a-vis the President, but just overall our effort to try to follow the intel no matter where it leads," Sen. Mark Warner told CNN. "You get materials that show if there have been, what level of financial ties between, I mean some of the stuff, some of the Trump-related officials, Trump campaign-related officials and other officials and where those dollars flow -- not necessarily from Russia."


"We've made a request, to FinCEN in the Treasury Department, to make sure, not just for example vis-a-vis the President, but just overall our effort to try to follow the intel no matter where it leads," Sen. Mark Warner told CNN. "You get materials that show if there have been, what level of financial ties between, I mean some of the stuff, some of the Trump-related officials, Trump campaign-related officials and other officials and where those dollars flow -- not necessarily from Russia."


Initially read title as 'Russia asks Treasury for Trump team financial information'

That would have been more entertaining but I'll take this
i went on cnn.com to look but I got distracted by an article about how Obama is leaving the top buttons on his button-ups unbuttoned in public appearances
Can the top Republicans of the Senate investigation nix this? Or are they actually supporting this as well?

My guess would be that at some point we will see a majority of the Republicans pivot against Trump, and only those that are the most crazy/compromised (or both) continue to hold water for that treasonous piece of trash. The hope, slim as it is, is that come election time enough voters remember who defended the scumbag and vote them right the fuck out.


I really hope that Trump sends that letter certifying, by law, that's he's had no business ties to Russia before the information comes out.

Lil Marco

Unless it's a full on subpeona I don't see how this will get anywhere aside from being yet another news story about corruption that Trump's team gets away with


My guess would be that at some point we will see a majority of the Republicans pivot against Trump, and only those that are the most crazy/compromised (or both) continue to hold water for that treasonous piece of trash.

I've maintained a belief for a while that the Republicans will turn on Trump and eat him alive if the Republicans feel their positions are in jeopardy.


I said it in the "concession call" thread, but I knew he was deflecting something major if he was getting that petty.

It doesnt work like that. They can issue subpoena, and the request is to Treasury, not Trump.

So we're basically looking at a direct hit?
Spoiler alert: Nothing will happen.

Things are happening. Things have been happening. More things will likely continue happening. I don't know what ultimate result the senate and FBI investigations will be, but it's already been a drag on the Trump administration and clearly affects his frame of mind.

I'm beginning to read these "nothing will happen" posts as "this is slow and I'm bored"


Richard Burr, the Republican chair, requested this.

That makes sense; they're all for the Trump team until they start losing them money.

Just watch Trump supporters turn around, disavow him, then jump on the next hate-filled demagogue.
Me right now:

Except maybe an impeachment.

Or a resignation.

Or a pee pee tape.
Or waiting for Flynn being arrested for treason.
Things are happening. Things have been happening. More things will likely continue happening. I don't know what ultimate result the senate and FBI investigations will be, but it's already been a drag on the Trump administration and clearly affects his frame of mind.

I'm beginning to read these "nothing will happen" posts as "this is slow and I'm bored"
Things are happening and continuing to happen is not enough for me hopeful for anything to happened to Trump at all even if a Republican is the one doing it.
So nothing.

A member of the president's hand picked cabinet was confirmed by the most recent AG to be susceptible to Russian bribes, the White house was forced to confirm that they knew and did nothing about it because _____, and that's "nothing"?

What exactly is the threshold for scandal in Washington?
A member of the president's hand picked cabinet was confirmed by the most recent AG to be susceptible to Russian bribes, the White house was forced to confirm that they knew and did nothing about it because _____, and that's "nothing"?

What exactly is the threshold for scandal in Washington?

Blowjobs and brown skin.


A member of the president's hand picked cabinet was confirmed by the most recent AG to be susceptible to Russian bribes, the White house was forced to confirm that they knew and did nothing about it because _____, and that's "nothing"?

What exactly is the threshold for scandal in Washington?

All the scandals in the world don't mean anything unless something becomes of them.
All the scandals in the world don't mean anything unless something becomes of them.

He was fired, and only because Yates' warning got to the press before she was able to testify publicly.

That's something.

If we continue to get irl verifications of just the scandalous tidbits that have been leaked thus far, it will continue to be a hard time for the administration.

If you're on the "impeachment or void election in 6 months or bust" camp, I don't know what to tell you.
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