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Missing patient. :p Thanks to a "wanderer" at the hospital next door here in the admin building I've been listening to the booming PA announcement every minute saying to look out for a balding man in a green jacket with portable O2 tank. Even with headphones, it's loud, and since my door is open ward nurses from downstairs stick their head in the door every so often to see if he's wandered in here.

Ugh, now the superhardcore business analyst across the hall is all fired up with Responsibilty and Potential Authority. Dude always asks me if it's my "confidential" docs sitting unatended at the printer and acts like we're in the CIA. He spent almost 10 minutes the other day walking around asking who printed the minutes from a committee meeting and left it at the printer because the footer says "Very confidential" and he didn't want it left where rogue agents from hostile governments might get a hold of it. Oh shit, the KGB now has the minutes to the project oversight meeting! Communism wins!

Now superstar is asking all these questions about who to call if we see him, asking for a detailed description, and then HE walks into my office to see if the patient is here. Officious little twat, does he think I'm hiding him under my desk? LEAVE ME TO MY BORING AS SHIT DATABASE PLZKTHNXBYE.

Damn, green jacket is still missing. He's either in the air ducts or he snuck into the sewer system to be missing this long. If he's making a break for it I'm almost rooting for him now.


calder said:
Damn, green jacket is still missing. He's either in the air ducts or he snuck into the sewer system to be missing this long. If he's making a break for it I'm almost rooting for him now.


The black man everyone at Activision can agree on
There are black people in your building?!?!?! Oh wait that's a Code Ten for Target I think... my bad.. ;)
Damn, that was an entertaining post :)

He's probably infiltrating MGS style. Check the boss and make sure he's not Decoy Octopus!
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