Coldplay was amazing. I think they're gonna replace Radiohead for me since Radiohead is going into a direction I don't like at all, hopefully they'll stop this nonsense.
Coldplay was amazing. I think they're gonna replace Radiohead for me since Radiohead is going into a direction I don't like at all, hopefully they'll stop this nonsense.
Don't say that... I've seen 'em both live. Just because you like Coldplay's "direction" better right now doesn't mean a thing. Coldplay does not and never will have a damn thing on The Bends, OK Computer and Kid A. And not to mention, all the work in between. And not to mention, their live shows.
Muse, Oceansize, Blur, Doves...
anyone but Coldplay!! Parachutes is honestly the only album of theirs I consider timeless, or on a level comparable to other amazing bands.
Muse, Oceansize, Blur, Doves...
anyone but Coldplay!! Parachutes is honestly the only album of theirs I consider timeless, or on a level comparable to other amazing bands.