Diamond's shipping list for May 11th 2005
Yes, BigJonsson, Astonishing X-Men #10 is shipping this week. You may go to the comic shop.
BUT, Astonishing is not the reason you should be excited. Warren Ellis' new ongoing series, Desolation Jones, is the real gem of the week. Here's the skinny:
Warren Ellis AND J.H. Williams? Count me the f*ck in. Word of warning though, I have a feeling Desolation Jones might be hit or miss. Like most of Warren Ellis' work, if it's a hit, it'll be a big bloody hit. If it's a miss, expect absolute crap. Let's hope for another Transmetropolitan or Planetary, not another RED or Iron Man.
Here's a four page preview. J.H. William's art already looks good enough to eat.
Oh yeah, Rann/Thanagar War #1, spinning out of the Adam Strange mini-series is also out this week. DC Countdown diehards will want to check this out. Here's the preview for Rann/Thanagar War. The art looks incredible.
As for me, this week I'll be grabbing:
I'll probably be skipping Rann/Thanagar War #1. Villains United was pretty standard, and I still haven't been able to find a copy of OMAC Project #1.
Yes, BigJonsson, Astonishing X-Men #10 is shipping this week. You may go to the comic shop.
BUT, Astonishing is not the reason you should be excited. Warren Ellis' new ongoing series, Desolation Jones, is the real gem of the week. Here's the skinny:
Desolation Jones #1 (Mature) Written by Warren Ellis; Art and cover by J.H. Williams III
Get ready for DESOLATION JONES, the new bimonthly ongoing series that's the unique product of the imagination of Warren Ellis (PLANETARY, OCEAN) and the eye-popping visual imagery of J.H. Williams III (PROMETHEA!) Desolation Jones - the lone survivor of a horrific experiment called the Desolation Test - just lived through a full year of constant, sleepless agony. A former British intelligence operative, the retired Jones is making ends meet in the private sector as a detective-for-hire to the covert community of ex-spooks who are living whatever life they can in L.A. It's a dirty, ugly job, but someone has to do it - and that man is Desolation Jones.
Warren Ellis AND J.H. Williams? Count me the f*ck in. Word of warning though, I have a feeling Desolation Jones might be hit or miss. Like most of Warren Ellis' work, if it's a hit, it'll be a big bloody hit. If it's a miss, expect absolute crap. Let's hope for another Transmetropolitan or Planetary, not another RED or Iron Man.
Here's a four page preview. J.H. William's art already looks good enough to eat.
Oh yeah, Rann/Thanagar War #1, spinning out of the Adam Strange mini-series is also out this week. DC Countdown diehards will want to check this out. Here's the preview for Rann/Thanagar War. The art looks incredible.
As for me, this week I'll be grabbing:
I'll probably be skipping Rann/Thanagar War #1. Villains United was pretty standard, and I still haven't been able to find a copy of OMAC Project #1.