We did it! Finally me and Freeza have gotten control of the OT. What crazy thing will we do? Make the OT just like every other OT because we are terrified of changing anything? Absolutely. Welcome to the first bumper sized ComicGAF OT.
Here are a selection of the top books for the next month:

American Vampire Anthology #2 by Various (Oct 12th) - 9 stories set in the world of American Vampire. Featuring the work of some heavy hitting talents like Scott Snyder, Rafael Alberqurque, Marguerite Bennett, Kieron Gillen, Steve Orlando and Joelle Jones. Oh my.
Deadman Dark Mansion of Forbidden Love #1 by Vaughn and Medina (Oct 5th)- Trapped inside an old gothic mansion, Deadman must battle the forces of darkness alongside Berenice, a young woman with a complicated love life who is gifted-or cursed-with the ability to communicate with the dead.
Gotham Academy Second Semester #2 by Fletcher, Cloonan, Kerschl , Archer and Hope (Oct 12th) -The gangs all here. Time to go find a new mystery. Maps is on the lookout for new cases!
Harley Quinn #5 by Palmiotti , Conner , Timms (Oct 12th)- Harley goes in undercover in New York's punk scene in an attempt to find out who is behind a string of violent robberies. This leads to one of the worst redesigns of Harley's look in years. Just disgustingolivia.gif
Midnighter & Apollo #1 by Orlando, Blanco, ACO (Oct 5th)- Together again after too long apart, Midnighter and Apollo take on subway pirates in Los Angeles and demons in Opal City in the first issue of this 6 issue miniseries
Raven #2 by Wolfman, Borges, McKone (Oct 19th)- Raven has finally settled into her new life when her classmates start to disappear. It is up to Raven to find out who is causing her friends to go missing.

Cave Carson Has A Cybernetic Eye #1 by Way, Rivera, Oeming (Oct 19th) - Cave Carson has done it all: survived countless adventures below the Earths surface, met the love of his life, and gotten a cybernetic eye somehow. After he and his wife, Eileen, sent their only daughter Chloe off to college, Cave was ready to become just another mundane member of the surface world. That is, until Eileen got sick.
Doom Patrol #2 by Way, Derington (Oct 12th) - I read the solicit text for this multiple times and it made no fucking sense. I guess that is perfect for Doom Patrol? Y'all loved the first issue and you will probably love this too.
Shade The Changing Girl #1 by Castellucci, Zarcone, Cloonan (Oct 5th) - Theres no such thing as a little bit of madness. Messi Pick of the Month

Cage #1 by Tartakovsky (Oct 5th) - From the creator of Dexter's Laboratory comes a new Luke Cage miniseries 8 years in the making. Beautiful art unlike anything else on the shelf. Don't sleep on this book.
Champions #1 by Waid, Ramos (Oct 5th) - In the aftermath of Civil War II the young and lovable members of the Avengers (and Nova) decide to strike out on their own in an attempt to change the world. HEY! VIV IS IN THIS BOOK!!
Civil War II #6 by Bendis, Marquez (Oct 26th Hopefully) I forgot to write anything for this until I was formatting the thread, that should tell you everything you need to know.
Deadpool and the Mercs for Money #4 by Bun, Coello (Oct 5th) - Meet the new Mercs! Wait, a new team...ALREADY? You bet! It's not because the old team quit, we promise. But you're going to go bananas for the All-New Mercs for Money! DOMINO AND NEGASONIC YO!
Death of X #1 by Lemire, Soule, Kuder (Oct 5th) What fucked up thing did Cyclops do eight months ago that set the Inhumans and X-Men on a collision course? If he hurt Emma so help me. Cyclops is a piece of shit. #EndCylops
Gwenpool #7 by Hastings, Gurihuru (Oct 12th) - Gwen Poole is the new head of M.O.D.O.K, What would possibly go wrong? Surely she will handle this with the grace and poise that she has displayed in every situation thus far.
Jessica Jones #1 by Bendis, Gaydos, Hollingsworth (Oct 5th) - Jessica Jones is back after a 10 year break (Apparently). From the same creative team as the last book. I am sure this will be tonally similar to Netflix's Jessica Jones show. Solo Bendis is the best Bendis.
Uncanny Inhumans #14 by Soule, Jacinto (Oct 19th) - Iron Man is gonna fuck up New Attilan.
Vision #12 by King, Walta, Bellaire (Oct 26th) - The final issue of CIA Field Agent Tom Kings incredible run. I assume crazy stuff will happen and hearts will be broken but I would really hate to be spoiled so I am not going to look up the solicit text. Sorry. Buy it.

Deadly Class #23 by Remender, Craig, Boyd (Oct 26th) - Saya sets out to tie up some loose ends, but it may just turn out to be a noose for herself. (Don't do it Remender. You have been warned)
Lazarus #25 by Rucka, Lark (Oct 12th) - SHIT IS GOING DOWN!
Monstress #7 by Liu, Takeda (Oct 12th) - The hunt for answers takes Maika and her friends out to sea
Reborn #1 by Millar, Capullo (Oct 12th) - From comic superstars Mark Millar (Nemesis) and Greg Capullo (Spawn). Where do you go when you die? Not heaven or hell; somewhere else. Somewhere you have to fight to survive. Somewhere the people from the past are waiting for youthe good and the bad.
Saga #39 by Vaughn, Staples (Oct 26th) - New allies join the battle, but so do deadly new enemies. I just adore the cover to this issue. Fiona Staples nailed it.
Shutter #23 by Keatinge , Del Duca, Gieni (Oct 12th) Shutter's final story line begins with Kate Kristopher in the most dangerous spot she's been in yet, as she's picking up the pieces in the wake of lives lost.

Aliens: Life and Death #2 by Abnett, Moritat (Oct 19th) - The colonial marines are done reacting to the attacks of the predators. Its time to take the fight to them. Lets be real though, Alien has always been cooler than Predator right?
Black Hammer #4 by Lemire, Ormston (Oct 19th) - In the forties, Abraham Slam faced such menaces as the psychedelic Florist and the eldritch Cthu-Lou without breaking a sweat. Now he faces a much bigger task in keeping the heroes of the Black Hammer farm from killing each other when his girlfriend comes for dinner.
Briggs Land #3 by Wood, Chater, Lotay (Oct 12th) - Grace encounters a true test of her empathy and her strength when she comes face to face with the worst aspects of the community shes struggling to take back. Love Tula Lotays covers for this book
Hellboy and the BPRD 1954: The Black Sun #2 by Mignola, Roberson, Green, Stewart (Oct 19th) - Separated from the rest of the BPRD, Hellboy finds himself in the company of a familiar enemy with a new weaponand plans to test it out on Hellboy.
Lady Killer 2 #3 by Joelle Jones (Nov 30th DELAYED AT THE LAST SECOND, NOTHING I COULD FIX, SORRY) - Things get a little more complicated for Josie as she discovers she may not be the only one in the family with a dark past.
Serenity: No Power In The 'Verse #1 by Roberson, Jeanty, Story (Oct 26th) - Some things never change. The crew of the Serenity are back, still broke, still on the run and tensions are building by the day. A distress call from an old friend is just the distraction they need.

Atomic Robo: The Temple of Od #3 by Clevinger, Wegener (Oct 12th) - Please, give us another chance, for Robo's sake. It would destroy the poor guy if we broke up. (im taking this solicit out of context but the whole thing is funny)
Jem #20 by Thompson, McClaren (Oct 19th) - THE STINGERS have found themselves a label, but does that mean THE MISFITSs have lost theirs?! Hopefully, fuck the Misfits.
Revolution #2 by Bunn, Barber, Ossio (Oct 5th) - *SPOILER* A MURDERER?! That's what OPTIMUS PRIME and the TRANSFORMERS think-and right or wrong, there's only one outcome: all-out war!
Rom #4 by Ryall, Cage, Messina (Oct 19th) - As the road leading to Revolution nears its end, meet the SORCERER-WRAITHS, who bring their special brand of alien evil to bear against a helpless ROM and his human partners
Star Trek To Boldly Go #1 by Johnson, Shasteen (Oct 19th) - New worlds! New species! New ships! And a new danger unlike anything the Federation has encountered before! Boldly go into a new era of STAR TREK!
TMNT #63 by Waltz, Eastman, Wachter (Oct 12th) - With an ally in danger, the Turtles look for a new way to defeat the Street Phantoms. Will the Turtles be able to do what it takes to save the Foot Clan? (Wait...what? Why are the Turtles trying to save the Foot Clan?)

Archie #13 by Waid, Fish (Oct 19th) Its Veronica vs Betty....wait no. Bettys out. Its Veronica vs Cheryl to see who rules the halls of Prembroke Academy. Meanwhile How is Archie adjusting to the change back in Riverdale.
Chilling Adventures of Sabrina #7 by Sacasa, Hack (Oct 26th) - Sabrina's father, Edward Spellman, is back from the dead, inhabiting the body of the newly resurrected Harvey Kinkle!
Jughead #10 by North, Charm (Oct 26th) - It's Jughead vs. Sabrina! Jughead has encountered the magical force known as Sabrina the Teenage Witch-and he doesn't like it one bit . Archie comics are really fond of this person vs person narrative. Look at that beautiful Fiona Staples cover.

Valiant comics presented by our resident Valiant super-fan LaunchpadMcQ
FAITH #4 - Faith meets her match! While attending a con with her boyfriend, Obadiah Archer, a group of con-crashers force Faith face her own worst enemy - a rabid fan in cosplay. Its Faith vs Faith, in this battle of brawn, beauty, and Battlestar Galactica trivia. Will Faith be able to stop this caper of original comic art pages led by ComicGAF regulars?
BLOODSHOT U.S.A. #1 (of 4) -The citys gone to Bloodshot! From the guy who brought you the story about a grizzled, retired superhero living in a post-apocalyptic wasteland before Marvel hired him to do the same thing, comes a standalone event of epic proportions! Join Bloodshot and Bloodhound as they go toe-to-toe against millions of other characters with blood puns in their names as they try to liberate New York City from Project Rising Spirits blood borne nanite virus. Its going to be a bloody good time!
NINJAK #20 - As the Ninjak/Eternal Warrior overly serious buddy cop movie continues, these two constant screw ups start to wonder why they even teamed up in the first place! Ninjak must use a prophetic vision in order to cure his preternatural cancer in the present, while in the future Colin and Gilad battle Dr. Silk to stop his plot to use knowledge from the Deadside to gain eternal life. Will these two unlikely partners be able to stop jobbing it up for five minutes and stop him?
A&A: THE ADVENTURES OF ARCHER AND ARMSTRONG #8 - Archer & Armstrongs big top adventure continues, as they go up against an army of miniature Armstrong clones while bickering about his drinking habits. Meanwhile, Mary-Maria faces an upheaval as the Council of Elders are fed up with her haphazard leadership. Will the Council of Elders succeed - or will Mary-Marias followers and awesome pigtails be too much for this council to handle?
BLOODSHOT REBORN #18 - Having escaped Bloodshot Island, Bloodshot and his band of Bloodshot brothers decide to take a cruise to unwind. Little do they know, theres red on the horizon as they float straight into shark-infested waters. Its kill or be killed, as the Bloodshots question turning against each other in order to survive.
GENERATION ZERO #3 - Not all is as it seems in this town, as Generation Zeros investigation into the strange murder in Rook, Michigan leads to new revelations. Do the popular kids know something? Is this small town hiding a dark secret? Is this comic a thinly-veiled commentary on ostracism and teenage angst? The answer is yes. Now with only half the lame teenage jokes! No, really.
BRITANNIA #2 (of 4) - Peter Milligan in 2016! As Antonius Axias investigation continues, he finds himself wrapped up in a far more horrifying adventure than he could have ever imagined but are all these strange creatures real, or is it all in his imagination?
WRATH OF THE ETERNAL WARRIOR #12 - Wrath of the Neglectful Father! After causing his son to leave, Gilad goes on the search in a world between life and death. But when he has finally found him, will Gilad be able to convince him to return home, or has he created an eternal enemy through his neglect?

Animosity #3 by Bennett, De Latore (Oct 2th) - Sandor and his human daughter Jesse encounter unlikely allies and cunning traitors. Please read this book.
Backstagers #3 by Tynion IV, Sygh (Oct 19th) - It's Tech Rehearsal for Les Terribles and Beckett is determined to nail every cue, but Sasha's mistake brings new drama to the stage!
Giant Days #19 Allison, Sarin (Oct 5th) - After spending a dull summer apart, Esther, Daisy, and Susan attend a 3-day music festival that naturally ends in a battle for survival in an apocalyptic quagmire. More Esther please. She is the best. You know its true.

New to comics? Check out Zombine's Start Up Guide! (This is a bit outdated, but Zombine has expressed a desire to update it (lol). Feel free to ask us for any advice! We love to help you spend money.)
Help support my name is ed! His comic Rage Against the Jackal is available digitally on Comixology!
Also keep an eye out for Bish's upcoming comic Savage Empire featuring art by Jim Roy Jimenez!
Check out The Gamma Gals created by Figboy79!
Like Black Panther? Join in on the Black Panther OT where users post their impressions of the current series
Whether you read webcomics, ongoings, or even if you just stick to trades-- everyone is welcome to post their thoughts here. Unless you are a Valiant fan, if you are a Valiant fan please find somewhere else to talk about their comics, thank you for understanding.
Members in ComicsGAF are expected to follow the NeoGAF TOS just like everyone else. I know it can be hard, but try and be excellent to your fellow members guys (Except Zombine, he deserves the shit he gets).

We've been having some talk of spoilers a lot lately, so I figured it's a good idea to have a section for it.
-If you must post a spoilery panel or a page from a comic (recent or otherwise), please link to them with a proper spoiler warning.
-Please at least allow one week before posting unmarked spoilers.
-Think about whether or not you would have liked to have a moment spoiled on you before reading it. Use discretion when posting spoilers. You know people love Saga/Deadly Class try not to openly post huge spoilers even if they are months old. Link to them and tag them properly.
-Announcements/Solicitations are not spoiler worthy, no need to tag
- Don't spoiler tag images, it doesn't work on mobile so its not reliable.