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Committee to Protect Journalists chairman says Trump is threat to press freedom

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In an unprecedented step, the Committee to Protect Journalists today released a statement recognizing that a Donald Trump presidency would represent a threat to press freedom. In response to Trump's threats and vilification of the media during his campaign, the chairman of CPJ's board, Sandra Mims Rowe, issued the following statement on behalf of the organization:
Guaranteeing the free flow of information to citizens through a robust, independent press is essential to American democracy. For more than 200 years this founding principle has protected journalists in the United States and inspired those around the world, including brave journalists facing violence, censorship, and government repression.

Donald Trump, through his words and actions as a candidate for president of the United States, has consistently betrayed First Amendment values. On October 6, CPJ's board of directors passed a resolution declaring Trump an unprecedented threat to the rights of journalists and to CPJ's ability to advocate for press freedom around the world.

Since the beginning of his candidacy, Trump has insulted and vilified the press and has made his opposition to the media a centerpiece of his campaign. Trump has routinely labeled the press as "dishonest" and "scum" and singled out individual news organizations and journalists.

He has mocked a disabled New York Times journalist and called an ABC News reporter a "sleaze" in a press conference. He expelled Univision anchor Jorge Ramos from a campaign press conference because he asked an "impertinent" question, and has publicly demeaned other journalists.

Trump has refused to condemn attacks on journalists by his supporters. His campaign has also systematically denied press credentials to outlets that have covered him critically, including The Washington Post, BuzzFeed, Politico, The Huffington Post, The Daily Beast, Univision, and The Des Moines Register.

Throughout his campaign, Trump has routinely made vague proposals to limit basic elements of press and internet freedom. At a rally in February, Trump declared that if elected president he would "open up our libel laws so when they write purposely negative and horrible and false articles, we can sue them and win lots of money." In September, Trump tweeted, "My lawyers want to sue the failing @nytimes so badly for irresponsible intent. I said no (for now), but they are watching. Really disgusting."

While some have suggested that these statements are rhetorical, we take Trump at his word. His intent and his disregard for the constitutional free press principle are clear.

A Trump presidency would represent a threat to press freedom in the United States, but the consequences for the rights of journalists around the world could be far more serious. Any failure of the United States to uphold its own standards emboldens dictators and despots to restrict the media in their own countries. This appears to be of no concern to Trump, who indicated that he has no inclination to challenge governments on press freedom and the treatment of journalists.

When MSNBC's Joe Scarborough asked him in December if his admiration of Russian President Vladimir Putin was at all tempered by the country's history of critical journalists being murdered, his response was: "He's running his country, and at least he's a leader, unlike what we have in this country... Well, I think that our country does plenty of killing, too."

Through his words and actions, Trump has consistently demonstrated a contempt for the role of the press beyond offering publicity to him and advancing his interests.

For this reason CPJ is taking the unprecedented step of speaking out now. This is not about picking sides in an election. This is recognizing that a Trump presidency represents a threat to press freedom unknown in modern history.

The CPJ's Board of Directors comprises of journalists from The New York Times, Slate, The New Yorker, ABC, CBS, Bloomberg, Reuters and the Associated Press.

Prominent members of the CPJ include Christiane Amanpour, Brian Williams, David Remnick, Tom Brokaw and Dan Rather.


On one hand I see why they did this. On this other, I'm thinking Trump's reaction is going to be feeling justified that the mainstream media is out to get him, as he continually moans about. This could in turn bolster his base and lead some undecided voters to support him.


On one hand I see why they did this. On this other, I'm thinking of course Trump's reaction is going to be feeling justified that the mainstream media is out for him. This could in turn bolster his base and lead some undecided voters to support him.

i have to assume this is a joke. please... be a joke


Why? You don't think Trump would spin this to his base to say "see, I told you they were out to get me".

who gives a shit what he says to an unreliable group of increasingly smaller morons?

Just want to make sure we are clear.... you don't think 38% can win do you?


The way he demonized individual journalists themselves in his speech an hour ago was extremely unsettling. The audience was whipped up into a frenzy and were verbally attacking the journalists present. He keeps this shit up and the press is going to be facing real violence.


The flight plan I just filed with the agency list me, my men, Dr. Pavel here. But only one of you!
Republicans are all about freedom, until it's not.

Freedom of religion, unless that religion is Islam

Right to bear arms, unless you are black

Freedom of expression, unless they don't like what you say

Belligerent hypocrisy is the platform that the GOP is built on.


Alot of folks really seem to think that Donald Trump is some sort of magical wizard that will have the ability to make laws as he sees fit, don't they?


I was just thinking about this. His willingness to sue and trash journalists and publications is scary. Who knows what we would do to them if he was elected president. He is a direct threat to our first amendment.


Alot of folks really seem to think that Donald Trump is some sort of magical wizard that will have the ability to make laws as he sees fit, don't they?
You do realize the fascist leaders of the world have had the exact same position on the press as Trump?

This is one of the two primary candidates for President of the United States. It is possible for him to take office. This shit is SCARY.

To just brush this off is a real mistake, and is why Trump ever got this far. It's time to take his dangerous ideas seriously.


You do realize the fascist leaders of the world have had the exact same position on the press as Trump?

This is one of the two primary candidates for President of the United States. It is possible for him to take office. This shit is SCARY.

To just brush this off is a real mistake, and is why Trump ever got this far. It's time to take his dangerous ideas seriously.

Now I'm no political major here, but don't most fascist leaders of the world have just total control of their governments? Isn't the point of the multiple branches of the US government is to keep any one branch from overstepping their boundaries?

Don't get me wrong, I'm not voting for the shitheel, but I don't think Donald Trump would suddenly have the total control of the US Government that a "fascist leader" does in historical situations.


I didn't say they were.

You specifically said this might convince some undecided voters to support him!

If this only appeals to his base, which it does because most Americans like freedom, then by definition it will not convince undecided voters to support him.


Now I'm no political major here, but don't most fascist leaders of the world have just total control of their governments? Isn't the point of the multiple branches of government is to keep any one branch from overstepping their boundaries?
Trump in theory would get impeached for doing things like banning media outlets or jailing his political opponent.

These are still fascist ideas, the fact someone running on this kind of platform is a legitimate presidental nominee is deeply troubling and worrying.


Trump in theory would get impeached for doing things like banning media outlets or jailing his political opponent.

These are still fascist ideas, the fact someone running on this kind of platform is a legitimate presidental nominee is deeply troubling and worrying.

Which is why he won't win the presidency.


Which is why he won't win the presidency.
I sure hope so friend. I do agree it's pretty unlikely now that he'll win (probably a landslide loss instead). But the fact someone like this got this far reflects very poorly on a large portion of the country.


I sure hope so friend. I do agree it's pretty unlikely now that he'll win (probably a landslide loss instead). But the fact someone like this got this far reflects very poorly on a large portion of the country.

I honestly think it's also a reflection of how the republican party had absolutely nobody to offer up as a viable candidate.


You specifically said this might convince some undecided voters to support him!

If this only appeals to his base, which it does because most Americans like freedom, then by definition it will not convince undecided voters to support him.

I didn't say undecided voters were his base. I said: "This could in turn bolster his base and lead some undecided voters to support him". Two separate clauses in one sentence.

Stop It

Perfectly able to grasp the inherent value of the fishing game.
On one hand I see why they did this. On this other, I'm thinking Trump's reaction is going to be feeling justified that the mainstream media is out to get him, as he continually moans about. This could in turn bolster his base and lead some undecided voters to support him.
Haha no.

If there's one thing with almost unequivocal support over in the states, it's freedom of speech.

Only the nuttiest of Trump supports would support a president eroding freedom of the press. It'll bolster his base sure but going after the media with lawsuits and threats to erode the 1st amendment is going to do nothing for his election chances.


Alot of folks really seem to think that Donald Trump is some sort of magical wizard that will have the ability to make laws as he sees fit, don't they?

CPJ's argument isn't necessarily that he's going to turn the US into an authoritarian state derived of a free press if he wins but that he poses a threat to the current freedom of the press in the US (which isn't at a level that it ideally should be -- CPJ criticized the Obama government quite harshly in the past and the US only ranks #41 of 180 countries on the World Press Freedom Index of Reporters Without Borders).

If you've followed the news -- the rhetoric at his rallies, threatening lawsuits against newspapers, specifically calling reporters out for their stories on him, calling them names and making fun of them --, it's plain to see he's trying to create an (increased) atmosphere of intimidation and fear against news outlets in general and journalists in particular that's already damaging enough to the freedom of the press.
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