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ConfessionalGAF: Tell us your secrets and sins


φίλω ἐξεχέγλουτον καί ψευδολόγον οὖκ εἰπόν
Figured it'd be a nice little release and good way to figure out what kind of maniacs we're all dealing with on here.


When I was 15, I worked at a summer camp as a counselor. I'd been going to this specific camp for quite awhile, and I've always been the kind of "put yourself out there" type of person so I did my best to lightly annoy and become friends with the staff.

As I grew older, I was a counselor in training and I worked with basically the same group of kids the whole time (as they advanced a year, I'd get assigned to the next age group to follow along). I got along with all the kids fairly well, and I worked with the same pair of counselors to run the group. Let's call 'em Vee and James.

Vee and James were seeing each other, and were older than me by a good margin. Vee was 24 and James was 21 during the fun part of this story. They'd been together for at least two summers (I didn't really keep in touch with them outside of summer camp).

I was their counselor in training until I turned 14, and then these two broke up. And it was just Vee and me running the group. Over time Vee would confide a lot in me about the relationship, how she felt, what she was going through. She'd show me what she was working on in prep for the school year (she was a teacher). She was a bit of a tomboy and would always mess around with everyone, but she definitely wasn't sore on the eyes.

Cut to the next summer, and it's Vee and I running the group again. This year, things feel different. Vee is being a lot more flirtatious. We're all hanging out as a broader counselor group a lot outside of work, and Vee is driving me to and from camp (picking me up at my house).

One day on the bus...I don't even know how it happened or what was going on...but Vee put her hand in mine.

At this point in my life I'd only ever messed around with girls in a dumb kid way. Making out at parties or get togethers. Playing truth or dare. I'd had "girlfriends" a lot prior to this incident, but it was never actually anything serious. It'd essentially amount to us holding hands at school. Maybe getting a little frisky. But nothing serious.

And now here's this 24 year old woman holding my hand on a bus. And this launched what was ultimately my "first love". The rest of the summer we were just finding ways to sneak off and kiss. Staying late and talking and making out somewhere in the woods or in an empty secluded area. We'd find ways to see each other off-hours. Things never progressed super far sexually...there was one point where we probably would have gone all the way in her car, but we were parked on a street somewhere late at night and the house we were near flicked on their lights and freaked us out and she drove off.

...again, I was 15 at the time and she was 24. I'd never had a serious relationship before. I ultimately don't know what this all was to her, but she was telling me she loved me, and I was telling her I loved her. We talked about moving in together. We talked about possibly having kids. We talked about how we'd break this whole thing to her family and mine down the road.

When the summer was closing, it was like reality hit Vee all at once. She never voiced any of this, but in retrospect I can only imagine she quickly came to realize she was going back to her life as a teacher. We wouldn't have any excuse to see each other. How was she going to explain us still hanging out? What if someone found out and she lost her job? Oh shit, this is all illegal...

She cut me off, short and quick. She cut off communication to me completely. She wouldn't answer my calls, she ended up moving, she never had or created any kind of social media (then or now). This whole relationship lasted 3 months, but it gutted me.

I just remember I cried the hardest I've ever cried in my life (even still) that day. I went home, got in the shower and just did the ugliest and longest cry.

It took me over 6 months to get over her...and another relationship to pull my mind off of her. I attempted to reach out to her, left her voicemails, tried swinging by her house to find out she'd moved...I ultimately found her work email to send her a message saying that I was going to move on...which obviously freaked her the fuck out and she said never to contact her again.

I'd only really told my best friend at the time who worked with me at the camp and my sister back then. Otherwise I just kept all the confusion and emotion inside me forever.

I still think that relationship ultimately changed me completely. I matured in a way that I never really was before, so for that I'm thankful.


TLDR: Almost smashed with someone 9 years older than me when I was 15, loved her, shattered muh heart, cried like a bitch, became a better man.
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So it's gonna be one of those threads.

Dear NeoGAF Confessional thread,

I never thought i'd be writing to the Penthouse Letters NeoGAF confessional thread, but last summer...

If I told my secrets and sin's the forum's server would catch fire from the filth I am typing.
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φίλω ἐξεχέγλουτον καί ψευδολόγον οὖκ εἰπόν
Cybrwzrd Cybrwzrd Light this puppy up, man! At least give us a pilot-light of a story :messenger_fire:


OK, I'll ante up...

I am a nose picker. Like a lot. I sometimes pick big snots out and play with them in my hands, rolling them around or stuff like that. Especially when they are the big, sort-of dried out crispy ones they are really fun. (I NEVER have eaten them, that's gross.) I usually try to only do it in private, like when I am sitting in the bathroom...but sometimes also when I am driving. I've never admitted this, even to my wife of 14 years.

I have always wondered if this is one of those things that everyone has in common, like enjoying the smell of your own farts or peeing in the shower.....but that nobody will ever admit to....?


OK, I'll ante up...

I am a nose picker. Like a lot. I sometimes pick big snots out and play with them in my hands, rolling them around or stuff like that. Especially when they are the big, sort-of dried out crispy ones they are really fun.


I think everyone secretly enjoys their own stank though, and peeing in the shower has health benefits (it fights athlete's foot fungus).
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φίλω ἐξεχέγλουτον καί ψευδολόγον οὖκ εἰπόν
Can't say I play with my snot or boogers, but I have no problem spelunking in there and getting it out. Whether I throw it to the side or down the gullet depends on the moment I guess. I used to eat them all the time but I've been flicking a lot more these days.



This has been a disappointing thread. The first story was too long to read, and then some guy said he picks his nose.


φίλω ἐξεχέγλουτον καί ψευδολόγον οὖκ εἰπόν
This has been a disappointing thread. The first story was too long to read, and then some guy said he picks his nose.
I spaced it out nicely and included a TLDR man!

But yeah, this thread has played out much different than I thought, lol.
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I have dated two different girls who have modeled for Metart. *edit*NSFW don't google at work, basically artistic nude modeling

One no longer models and one still does.

I went to school with the first who then introduced me to the second and then also to my eventual wife.
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φίλω ἐξεχέγλουτον καί ψευδολόγον οὖκ εἰπόν
King of Foxes King of Foxes Aaaaand I'm fired from my job for google image searching "Metart". :lollipop_fearful:

Sounds like you had quite the journey to get to your wife. Kudos, man.
King of Foxes King of Foxes Aaaaand I'm fired from my job for google image searching "Metart". :lollipop_fearful:

Sounds like you had quite the journey to get to your wife. Kudos, man.

Lol sorry I should have mentioned it was NSFW

Not that great of a journey, GF A was friends with both, GF B was about a three month thing so it wasnt really dating but for the purpose of the story it fits.


I ran away from home when I was 16 and everyone thought I was dead... cops were checking the sewers and shit it got pretty real... good times...


φίλω ἐξεχέγλουτον καί ψευδολόγον οὖκ εἰπόν
I ran away from home when I was 16 and everyone thought I was dead... cops were checking the sewers and shit it got pretty real... good times...
Where'd you go? Why'd you do it? How long were you gone for?!

If you'd be willing to, I'd love to hear the story man. I'm sure you've gone through some pretty heavy stuff.


I once shot a bat out of a tree with a wrist rocket.

I was 14 and stupid, but damn if I still don't think about it and wince.

I am not proud. :(


I have dated two different girls who have modeled for Metart. *edit*NSFW don't google at work, basically artistic nude modeling

One no longer models and one still does.

I went to school with the first who then introduced me to the second and then also to my eventual wife.

If you like Metart, check out Wanimal (obviously NSFW, do not google at work as well)

Deleted member 713885

Unconfirmed Member
Guess it's kind of a secret (I've told the story but never to the kids I ratted out)

Had a friend who saved every dime he had. Used to put it in his sock drawer.

9th grade..I was nerdy..10th grade I became cool. So, friendship with money hoarding guy ended cause he was a nerd and I started hanging with shitty/cool people.

I told my new buddies about old buddies sock drawer money.
We went to the bus stop, everyone got on the bus but me and my 2 new buddies.
We went to the kids house. My new buddies smashed his front door window and ran up to his room and took the money. I stayed outside.

We split up. They went back to their part of town, me to my own. Few hours later then come swinging into the local park where I and some people were hanging at. They had a bunch of weed and coke. Then they pulled off...

They spent the whole "heist" on weed and coke..I didnt get a dime.

Went to the police station and traded me telling the cops everything as long as I wasnt mentioned/charged.

They got locked up. I spread the rumor the one guys GF was the rat. She got jumped.
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Where'd you go?
Took a train to Manhattan...

Why'd you do it?
Having some trouble with my family and school and decided to run away instead of being a man and confronting my issues head on...

How long were you gone for?!
From November 15th, 2001 to sometime in late February/early March I don't remember exactly. All I remember is it was about 3 and a half months, and I remember it was the 15th of November because they very next day the Pokemon Center had their grand opening. Great way to start my journey let me tell you...

If you'd be willing to, I'd love to hear the story man. I'm sure you've gone through some pretty heavy stuff.
I mean, there are so many things to cover it'd be hard without answering some specific questions lol. But I can certainly highlight some things:

-I had brought my collection of pokemon cards with me thinking they had value if I sold them and needed cash. I couldn't have possibly been more lucky than having the pokemon center open up the day after.
-I used that place to generate a decent amount of income(enough to eat anyway), gambling on games and trading cards(and stealing shit from both local stores and tourists unlucky enough to interact with me)
-I met some really good friends there, one of which let me stay at his house every once in awhile for a warm place to sleep. I was also lucky enough to get in one shower during that whole time... just one lol
-Got into some scuffles with local derelicts, broke a fellow homeless man's arm, fought off some attackers, ran away from some fights that seemed beyond my control...
-Another friend lent me his pass to the internet cafe, spent a lot of time there browsing newgrounds and playing SNES emulators. The police had actually tracked me to here and saw me on video but could never find me physically.
-At the pokemon center they were passing out free promo cards exclusive to the store. Turns out they had a lot of value as people across the country were willing to pay good money for them. A crooked security guard used to give me handfuls of them while in the store, meet me on the street and pay me in cash for them. One time he even gave me a gold exclusive pokemon themed gameboy advance that could only be bought there
-Played a lot of Dreamcast during this time, honestly played a lot of gamecube and xbox due to them launching around then and kiosks being in every store
-Met shigeru myamoto at the pokemon center. I was a little starstruck, just ran up and said to him "thank you for everything" while he gave me his trademark goofy smile and thanked me for being a fan...
-Ate at a lot of churches and stuff who were handing out free food. Met a lot of cool people and did my part to hand out food as well.
-Got to see the Macy's Thanksgiving Day parade, New Years ball drop, and Rockefeller Christmas tree lighting for the first and probably last time in my life
-Stole A LOT of Reese's fast break bars from the duane reade next door to the pokemon center
-Succesfully performed the counter elbow assault from Shenmue 2 on a guy who tried running through my pockets while I was sleeping on the subway.
-Spent a good amount of time in China town, lots of good cheap food and cool stuff to see. Ate at this vietnamese restaurant for their amazing soup...

Obviously this list could go on forever but these are the top things that stick out to me...


I have dated two different girls who have modeled for Metart. *edit*NSFW don't google at work, basically artistic nude modeling

One no longer models and one still does.

I went to school with the first who then introduced me to the second and then also to my eventual wife.

Wow, this is a blast from the past. I remember that brand from way back in late 90's :O
And as a confession I will tell you that I know the MET part stands for "Most Erotic Teens", or at least it originally back then it was.


I'm addicted to the smell of gasoline. One time I was behind this motorcycle in line for fast food. Jesus that motorcycle exhaust was smelling so good. I was ready to get out and start taking close whiffs right there.

Texas Pride

Figured it'd be a nice little release and good way to figure out what kind of maniacs we're all dealing with on here.


When I was 15, I worked at a summer camp as a counselor. I'd been going to this specific camp for quite awhile, and I've always been the kind of "put yourself out there" type of person so I did my best to lightly annoy and become friends with the staff.

As I grew older, I was a counselor in training and I worked with basically the same group of kids the whole time (as they advanced a year, I'd get assigned to the next age group to follow along). I got along with all the kids fairly well, and I worked with the same pair of counselors to run the group. Let's call 'em Vee and James.

Vee and James were seeing each other, and were older than me by a good margin. Vee was 24 and James was 21 during the fun part of this story. They'd been together for at least two summers (I didn't really keep in touch with them outside of summer camp).

I was their counselor in training until I turned 14, and then these two broke up. And it was just Vee and me running the group. Over time Vee would confide a lot in me about the relationship, how she felt, what she was going through. She'd show me what she was working on in prep for the school year (she was a teacher). She was a bit of a tomboy and would always mess around with everyone, but she definitely wasn't sore on the eyes.

Cut to the next summer, and it's Vee and I running the group again. This year, things feel different. Vee is being a lot more flirtatious. We're all hanging out as a broader counselor group a lot outside of work, and Vee is driving me to and from camp (picking me up at my house).

One day on the bus...I don't even know how it happened or what was going on...but Vee put her hand in mine.

At this point in my life I'd only ever messed around with girls in a dumb kid way. Making out at parties or get togethers. Playing truth or dare. I'd had "girlfriends" a lot prior to this incident, but it was never actually anything serious. It'd essentially amount to us holding hands at school. Maybe getting a little frisky. But nothing serious.

And now here's this 24 year old woman holding my hand on a bus. And this launched what was ultimately my "first love". The rest of the summer we were just finding ways to sneak off and kiss. Staying late and talking and making out somewhere in the woods or in an empty secluded area. We'd find ways to see each other off-hours. Things never progressed super far sexually...there was one point where we probably would have gone all the way in her car, but we were parked on a street somewhere late at night and the house we were near flicked on their lights and freaked us out and she drove off.

...again, I was 15 at the time and she was 24. I'd never had a serious relationship before. I ultimately don't know what this all was to her, but she was telling me she loved me, and I was telling her I loved her. We talked about moving in together. We talked about possibly having kids. We talked about how we'd break this whole thing to her family and mine down the road.

When the summer was closing, it was like reality hit Vee all at once. She never voiced any of this, but in retrospect I can only imagine she quickly came to realize she was going back to her life as a teacher. We wouldn't have any excuse to see each other. How was she going to explain us still hanging out? What if someone found out and she lost her job? Oh shit, this is all illegal...

She cut me off, short and quick. She cut off communication to me completely. She wouldn't answer my calls, she ended up moving, she never had or created any kind of social media (then or now). This whole relationship lasted 3 months, but it gutted me.

I just remember I cried the hardest I've ever cried in my life (even still) that day. I went home, got in the shower and just did the ugliest and longest cry.

It took me over 6 months to get over her...and another relationship to pull my mind off of her. I attempted to reach out to her, left her voicemails, tried swinging by her house to find out she'd moved...I ultimately found her work email to send her a message saying that I was going to move on...which obviously freaked her the fuck out and she said never to contact her again.

I'd only really told my best friend at the time who worked with me at the camp and my sister back then. Otherwise I just kept all the confusion and emotion inside me forever.

I still think that relationship ultimately changed me completely. I matured in a way that I never really was before, so for that I'm thankful.


TLDR: Almost smashed with someone 9 years older than me when I was 15, loved her, shattered muh heart, cried like a bitch, became a better man.

I read all that and all I could think is if you didn't at least get her finger in your ass you lost out on the whole deal. What a fucking let down.
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The Tribe Has Spoken
Took a train to Manhattan...

Having some trouble with my family and school and decided to run away instead of being a man and confronting my issues head on...

From November 15th, 2001 to sometime in late February/early March I don't remember exactly. All I remember is it was about 3 and a half months, and I remember it was the 15th of November because they very next day the Pokemon Center had their grand opening. Great way to start my journey let me tell you...

I mean, there are so many things to cover it'd be hard without answering some specific questions lol. But I can certainly highlight some things:

-I had brought my collection of pokemon cards with me thinking they had value if I sold them and needed cash. I couldn't have possibly been more lucky than having the pokemon center open up the day after.
-I used that place to generate a decent amount of income(enough to eat anyway), gambling on games and trading cards(and stealing shit from both local stores and tourists unlucky enough to interact with me)
-I met some really good friends there, one of which let me stay at his house every once in awhile for a warm place to sleep. I was also lucky enough to get in one shower during that whole time... just one lol
-Got into some scuffles with local derelicts, broke a fellow homeless man's arm, fought off some attackers, ran away from some fights that seemed beyond my control...
-Another friend lent me his pass to the internet cafe, spent a lot of time there browsing newgrounds and playing SNES emulators. The police had actually tracked me to here and saw me on video but could never find me physically.
-At the pokemon center they were passing out free promo cards exclusive to the store. Turns out they had a lot of value as people across the country were willing to pay good money for them. A crooked security guard used to give me handfuls of them while in the store, meet me on the street and pay me in cash for them. One time he even gave me a gold exclusive pokemon themed gameboy advance that could only be bought there
-Played a lot of Dreamcast during this time, honestly played a lot of gamecube and xbox due to them launching around then and kiosks being in every store
-Met shigeru myamoto at the pokemon center. I was a little starstruck, just ran up and said to him "thank you for everything" while he gave me his trademark goofy smile and thanked me for being a fan...
-Ate at a lot of churches and stuff who were handing out free food. Met a lot of cool people and did my part to hand out food as well.
-Got to see the Macy's Thanksgiving Day parade, New Years ball drop, and Rockefeller Christmas tree lighting for the first and probably last time in my life
-Stole A LOT of Reese's fast break bars from the duane reade next door to the pokemon center
-Succesfully performed the counter elbow assault from Shenmue 2 on a guy who tried running through my pockets while I was sleeping on the subway.
-Spent a good amount of time in China town, lots of good cheap food and cool stuff to see. Ate at this vietnamese restaurant for their amazing soup...

Obviously this list could go on forever but these are the top things that stick out to me...
It’s like Home Alone 2.


The Tribe Has Spoken
I once knocked back a threesome with two gorgeous women.

I sat on a park bench and ate potato chips instead.

I know.


φίλω ἐξεχέγλουτον καί ψευδολόγον οὖκ εἰπόν
I once knocked back a threesome with two gorgeous women.

I sat on a park bench and ate potato chips instead.

I know.
I mean threesomes with woman are like tap water, you can get it anywhere.

...a nice quiet time on a bench with some chips? The perfectly cooked and seasoned filet mignon with garlic butter lobster tails of life.

John Day

Took a train to Manhattan...

Having some trouble with my family and school and decided to run away instead of being a man and confronting my issues head on...

From November 15th, 2001 to sometime in late February/early March I don't remember exactly. All I remember is it was about 3 and a half months, and I remember it was the 15th of November because they very next day the Pokemon Center had their grand opening. Great way to start my journey let me tell you...

I mean, there are so many things to cover it'd be hard without answering some specific questions lol. But I can certainly highlight some things:

-I had brought my collection of pokemon cards with me thinking they had value if I sold them and needed cash. I couldn't have possibly been more lucky than having the pokemon center open up the day after.
-I used that place to generate a decent amount of income(enough to eat anyway), gambling on games and trading cards(and stealing shit from both local stores and tourists unlucky enough to interact with me)
-I met some really good friends there, one of which let me stay at his house every once in awhile for a warm place to sleep. I was also lucky enough to get in one shower during that whole time... just one lol
-Got into some scuffles with local derelicts, broke a fellow homeless man's arm, fought off some attackers, ran away from some fights that seemed beyond my control...
-Another friend lent me his pass to the internet cafe, spent a lot of time there browsing newgrounds and playing SNES emulators. The police had actually tracked me to here and saw me on video but could never find me physically.
-At the pokemon center they were passing out free promo cards exclusive to the store. Turns out they had a lot of value as people across the country were willing to pay good money for them. A crooked security guard used to give me handfuls of them while in the store, meet me on the street and pay me in cash for them. One time he even gave me a gold exclusive pokemon themed gameboy advance that could only be bought there
-Played a lot of Dreamcast during this time, honestly played a lot of gamecube and xbox due to them launching around then and kiosks being in every store
-Met shigeru myamoto at the pokemon center. I was a little starstruck, just ran up and said to him "thank you for everything" while he gave me his trademark goofy smile and thanked me for being a fan...
-Ate at a lot of churches and stuff who were handing out free food. Met a lot of cool people and did my part to hand out food as well.
-Got to see the Macy's Thanksgiving Day parade, New Years ball drop, and Rockefeller Christmas tree lighting for the first and probably last time in my life
-Stole A LOT of Reese's fast break bars from the duane reade next door to the pokemon center
-Succesfully performed the counter elbow assault from Shenmue 2 on a guy who tried running through my pockets while I was sleeping on the subway.
-Spent a good amount of time in China town, lots of good cheap food and cool stuff to see. Ate at this vietnamese restaurant for their amazing soup...

Obviously this list could go on forever but these are the top things that stick out to me...

Wow, man, that’s amazing.
Wow, this is a blast from the past. I remember that brand from way back in late 90's :O
And as a confession I will tell you that I know the MET part stands for "Most Erotic Teens", or at least it originally back then it was.

I never knew what metart actually stood for.

Slightly connected story for those in the know, I actually met Peter Hegre twice through the first girl I dated and he scouted her when she was 16, which looking back now in the era of meetoo looks like a lot of trouble for him if euro girls ever start making accusations

lil puff

when I was young, I drank listerine to get drunk and when w ran out of weed we would roll up weird things like grass and tree leaves. lol

oh and banana peel, used to be a thing back in the day. No it does not work.
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