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Congress Clears Keystone XL Pipeline Bill

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Homeland Security Fail
Link. Searched and didn't see a thread. Bust my pipes if old.

The Republican-controlled Congress cleared a bill Wednesday to construct the Keystone XL oil pipeline, setting up a confrontation with President Barack Obama, who has threatened to veto the measure.

The House passed the bill on a 270-152 vote, endorsing changes made by the Senate that stated climate change was real and not a hoax, and oil sands should no longer be exempt from a tax used to cleanup oil spills.

Only one Republican, Michigan Rep. Justin Amash, voted against the measure, while 29 Democrats backed it. But neither the House nor the Senate has enough votes to overcome a veto, the first of many skirmishes between the Democratic White House and Congress on energy and environmental policy.

Supporters were already strategizing on how to secure the pipeline's approval using other legislative means.

"The evidence is in. The case ought to be closed," said Rep. Fred Upton, R-Mich., chairman of the House Energy and Commerce Committee.

Sen. John Hoeven of North Dakota, the chief Republican sponsor of the bill, said in a statement "we will continue to press for approval by attaching an approval measure to another bill, perhaps an energy bill or must-pass appropriations legislation."

Obama "needs to work with Congress in a bipartisan way and approve the Keystone XL pipeline project for the American people," he said.

For Republicans, the bill's passage capped weeks of debate on a top priority after they took control of Congress last month. Hours before the vote, they prodded Democrats who did not take their side. House Republicans, who have debated and passed numerous measures on the pipeline only to have them dead end in the Senate, claimed victory.

Rep. Cynthia Lummis, R-Wyo., said she was a having a "holy cow" moment.

"This kind of support ... It doesn't get any better than this," she said.

Democrats, meanwhile, called the effort a waste of time but said the provisions on global warming and oils spills marked progress for Republicans on those issues.

Rep. Alcee Hastings, D-Fla., said the bill was another example of Republicans prioritizing legislation to demonstrate a message, regardless of its chances of becoming law. The vote Wednesday marked the 11th attempt by Republicans to advance the pipeline.

"The last few years have been like a hamster on a wheel — spinning and spinning and not getting anywhere," said Hastings, who at one point held up a toy that looked like the rodent.

First proposed in 2008, the pipeline has come to symbolize the differences between the parties on energy and environmental matters.

Republicans and the oil industry have argued the $8 billion infrastructure project is about jobs and boosting energy security, by importing oil from a friendly neighbor and shipping it to domestic refineries subject to more stringent environmental regulations.

Democrats, and their environmental allies, have characterized it as a gift to the oil industry that would worsen global warming and subject parts of the country to the risks of an oil spill, with little economic benefit because the oil and its refined product would be exported abroad.

The pipeline would connect Canada's tar sands with Gulf coast refineries that specialize in processing heavy crudes.


( ≖‿≖)
The House passed the bill on a 270-152 vote, endorsing changes made by the Senate that stated climate change was real and not a hoax, and oil sands should no longer be exempt from a tax used to cleanup oil spills.

lol @ this being a change that had to be made.


The Autumn Wind
Obama "needs to work with Congress in a bipartisan way and approve the Keystone XL pipeline project for the American people," he said.
"Obama needs to be bipartisan by giving us whatever we want while we fight against anything he tries to do."

Get fucked.

Also, my rep. Alcee Hastings keeps being awesome.
There was an amendment to the bill just to declare Climate Change is real? That's pretty funny, but kind of pointless. Try to attach some real concessions to the bill. Make it so it'll pass only if we also approve more investments in renewables as well. If the Republicans want this pipeline so bad, make them bleed a bit for it. Don't just make them say shit they don't like.

Veto this bill until something good is attached to it.

Of course, I know next to nothing about the text of the bill. Maybe I'm wrong and there are actually some concessions attached. I dunno.


For the love of god Obama, veto it.

Nebraska doesn't need to be forced to build a new pipeline right over the goddamn Aquifer. The only reason our new Governor backs it is because he's a fucking tool for the national GOP.


gut feeling is he won't veto it, though hardcore libs will howl.

I feel that the White House feels there are more meaningful battles to be fought in the near future.


gut feeling is he won't veto it, though hardcore libs will howl.

I feel that the White House feels there are more meaningful battles to be fought in the near future.

Nah he will almost assuredly veto.

He's in "I don't give a fuck" mode, and unless the GOP gives him something major in return he has no reason to not veto.


Hopefully after he vetoes this he calls them up on all the bullshit surrounding the Keystone pipeline when it comes to jobs and lowering your gas (the only reason the average American could possibly give a shit about this)


Man I hope Obama has a smug face while vetoing this shit. He really needs to play it up since he hasn't really vetoed anything.


As much as I don't want this to pass, sooner or later it will, quite possible even by Obama.
Companies already spent millions in the infrastructure, they're going to demand a return on their investment from the people they donate most money to.
As much as I don't want this to pass, sooner or later it will, quite possible even by Obama.
Companies already spent millions in the infrastructure, they're going to demand a return on their investment from the people they donate most money to.

Actually no it wont.

Obama will veto and Congress doesn't have enough votes to override it.


"The evidence is in. The case ought to be closed," said Rep. Fred Upton, R-Mich., chairman of the House Energy and Commerce Committee.

Haha. Hahahahaha.

Keep in mind that this guy is your standard the evidence isn't in on man made climate change/last year was the coldest ever for my region type.

Big Dog

gut feeling is he won't veto it, though hardcore libs will howl.

I feel that the White House feels there are more meaningful battles to be fought in the near future.

I am fairly certain he has gone on record saying that he will veto it if it ever reached him.


Clothed, sober, cooperative
That's cool and all, but when is that future where solar becomes practical enough to meet the nation's energy needs? 50 years? 100?

The fact that a lot of people think 50 years is some unattainable futuristic pipe dream is exactly what's wrong with our infrastructure and geopolitics.


The future of American energy is in solar. The passing or vetoing of this bill won't change that fact.

The Keystone pipeline also has very little to do with American energy. It's just a pipeline that will help ship Canadian tar sands oil down to Texas refineries for sale to India and China. The only reason a lot of politicians want this to pass is because the Canadian company probably lobbied for it, and because the companies invested in maintaining the pipeline and/or shipping the crude probably line their pockets too.

As a Canadian, this is a great pipeline. It's relatively safe. Most of Europe gets its oil and gas through pipelines. Plus it will help get our oil to places quicker shipping direct from Texas. If this doesn't pass they have to look West through BC where it's not as likely to pass.

As an American, this will do little for Americans beyond a few hundred jobs. It's Canadian oil shipping for a Canadian company. This won't lower your oil cost, this won't be for American consumers mostly. There is too much risk vs reward here. Think about a massive pipeline crossing from Alberta Canada all the way down to Texas.


Democrats consider saying climate change isn't a hoax as progress? Imagine if Republicans had folded so easily over the last 6 years.


Volunteer Deputy Campaign Director, Obama for America '16
All keystone does for the US is divert Canadian oil away from the Midwest to the international market (raising prices in the Inland states) and expose US land aND water resources to the environmental hazards and externalities of the pipeline. It's a net loss for the US.


You know what to do Emperor Obama


The Keystone pipeline also has very little to do with American energy. It's just a pipeline that will help ship Canadian tar sands oil down to Texas refineries for sale to India and China. The only reason a lot of politicians want this to pass is because the Canadian company probably lobbied for it, and because the companies invested in maintaining the pipeline and/or shipping the crude probably line their pockets too.

As a Canadian, this is a great pipeline. It's relatively safe. Most of Europe gets its oil and gas through pipelines. Plus it will help get our oil to places quicker shipping direct from Texas. If this doesn't pass they have to look West through BC where it's not as likely to pass.

As an American, this will do little for Americans beyond a few hundred jobs. It's Canadian oil shipping for a Canadian company. This won't lower your oil cost, this won't be for American consumers mostly. There is too much risk vs reward here. Think about a massive pipeline crossing from Alberta Canada all the way down to Texas.

As a Canadian, "relatively safe" is not very convincing.
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