So, my friends and I were out bitching and drinking earlier tonight(shocker, I know). None of you have probably kept track of local GA politics, but the GOP won control of all branches of govt. for the first time since Reconstruction last election, and as the first session of the state legislature in which they've had control is winding down, they've done some downright fucked up stuff. I won't go into it too much, but there is supposedly going to be a sizable backlash against them in the 2006 elections, when the Governor's spot is up again.
Now, my friends and I are all of the mind that the Democrats are too stupid and spineless to take advantadge of this backlash properly. What we need is a good old fashioned populist shit kicker to go in and beat the shit out of the state govt. until it cries uncle. And they think that I'm the guy.
Now, I won't deny the prospect intrigues me... and that's worrisome. I would run a campaign doomed to fail... but with STYLE. And yes, substance too. Despite a somewhat checkered past, I could probably actually put together an eye-catching enough campaign to get some media notice(LOCAL TOWN DRUNK SOBERS UP LONG ENOUGH TO RUN FOR GOVERNOR, THREATENS TO FREE NON-VIOLENT DRUG OFFENDERS AND ABOLISH CORPORATE PERSONHOOD IF ELECTED- something along those lines). I would PROBABLY even get 10% of the vote just for being entertaining.
So do I bother? I mean, this is a pretty serious endeavor I'm thinking about undertaking. Nevermind that my first act as Governor, if improbably elected, would probably get me thrown in jail(granting clemency to those non-violent drug offenders). Should I bother gathering signatures and raising meager funds? Is it worth it to be discredited as the Freak Power candidate months in advance of the election and probably fired from my job and run out of town on a rail or shot by the corrupt local police just to be the punchline of a joke...
I'm leaning towards YES at this point. Convince me NO.
Now, my friends and I are all of the mind that the Democrats are too stupid and spineless to take advantadge of this backlash properly. What we need is a good old fashioned populist shit kicker to go in and beat the shit out of the state govt. until it cries uncle. And they think that I'm the guy.
Now, I won't deny the prospect intrigues me... and that's worrisome. I would run a campaign doomed to fail... but with STYLE. And yes, substance too. Despite a somewhat checkered past, I could probably actually put together an eye-catching enough campaign to get some media notice(LOCAL TOWN DRUNK SOBERS UP LONG ENOUGH TO RUN FOR GOVERNOR, THREATENS TO FREE NON-VIOLENT DRUG OFFENDERS AND ABOLISH CORPORATE PERSONHOOD IF ELECTED- something along those lines). I would PROBABLY even get 10% of the vote just for being entertaining.
So do I bother? I mean, this is a pretty serious endeavor I'm thinking about undertaking. Nevermind that my first act as Governor, if improbably elected, would probably get me thrown in jail(granting clemency to those non-violent drug offenders). Should I bother gathering signatures and raising meager funds? Is it worth it to be discredited as the Freak Power candidate months in advance of the election and probably fired from my job and run out of town on a rail or shot by the corrupt local police just to be the punchline of a joke...
I'm leaning towards YES at this point. Convince me NO.